Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1813: Luo Feng is the only one who can be called a hero!

"The world is reality?" Luo Feng couldn't help being startled when he heard the judge and others' remarks. He immediately smiled, then shook his head and took a sip of tea. "The world is cold, but the Anti-Magic Alliance may not be able to cover the sky with just one hand. Listen, there is no voice outside, speaking for me?"

Hearing this, everyone also pricked their ears.

At the same time, looking sideways.

They sit on the second floor of the restaurant by the window, outside is a street.

"No matter what you say, Luo Feng is the great hero in my heart." This is a young woman. Luo Feng looked at it and felt a little familiar at first glance.

"You fool." Someone immediately scolded, and the sound was extremely loud. Soon, one party scolded and all parties supported.

The young woman dressed in white plain clothes was standing in front of a jewellery stall, facing the people who had surrounded several floors, all kinds of curses came, and the young woman’s face remained unchanged. Perhaps, these days, She is used to such a scene.

"I don't know what to say, do you know that because Luo Feng killed a person, he killed 800,000 innocent souls in the hell, and for him died, and the massacre of the demons will continue. You dare to say, Luo Feng is a hero."

"It's just ignorance. If you don't apologize today, even if you are a weak woman, you would never want to leave like this."

"The brainless woman."

All kinds of scolding sounds rushed toward his face.

A sad smile appeared on the young woman's face.

"If I were Luo Feng, at this moment, I don't know how frustrated it is."

While speaking, the young woman suddenly took out a crystal image ball in her hands, raised it high, her face calm.

Inside the crystal image ball, a picture...

By the Grand Canal, the giant python opened its blood basin and rushed into the crowd, running rampant.

Eight-legged insects, ancient giant elephants, etc., bloodbath the city of Nine Heavens.

Everyone remembered that this was a major event that happened in Jiutian City.

"At that time, the Anti-Magic Alliance had not yet been established."

"At that time, the demons invaded and there was no one to guard against."

"At that time, the Pill Formation Palace was defeated, and the fifth He Yuan fled."

"At that time, the people of Nine Heavens City were trapped in a state of dire straits."


Suddenly there was an uproar from the crowd.

In the crystal image ball, the giant python opened its blood basin and swallowed a baby, and the baby was about to be swallowed...

Many people's expressions showed unbearable, frightened.

They obviously did not know the details of the original battle.

call out!

God bow is born!

An arrow shot through the head of the giant python.

The young man in white, like a god, descended from the sky and caught the baby.

Immediately afterwards, the fierce and brutal beast kings were shot...

The audience fell silent for a while.

They all guessed the identity of the youth in white.

The legendary deed of Luo Feng has been spread all over the world long ago in Jiutian City, beheading the six beast kings.

When the silver scales were beheaded by Luo Feng, the audience was completely silent.

The crystal affects the ball, and also recorded the excitement of the people of Nine Heavens City at that moment...

"He is Luo Feng who deserves death in your heart."

The woman in white smiled miserably, "The baby is my child. If it weren't for Luo Feng, my child would have been buried in a snake's belly. However, that day, there were more than a million people saved by Luo Feng?"

The words of the woman in white are not an exaggeration at all. Jiutian City has a population of tens of millions. If the six big beast kings slaughtered and slaughtered, if no one stopped them, it would be absolute.

"It turned out to be her." Inside the restaurant, Luo Feng also blurted out, his eyes were quite surprised. He didn't expect that at this time, the person who stood up to speak for him turned out to be a weak woman in commoner clothes.

The crystal image ball distinguishes its value according to the length of time it has been recorded. The crystal image ball taken out by this young woman is obviously valuable.

"Luo Feng is a great hero and my great benefactor to Bai Sudie." The young woman said loudly, "Even if the family is bankrupt and I buy this crystal image ball, I will take it, take my child, and go. All over the world."

Bai Sudie took a deep breath, bowed her head, her eyes softened, "When my child grows up, I will tell him that in the world of hell, only Luo Feng can be called a hero!"

Everyone noticed that beside Bai Sudie, there was still a stroller, a baby, with his eyes wide open, examining this strange world to him.

At this moment, the eyes of Luo Feng and others in the restaurant were extremely shocking.

One after another moved.

"The so-called big husbands in the world, the so-called people with a sense of justice, are not as good as this weak woman." The judge couldn't help but speak vigorously. "The whole world is swearing at the boss, and she, a woman who has nothing to do with her own hands, dares to take her baby and go everywhere in the world. What she has to do is to let the whole world , I have seen this crystal image ball. She wants all people in the world to open their eyes,

Take a look at how the people of Jiutian City avenged their gratitude. "The iron face clenched his fist.

At this moment, they were all infected by Bai Sudie's ordinary but extremely powerful spirit.

An ordinary woman made a move that everyone in the world would dare not do. "If this is to repay the gratitude, this... I am ashamed." Luo Feng sighed, and at the same time, the brothers whose eyes were swept away from the world, "So, we want to recover the Eight Desolate City, not for the dark emotions of the world. People, but, people like the mother and son outside, I’m still that

In other words, no matter what you do, there is no shame in your heart. "

Everyone nodded.

Worthy of heart.

That's enough.

The whole street was silent for a full five minutes.


Suddenly, a slap in the face was extremely loud. "I'm not a **** human being." A middle-aged man obviously left red finger marks on his face. "When Luo Feng rescued Jiutian City, I was also there and almost was slaughtered by the eight-legged bug. It was Luo Feng who saved me, but I..." The middle-aged slapped himself several times, "I actually

However, I still hear that the wind is rain, and that Luo Feng is a sinner. Why is Luo Feng guilty? "

"Hmph, even if Luo Feng had rescued the people of Jiutian City, it was before, and people would change. Moreover, maybe he did it for some benefit at the time and saved the people of Jiutian City by the way."

"As far as the matter is concerned, Luo Feng killed the young master of the Demon Race, leading to the appearance of 800,000 innocent souls. The Demon Race is crazy. There are hundreds of heads hanging out in the Bahuang City every day. These, the chief culprit is Luo Feng."

On the street, he began to argue again, blushing, even hesitating to do it.

However, this time, it was no longer a one-sided picture, and someone started to stand on Bai Sudie's side and speak for Luo Feng.

Although the voice was still very faint, Bai Sudie's face was already showing a smile. She believes that by accumulating little and making more, there will be more people. Once again, she recognizes the hero in her heart.

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