Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2292: Second iron shop

Luo Feng's eyes met Su Dazhou.

Feeling the emotional excitement of Su Dazhou, Luo Feng nodded sternly, "Really, tomorrow afternoon, we will move there together."

"Moving? Escape from the sewage river?" Su Dazhou murmured, "Moreover, is the new place near the Piaoxiang Tower?" For Su Dazhou, the area near the Piaoxiang Tower was the best location.

Closer to the center of Xueye City, that is where the powerful practitioners gather.

Su Dazhou suddenly felt that everything he experienced today was like a dream.

The mysterious water fish tavern, the delicious food of Piaoxianglou, and now, suddenly saw the dawn of escaping from the sewage river.

Su Dazhou couldn't help but pinched his fat.

It hurts.

Not dreaming.

Su Dazhou really wanted to hug Luo Feng and kiss him fiercely.

"Xingchen, how many spars have you picked up at Xuenvfeng in the past six months?" Su Dazhou was extremely excited. He had the urge to enter Xuenvfeng to pick up spars. However, thinking about himself with fat, Su Dazhou instantly Give up.

What's more, there are countless people entering Xuenv Peak every day, and Su Dazhou has never heard of it. The spar inside is so easy to pick up.

This brother must be lucky.

"If you don't die in a catastrophe, you will have luck." Su Dazhou was extremely excited, "Xingchen, can our family... really move over?"

Luo Feng smiled, "You are my only brother in Xueye City, what do you think?"

"I'll go back and tell my parents." Su Dazhou had never run so fast in his life, he felt like running on the wind.

Luo Feng smiled, looked back and said anxiously, "Xiao Yu, why are you crying."

Jiang Xingyu wiped the tears in his eyes and smiled, "Brother, Xiao Yu is happy."

Jiang Xingyu fell into Luo Feng's arms.

Luo Feng sighed softly.

The 14-year-old girl was forced by life and suffered too much.

She has endured a lot of things that should not be endured at this age.

Luo Feng is now her brother, and the only thing she can do is to make her life better in the future.

Jiang Xingyu fell asleep in Luo Feng's arms.

The snow is so heavy tonight, it seems that the sewage river will be frozen.

In a humble house.

Su Da Zhou stood with excitement, and he was directly opposite his parents, father Su Wensheng.

Su Dazhou had already told his parents the news. He was expecting his parents to look as excited as him, but after waiting for a while, his parents' expressions did not change.

"You...didn't you hear me clearly?" Su Dazhou couldn't help asking, "We can leave here tomorrow and move to a new home."

Su Wensheng and his wife looked at each other. "Da Zhou, sit down and take a break." Mother Su sighed softly, "My parents are not capable and didn't take you away from the sewage river. Therefore, you have to be down-to-earth and work hard. One day, you can leave this place. Place. We don’t want to, world

Generations are labeled as the bottom layer. "

Su Dazhou's eyes widened, "Father, mother, don't you believe what I said?"

"You said that your friend Jiang Xingchen was missing for half a year. He just came back today and bought a house near the Piaoxianglou." Su Wensheng shook his head, "Silly boy, we are not stupid."

"Xiao Yu is a hard-fought child. There used to be an older brother who could depend on each other for life, but for the past six months, my mother felt heartache." Su's mother sighed, "It's just right that Jiang Xingchen is back. You will work together in the future. Don't always dream about it. "

Su Dazhou suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, "Daddy, the stars will not lie to me, he said, he will move tomorrow afternoon."

The couple glanced at each other.

Why didn't I feel that my child was so stupid before.

Suddenly, he jumped from the lowest position of the sewage river to buy a house near the Piaoxiang Tower, relying on a teenager who entered Xuenvfeng and disappeared for half a year. In the eyes of Su Wensheng and his wife, this is simply absurd.

"Such unrealistic things are forbidden to be said in the future." Su Wensheng sullenly, "Father has already agreed with Mr. Gong, tomorrow morning, you and Jiang Xingchen must report on time. Remember, don't do it again. Whimsical."

"Brothers and sisters of the Jiang family are also miserable. You also persuade Xingchen to work with peace of mind. In the future, we will definitely have the opportunity to leave the sewage river." Su Chutong said earnestly.

Su Dazhou's mouth opened wide, but he didn't know how to speak.

After all, he didn't see the house Luo Feng said with his own eyes.

For a long while.

Su Dazhou could only nod his head and turned back to the room.

"The stars will not lie to me." Su Dazhou muttered to himself, this night was the longest night in Su Dazhou's life.

It was close to dawn and fell asleep in a daze.

Suddenly feeling cold, the quilt was lifted, Su Dazhou jumped up suddenly, "Moved."

"Smelly boy, I'm going to work!" Su Wensheng glared at Su Da Zhou. This kid even dreamed of moving.

Genius is just bright.

Luo Feng naturally did not forget the appointment time with Su Dazhou. When Su Dazhou walked out of the house slowly, Luo Feng was waiting.

"Stars." Su Dazhou said refreshingly.

Luo Feng walked over and said towards Su Wensheng, "Su Bozao."

Su Wensheng's face was serious, and he glanced at Luo Feng, "It's good to be back. The most important thing for young people is to work diligently."

Luo Feng was startled, then nodded, "What Su Bo said is."

"Let's go." Su Wensheng took the lead and walked away.

Luo Feng and Su Dazhou walked behind.

"My parents don't believe you bought a house at all." Su Dazhou lowered his voice.

Luo Feng suddenly realized what Su Wensheng said to him just now, and immediately understood.

"When the facts are in front of them, they will naturally believe it." Luo Feng smiled. He could understand the mentality of Su Wensheng and his wife. If it was him, he would not easily believe it.

Walking up the sewage river, three generations of the Su family worked in an iron shop. The owner was an old gentleman whose surname was Gong.

Luo Feng saw the name of the iron shop at first sight, and he was very interesting. "The second iron shop? Who made the name." "Hush, don't talk nonsense." After Su Dazhou walked into the iron shop, his expression became more restrained. He lowered his voice, "Listen to my father, when my grandfather was still alive, this ironsmith shop was called by this name. We are just logistical chores, do our best

That’s fine. "

Luo Feng nodded.

After entering the door, Su Wensheng went to a different place from them. In contrast, in this second iron shop, people with old qualifications like Su Wensheng are much higher than their status.

The location of the iron shop is very close to the sewage river area, but the scale of this iron shop is far larger than Luo Feng imagined.

Luo Feng and the others walked in through the side door and walked all the way inside. It took a full ten minutes to get to where they were working. As Su Dazhou said, they just do miscellaneous things, and all they do are trivial things.

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