Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2433: Lord to choose

Born to bear the snow girl peak map.

Luo Feng will never forget the shock of that scene.

With that flawless skin, Xue Nvfeng appeared, everything was like a fateful arrangement.

Luo Feng even had an idea in his heart, perhaps, Xue Yingying is more suitable than him to be the master of Xuenvfeng.

After all, she was born for Xuenvfeng.

The two men stared at each other.

Xue Yingying's mind was lost because of Luo Feng's words.

But just a passerby.

He is about to leave here, one day he will leave.

For the Xue family, this should have been a good thing. They had the opportunity to fight to become the person Luo Feng had to choose before leaving and control Xueye City. At that time, the Xue family would be able to return to its former glory.

Then at this moment, in Xue Yingying's heart, there was more a sense of melancholy.

Looking at Luo Feng.

He has drunk his Snow Girl wine.

The destiny of his life has been handed over to him. If the day he is leaving, what should he do?

At this moment, the Elder Xue and others behind Xue Yingying looked extremely excited.

Luo Feng said this in front of them, which means that when Luo Feng really leaves Xueye City one day, the person he will choose is very likely to be among the Xue family.

Eyes fell on Xue Yingying's body.

The two elders looked at each other.

His face showed meaning.

"However, what City Lord Luo said is reasonable." The elder said, "The environment of Xuenvfeng is bad. We just came back, and it is inevitable that we can't adapt to it. Why don't we stay here for the time being and build houses, and the rest will arrive first. Stay in Xueye City. Yingying, you are responsible for staying in Xueye City and take good care of your people."

Xue Yingying was startled and looked at the second old man.

She knows very well that there is no environment in the Xue clan that is not suitable for writing Xuenvfeng. What does the great elder say?

When she touched her eyes, she felt the meaningful look in the second old man's eyes, and Xue Yingying's face flushed slightly.

She understood what the two elders meant.

Deliberately gave her and Luo Feng a chance to get close.

If Xue Yingying also stayed in Xuenv Peak, then the chances would be slim.

"It's so decided." Luo Feng said, "Two elders, you are responsible for selecting the people who will go to Xueye City..." Luo Feng hesitated for a moment, then turned his face and said, "Girl Yingying, let's take a step to speak."

With that, Luo Feng went straight to the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

"Yingying, don't go yet." The Great Elder couldn't help but urge.

Xue Yingying stepped to follow Luo Feng, and two figures disappeared into the boundless snow peak one after another.

Everyone looked at each other.

No one knows what Luo Feng is going to say to Xue Yingying.

Xuenvfeng is full of whiteness everywhere.

Luo Feng stopped in a snow-covered forest, Xue Yingying stood about five steps behind Luo Feng, and kept looking at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng turned his head, "You should have witnessed the day the monster besieged the city."

Xue Yingying was stunned. He didn't understand why Luo Feng suddenly said this sentence. Thinking back to the scene that day, she was a little shocked and nodded, "Who can forget the scene?"

"Those monster beasts, in fact, like the Xue family, originated from Xuenvfeng. They were only forced to obey the orders of the outsider of the Xuexiong clan.

Luo Feng smiled, "Since ancient times, Xuenvfeng has never seen a real master."

Xue Yingying's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Looking at Luo Feng.

Snow flakes penetrated through the woods and fell on the sides of his figure. His long body, with a faint smile on his face, his eyes seemed to contain divine light.

At this moment, Xue Yingying's eyes appeared in a daze, as if he felt that the man in front of him was covered with this mysterious light.

Master of Xuenvfeng!

Xue Yingying is extremely sensitive to these words.

For some reason, every time she stepped into Xuenv Peak, she felt extremely calm.

The coldness of Xuenvfeng will not invade her body. Standing on Xuenvfeng, she has an unprecedented comfort.

It feels like going home.

Xue Yingying faintly guessed that this might have something to do with her being born with the Xuenv peak map behind her.

From the moment she was born, her fate was tied to Xuenvfeng.

"Do you know why I came back from outside, Xuenvfeng Ten Thousand Beasts want to make way for me?" Luo Feng asked again.

Xue Yingying's eyes widened a little.

When Luo Feng returned, the beasts retreated.

In the first battle in front of the south gate of Xueye City, the legendary Tianjiao Luo Feng set a record against the sky. Among them, the beasts retreated, and even, in a few words, the beasts returned to Xuenv Peak, which became a strange talk.

No one knows exactly how Luo Feng did it.

Xue Yingying's eyes fixed on Luo Feng.

She also wants to know the answer.

Luo Feng gently stretched out his hand.

In an instant, in the palm of the hand, a crystal clear light permeated out, and the sacred stone appeared, permeating an incomparable sacred breath.

"Because I have it."

Luo Feng smiled at Xue Yingying.

Xue Yingying's gaze was completely attracted by the divine stone in Luo Feng's palm.

When the sacred stone appeared, Xue Yingying felt the snow girl's peak figure behind him burst out of fiery light, as if to burst out of his body.

"This is... Xuenvfeng's divine heart?" Xue Yingying's expression was extremely incredible, "Xuenvfeng, has you chosen your master?"

Xue Yingying was shocked.

No wonder, he can make the beasts retreat.

No wonder, he was able to make Wan Beast abandon the Snow Bear clan and return to Xuenv Peak.

Everything comes from the **** stone in his palm.

The Xue family originated from Xuenv Peak, and Xue Yingying was the sage of the Xue family. She was flowing the purest blood of Xue's direct lineage, and she was born with the Xuenv Peak map. Her life was destined to be bound to Xuenv Peak. She Know a lot of secrets about Xuenvfeng.

She also thought that one day she could become the master of Xuenv Peak for 100,000 miles, because this was her destiny.

Unexpectedly, Xuenvfeng's heart had already chosen the master.

The lord of Snowy Night City, the legendary Tianjiao Luo Feng.

Xue Yingying's mood could not be calm for a long time.

Luo Feng smiled slightly, "Yes, Xuenvfeng's divine heart has indeed chosen me as the master, but I cannot integrate this divine heart."

"Why?" Xue Yingying blurted out.

"My mental strength can't bear it yet." Luo Feng said, "I told you about this alone to let you have a try, whether you can integrate this divine heart."


Xue Yingying was shocked and looked at Luo Feng in disbelief.

Xue Yingying knew what this divine heart meant, and she knew that Luo Feng knew the same.

But why did Luo Feng make such a choice?

In case, he really merged with this divine heart, then, wouldn't Luo Feng hand over the 100,000-mile Xuenv Peak?

"On mental strength, I am worse than you." Xue Yingying shook his head gently.

"I don't have enough mental power to withstand this divine heart. It's just my guess." Luo Feng said, "You are born with the Xuenv peak map. Maybe it is the divine heart that really wants to choose."

Xue Yingying hesitated, his eyes fell on the divine heart in Luo Feng's palm.

Crystal clear and dazzling.

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