Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2293: When did Xingchen have such a face?

The second iron shop is very large, and there are many people working. Luo Feng and Su Dazhou are responsible for handling some iron **** and other garbage, and they are transported by vehicles to the foot of the mountain not far from the sewage river. The monotonous repeated back and forth. Walk around.

In less than an hour, Su Dazhou was out of breath, "No way, take a break."

Su Dazhou sat down under a tree.

"I don't understand it a bit." Luo Feng looked at Su Dazhou, "You have to work every day, why can you still be so fat?"

Su Dazhou, "..."

For a long while.

Su Dazhou sighed, "This problem has bothered my parents for many years. My dad almost suspected that I was not his own."

Luo Feng's mouth twitched fiercely.

"Da Zhou, what do you think Mr. Gong is?" Luo Feng couldn't help asking.

Although Luo Feng was here for the first time, the scale of this iron shop was a bit beyond his expectation. During Luo Feng's work, he transported the iron **** and garbage out of the side door. He also saw practitioners enter this iron shop from time to time. , Even Luo Feng saw a practitioner who crossed the Tribulation Realm.

In this area, practitioners crossing the Tribulation Realm are extremely rare, and under normal circumstances they would never come to such a place.

"This problem has bothered my father for many years." Su Dazhou blurted out.

Luo Feng glanced at Su Da Zhou in silence.

Su Dazhou raised his head and glanced around, lowered his voice and said, "This is true. Not long ago, my father drank a few more sips before accidentally telling the story. In my grandfather's generation, there was an old man Gong Sir, but no one has ever seen Mr. Gong’s relatives. Later, my grandfather passed away and my father took his place. And now, I also come to work in this iron shop, but the owner of the second iron shop It’s still called Mr. Gong, don’t you think it’s strange?"

Luo Feng frowned slightly, "Have you seen Mr. Gong?"

"Xingchen, are you confused? In our iron shop, who has never seen the old man." Su Dazhou said, "But, if the old Mr. Gong we saw is the same person as the old Mr. Gong that my grandfather followed... "Su Dazhou couldn't help feeling the creeps, "That's a bit scary."

Luo Feng smiled, "The life span of a practitioner is longer than that of ordinary people. It is not surprising if Mr. Gong is a powerful practitioner."

"Practitioner?" Su Dazhou laughed loudly and shook his head, "Stars, wake up, don't see anyone is a practitioner. Just the old guy, if the wind is stronger, he can blow him down, so he looks like a practitioner. Up?"

Luo Feng smiled silently.

Judging from the practitioners he had seen entering and leaving the second iron shop, in Luo Feng's eyes, Mr. Gong must not be an ordinary person.

"Okay, let's go back, lest we are found to be lazy." Su Dazhou had enough rest and stood up.

One morning passed quickly.

"Let's go." Luo Feng called out Su Dazhou, who seemed to be tired and paralyzed, and he couldn't understand how this guy's figure was made.

Su Dazhou glanced at Luo Feng, and suddenly jumped up as if injected with stimulants, "Moving?"

Luo Feng smiled, "Let's go, Xiao Yu is probably waiting anxiously."

Su Dazhou's eyes glowed.


Escape the sewage river!

is this real?

Su Dazhou couldn't restrain his emotions and looked forward to it, and followed Luo Feng.

"Xingchen, where are you going?" Su Dazhou was taken aback suddenly, "This is not the way to go back."

Luo Feng looked at Su Da Yiyan, "Are you really planning to move the three of us with bare hands? You are waiting here, I'll hire a carriage."

With that, Luo Feng quickened his pace and walked over.

"Moving, it really moved." Su Dazhou walked back and forth on the spot, clenching his fists with both hands, and he couldn't calm down at all.


Su Dazhou suddenly bumped into someone and raised his head subconsciously, his face suddenly changed.

Reflexively, Su Dazhou turned around and ran away, however, the way out was also blocked.

Su Dazhou's face paled a bit, and when he turned his head, a rich young master carrying a bird cage appeared in front of him.

"Fat fat man, let's see where you go today." Wang Si Cong came over with a joking expression, "You can hide, my young master has been looking for you for several days, and finally got you out. It seems, Today this is double happiness."

Su Dazhou cried and said, "Four young masters, that matter is really none of my business, not me."

Wang Si Cong sneered, "You didn't do it. You run away when you see me?"

"You chase me, of course I have to run." Su Dazhou blurted out.

Wang Si Cong suddenly turned black.

"Well, you are a fat guy, you dare to talk back to the Fourth Young Master." A bodyguard rushed forward, stretching his leg to kick Su Dazhou.

"Stop it." A voice shouted.

Luo Feng pushed away from the crowd with a gloomy expression.

"Xingchen, go back." Su Dazhou's face changed suddenly, "It's none of your business."

Luo Feng walked over slowly.

Su Dazhou became even more anxious, and kept winking at Luo Feng and told him to go quickly.

Luo Feng gently shook his head and came to Su Dazhou's side. Seeing that Su Dazhou was okay, he raised his head and looked at Wang Si Cong, "Master Wang, I don't know what my brother has offended you?"

More and more people gathered around.

It's all about the excitement.

Of course, more eyes were looking at Luo Feng with sympathy.

It seems that they have seen their miserable end in advance.

"Da Zhou." At this moment, another person in the crowd came up, it was Su Dazhou's father.

Su Wensheng's expression was tense. Of course he knew who the other party was, but it was his son that they had to deal with. Even if there was a sea of ​​swords and flames, Su Wensheng had to rush out.

"Four young masters." Su Wensheng bowed deeply towards Wang Si Cong, with a look of a little panic, "My son has offended the Fourth Young Master because of his lack of eyes, please make atonement for the Fourth Young Master. He is not here to admit his mistake to the Fourth Young Master?"

Su Dazhou's face turned pale, he didn't want to hurt his father and brother because of his own affairs.

Su Dazhou gritted his teeth abruptly. Just about to kneel down, Luo Feng directly grabbed his shoulders and said quietly, "A man has gold under his knees. You can kneel on your knees to your parents. You can't kneel down for the rest."

Luo Feng looked at Wang Si Cong.

At this time, Wang Si Cong laughed suddenly, and stepped up, "Since I am a friend of Brother Jiang, then forget about this matter."


Su Dazhou couldn't believe his ears and was stunned.

Su Wensheng's eyes widened and rounded.

Luo Feng smiled and let go, "Da Zhou, don't thank Master Wang."

Su Dazhou gave a sharp shot, glanced at Luo Feng with an unbelievable expression, and quickly said to Wang Si Cong, "Thank you for the Four Masters. There are a lot of Master Four. Da Zhou is grateful."

Wang Si Cong shook his head, Su Dazhou offended him, although the matter is small, but he can be replaced by ordinary people, he will definitely suffer. However, Luo Feng appeared and bluntly said that Su Dazhou was his friend, so Wang Si Cong could no longer care about it.

"You want to thank you, but thank you brother Jiang." Wang Si Cong said.

Su Dazhou was even more shocked.

In his eyes, the young master of the Wang family, Wangsi Cong, is a terrible person who can never be offended, but now, Wangsi Cong seems to be looking at the face of the stars and let him go!

When did Xingchen have such a face?

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