Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1814: Over the Eight Desolate City!

Tianen City, the second floor of the restaurant.

When Luo Feng and his party ate and paid the bill, the debate outside continued.

When Luo Feng got up, he glanced at the Bai Sudie surrounded by the crowd. At the beginning, Luo Feng didn’t think too much about saving the baby. He didn’t even think about it. Because of this move, today, there will be more There was such a voice, shouting for him.

"You have a clear conscience, and you can't live up to those who trust you." Luo Feng glanced at the judge.

The judge immediately realized what Luo Feng meant. When they walked down the restaurant, Luo Feng and his party left first, and the judge walked to the place of dispute.

"Mrs. Bai." The judge squeezed the crowd with a smile on his face and waved his hand. "My young master would like to invite you."

Hearing this, Bai Sudie couldn't help being startled.

The judge then added, smiling, "My young master's position is the same as that of Mrs. Bai."

Bai Sudie's eyes lit up.


Bai Sudie followed the judge. Her jewelry car was pushed by the judge. At this time, Bai Sudie was holding the baby in one hand and was walking over curiously...

Luo Feng was standing on a stone by the river, looking at the river, hearing the sound of footsteps, and turning around to look over.

Bai Sudie exclaimed immediately and was stunned on the spot.

She was too familiar with this figure.

"Bai Sudie, thank En Gong." Bai Sudie returned to his mind and knelt directly toward Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also guessed this situation, and immediately smiled bitterly and made Bai Sudie stand up.

"Unexpectedly, you, a woman who has no power to bind a chicken, dare to risk the world and speak for me." Luo Feng sighed.

Bai Sudie's face was firm, "I know that my strength is very humble, but this is the only thing I can do for Grace."

"It's too dangerous." Luo Feng waved his hand. He asked the judge to find Bai Sudie, just to stop her from doing this kind of behavior. In case one day she encounters some radical guys and loses her mind, then Bai Sudie may be possible Put yourself in danger.

Luo Feng also noticed that there was a bruise on Bai Sudie's forehead. Perhaps it was the injury he suffered along the way.

"Your kindness, I have taken it with my heart." Luo Feng looked solemnly, and handed over to Bai Sudie, "Please don't take any risks with your body."

Bai Sudie was silent for a long time, raised her head, but her expression became more determined.

A smile appeared on her face, "Yangong said this made me more convinced that she is the only hero in the world. Compared with the grievances suffered by her, what do I do?"

Luo Feng was stunned.

Exhausting her tongue, not only did she not let Bai Sudie stop her actions, but she also strengthened her determination, this...

"Please don't worry, please don't worry, I won't be completely unprepared." Bai Sudie said, "Although the journey is difficult and dangerous, but our family doesn't feel hard or tired at all."

"A family?" Luo Feng was taken aback for a moment. "Yes." Bai Sudie said, "In addition to me, there are my husband, our parents, and some relatives. Whenever we go to a city, we separate and speak on behalf of En Gong. If they know, En Gong persuades them. We stop this action, they will be very happy, but they still

Will make the same choice as me, that is, keep going. "

Luo Feng wanted to say something and stopped, however, he really didn't know what to say. "What's more, my benefactor asked us to go home... In fact, we have no home to go back." Bai Sudie smiled, "Before setting off, in order to collect a few crystal image **** about the battle of Nine Heavens City, we We have sold all the property, we never thought about it from the moment we set off

Want to go back. "

Luo Feng was silent.

A group of brothers from the Hell Team didn't know what to say.

They didn't expect that there would be a group of people in the heavenly prison realm that would speak for Luo Feng in this way.

Perhaps, in addition to the Bai Sudie family, there are some people who are also fighting against this public opinion, but they have chosen a different approach.

Several people glanced at each other.

The look faded from firmness.

Recovering the Eight Desolate City is bound to win.

Not for the so-called **** state and the world, but for these people who silently support Luo Feng.

"In that case, go east." Luo Feng looked at Bai Sudie, "Go to Tengcheng, there will be your new home."

Hearing this, Bai Sudie was stunned, and there was light in the depths of his eyes.


The horses and horses traveled in the sky, and they continued to fly in the direction of the Bahuang City.

The Bai Sudie incident was just an episode encountered by Luo Feng and his group traveling south, but the mentality of everyone, including Luo Feng, was quietly changing.

Including Luo Feng, they are not great people, and they have no ambition to save the world.

However, at this moment, they felt that there might be such a group of people in the world of **** that they deserve to guard.

The speed of the golden-blooded horse Yunlin is unquestionable. No one knows. That evening, above the Bahuang City, among the clouds, there appeared a golden-blooded horse, with eyes from above, looking down below. "Here is the Eight Desolate City." The judge spread out the map in his hand and pointed to one of the places. "The Eight Desolate City, in fact, is not a rich city in the south. Just like its name, this city has many mountains and mountains. , Is a land of eight wastes, the area of ​​the city is very vast, but more than 70% of it is lofty mountains, it can be said that this is a city surrounded by mountains, and three hundred miles behind the city of eight wastes, is a small dead place ', rumors, for thousands of years, no one has ever dared to approach this place, because it is full of all kinds of poisonous miasma, the entrant must die. However, this time,

In the heavenly prison, the breakthrough point for the demon race to come is this ‘little dead place’. "This news was made public to the world by the Anti-Magic Alliance. They have long since investigated it. It is the depths of this'little dead place', which connects the real dead place. It is this place where a gap has appeared. , Let the dead creatures come out from inside. "The judge told some information,"

The Bahuang City is three hundred miles away from the ‘Little Death Ground’, which is not a big distance. For the demons, building their Heavenly Hell Realm Base Camp in Bahuang City is the most suitable choice. "It is reported that there are millions of demons in the Bahuang City today. "While saying this, the judge still couldn't help but glance at Luo Feng. From the beginning to the end, he still didn't know Luo Feng's specific plan. With the help of the seven of them and Yun Lin, he wanted to recover the Eight Desolate City. , That... is really different

Wonderful. "The vast majority of these demons are alien beasts. In fact, in the demons, although the number of alien beasts is the largest, the position is also the lowest. After all, they are a branch of the demons. That’s it.” The judge said, “It’s said that the alien beast army in Bahuang City

Regiments, including the Anaconda Legion, the Big Worm Legion, the Colossus Legion, the Storm Wolf Legion, etc..."

The members of the Hell Team couldn't help but look at Luo Feng. Luo Feng narrowed his gaze, "I have beheaded their boss. I think these different animal legions hate me deeply."

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