Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1588: Demon demon spirit transformed!

Chapter 1588 Demon Demon Spirit Transformation!

From the strong attack of the Heavenly Dragon Legion to the emergence of the Undead Phoenix Clan.

Thunder can't hide the momentum!

The situation has changed drastically.

The menacing Celestial Dragon Legion retreated like a tide. Soon, the **** battlefield suddenly fell silent. The blood had not yet condensed on the ground. Above the sky, the colorful wings of the Immortal Phoenix Clan spread out and spread out. An extremely terrifying breath.

Although the fireball in the sky has disappeared, there is still heat spreading in the air.

On the city wall, everyone's eyes were on the Immortal Phoenix Clan.

"The beast king at the realm of Golden Core Avenue." Luo Feng's eyes shook slightly, and he raised his head to look at the Immortal Phoenix Clan. At the same time, the Tower of All Living Beings was also ready. This Immortal Phoenix Clan was too powerful, the Chu Dynasty army. The strong Jindan Avenue in the middle was swallowed by the flames from its mouth.

Although the Immortal Phoenix had retreated the Chu Dynasty army, no one dared to take it lightly at this moment.

In the distance, the martial artist onlookers was even more sluggish like a stone, motionless.

The birth of the Undead Phoenix Clan suddenly ended the decisive battle in the Eastern Battlefield.

At this moment, everyone raised their heads and looked at the Immortal Phoenix Clan.

"Huangcheng, there really is a Phoenix Clan?"

"A legend from thousands of years has come true."

"The Immortal Phoenix Clan, the top ten of the list of alien beasts."

Many people talked softly and were shocked, and some people held their breath and dared not speak out.

The deterrence of the Beastmaster on Jindan Avenue is too terrible.

Its shot, the picture of the fireball rainstorm, shocked the soul.

There was a moment of silence.

The Immortal Phoenix Clan suddenly lowered his head and looked in one direction of the city wall...

Tang Daer was taken aback, "We know?"

However, he soon realized that it was not him that the Immortal Phoenix's eyes were staring at, but the demon spirit next to him.


The speed was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, he descended in front of the Yao Yao Ling and Tang Dal, suspended in the sky ten meters above.

Luo Feng's heart slightly slammed, and he displayed his free movement and came to Tang Dal's side.

The Immortal Phoenix Clan ignored them all, his eyes widened, and he looked at the demon spirit coldly, "Follow me."

Hearing the sound, Tang Dal's face changed immediately, and he blurted out, "No."

The eyes of the Undead Phoenix stared at Tang Da'er, and the beautiful eyes, like gems, were faintly beating with flames.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, Nine Fools, Yan Liumo, and Palace Master Tianshu arrived at the same time, and the three powerful Golden Core Realms looked at the Immortal Phoenix Clan at the same time.

The Undead Phoenix clan turned a blind eye, but he didn't stare at Tang Da'er anymore, instead his gaze fell on the demon demon spirit again, "You protect your homeland for mankind, but where is your homeland? Come with me."

Yao Yaoling's body shook violently, and there was a complex pain in his eyes.

"What kind of bird are you!" Tang Dal stepped up and stood in front of the demon spirit, holding the Datang halberd in his hand, rushing into the crown with no fear, "How dare to bully my demon spirit. "

The eyes of the Immortal Phoenix Clan coldly wiped an irritated light, "Today, the king made a move to drive away the enemy troops to repay the grace of Huangcheng in the past, but now, Huangcheng is no longer related to this king." The meaning of clan was undoubtedly a warning to Tang Daer, and it would also act on Tang Daer.


Luo Feng's hands directly turned out the Tower of All Living Beings.

The broken ancient pagoda looked ordinary and unremarkable, but at this moment, the ancient aura that permeated directly caused the Immortal Phoenix Clan’s eyes to look sideways, and the beating flames in its eyes dimmed a lot.

call out!

The undead Phoenix clan's gaze was electric, staring coldly at the demon spirit, "You are not worthy to be a member of the Holy Snow Mountain."

Having said that, the Immortal Phoenix race rushed up into the sky, quickly, in one direction, rushed away, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

But the last sentence it left behind caused the Demon Demon Spirit's body to violently shake.

Finally, she lowered her head in silence and turned to leave.

Even though Tang Dal's nerves were rough, he sensed the strangeness of the demon spirit and hurriedly followed.

In Phoenix City, beside Phoenix Lake, the water surface is calm, like a mirror.

"Unexpectedly, a phoenix really came out." Luo Feng couldn't help but smile.

"The undead Phoenix family, to be precise, can only be regarded as one of the lines of the phoenix in the myth." Old Jiu Dao said to himself, "The real phoenix, the beast that exists in the myth, may not necessarily exist. Luo Feng, the silver-winged sky tiger next to Da Er, the background is not small."

"Master refers to...Holy Snow Mountain?" Luo Feng couldn't help being curious. "Where is the Holy Snow Mountain in the mouth of the Immortal Phoenix?"

"Today's Heavenly Hell Realm is a plane covered in dust. Many unknown secrets in the past have been gradually revealed as the world environment evolves... Maybe, in the entire Hell Realm, there are very few people who know the Holy Snow Mountain. "Nothing." said Jiu Chi Lao Dao, "I was also in the library of the Chu Dynasty, and occasionally read about the clues of the Holy Snow Mountain, which was one of the three holy places of the Monster Race. In the past, when the Monster Race was in its heyday, Saint The Snow Mountain is like the existence of the Pill Formation Palace among humans now."

"Holy Snow Mountain, where is it?" Luo Feng couldn't help asking.

"No one knows." Jiu Chi said, shaking his head, "Perhaps, this question can only be answered by the Silver-winged Sky Tiger."

At dusk, the waterfall churned and the mist lingered.

This is Fujijo.

The demon spirit flew here directly from Huangcheng, and Tang Daer followed all the way.

"Monster Yaoling, why did you come to this place?" Tang Daer finally found the opportunity to speak, and couldn't help but glance around. Back then, it was here where he fought against the girl Ling Yaoyao.

However, at this moment, Tang Dal was not in the mood to cherish the memory. He looked at the demon spirit, patted her head, and said with a smile, "What? I saw that big bird today and I was in a bad mood? It doesn't matter, what's the matter. Speak out of your grievances, brother did not say, in the future, I will take you to pretend to be forced, and you will take me to fly."

Yao Yaoling's body shook violently, his eyes looked at Tang Da'er, flashed through the intense complexity, and turned to the direction of the waterfall.

The sound of waterfall impact echoed in my ears.

Tang Daer walked over, "What does that big bird mean? Why does it want you to follow it?" This is what Tang Daer worried about the most. At this moment, Tang Daer looked more serious than ever. He said in a halt, "You can say, even if it is a big bird of the Golden Core Realm, you can't even think about forcibly taking you away from me."

The strong wind is strong, the figure in black clothes with big ears, the body is straight, and the eyes are like bright lights, very bright.

Yao Yaoling's eyes met Tang Dal's...

Suddenly, the body of the demon demon spirit gradually became illusory, and soon, in the dim, the outline of the girl slowly appeared...

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