Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2702: Everything is ready

The shocking color contained in Liufengjian's eyes had not completely faded, Luo Feng couldn't help but a word suddenly made Liufengjian's eyes widened and looked at Luo Feng.

"Not finished yet?"

This... it's endless.

"What's still missing?" Liufengjianxian looked incredulous. In his opinion, "Nine Songs of the Yellow River Formation" was already the most perfect super kill formation in the world.

The immortal breaks in and his life is hard to save.

In such a field, the sword fairy staying in the wind even has a feeling, plus anything else, it is superfluous. "Linxianjing Yizhong has fallen into this formation. It is really difficult to break through the formation." Luo Feng couldn't help but sigh. The breakthrough in the field is also related to spiritual power. If it is not for the world fruit, spiritual power Soaring amplitude, realm of strength

It has also climbed a lot, Luo Feng has no way to arrange this "Nine Music Yellow River Array", but the simple "Nine Music Yellow River Array" really can not meet Luo Feng's requirements.

"It's about to come to Xishan and covet the powerhouses of the celestial flowers. It is very likely that they are the second stage of the immortal." Luo Feng said, ""Nine Songs of the Yellow River Array", it is almost impossible to strangle the powerhouses who gather together. ."

Liufeng Jianxian, "..."

He found that the height he considered was not in line with Luo Feng.

The fairy flowers gathered together, the entire seventh-order domain, three hundred years ago, only seventeen people.

A large field formation that can threaten the immortals is already extremely terrifying.

But Luo Feng, even thinking about it, using the power of the field to kill the Fairy Gathering Powerful, that is simply... wishful thinking!

Of course, Liufeng Jianxian didn't dare to say it directly, but looked at Luo Feng silently without making a sound. "Senior Liufeng, you must not underestimate the field." Luo Feng said with a smile, "you and I are just dabbled in the field of the field. I believe that in the universe, there must be super powers who are proficient in the field. , His realm strength may not be the strongest,

However, he can easily borrow the power of the field to cut the gods and punish the immortals. "

Luo Feng pondered for a while, then raised his hand again, floating a small tower in his palm.

A sacred breath permeated from the small tower, accompanied by the mysterious Buddhist Sanskrit sound.

"This is..." Liufengjian's eyes suddenly widened. "Buddha treasure, tower of sentient beings." Luo Feng said, "Unfortunately, there have been a few cracks. I have always wanted to wait for someone to repair the tower of sentient beings, but no one can do it. In this case, it will simply The last afterglow of the Tower of Living Beings

, Used in "Jiuqu Yellow River Array". "

Luo Feng glanced at the direction of the dry well and smiled slightly, "Under the light of the Utan Immortal Flower, releasing the last brilliance of the Tower of All Living Beings, this seems to be destined in the future."

Luo Feng threw the tower of sentient beings upward, and a mysterious light flashed by.

The tower of sentient beings seems to have hidden into the air.

Almost at the same time, in the entire Xishan Temple, all the breath of "Nine Songs of the Yellow River Array" disappeared directly.

Xishan Temple, business as usual.

But the shock of Feng Jianxian's heart could not be calmed down for a long time. "How many of the seventeen people on the Seventh-Order Fairy List will break into the "Nine Songs of the Yellow River Formation"?" Liufeng Jianxian is not sure whether the "Nine Songs of the Yellow River Formation" can really kill the super on the seventh-ranked fairy list The strong, but it is certain that within three days, here, will

An earth-shattering battle will break out.

It is very likely that the strong immortal list will fall.

They came to the Ten Thousand Sword Domain, absolutely high above, and looked down upon the sword immortals of the Ten Thousand Sword Domain.

""Nine Songs of the Yellow River Formation" will represent the Ten Thousand Sword Domain, and present a great gift to these powerful people who want to dominate the Ten Thousand Sword Domain." Luo Feng smiled, "Let's go, seniors staying in the wind, Hurry up and arrange the third field."

Hearing this, Liufeng Jianxian couldn't help being shocked, "There is a third one?" "The first "One-Word Long Snake Array" is almost negligible. It is just a symbolic protection of the Utan Immortal Flower. Second This "Nine Songs of the Yellow River Formation" is a big dish I prepared for the distinguished guests from afar." Luo Feng's expression flashed across the ice.

Cold, "I believe that "Nine Songs of the Yellow River" will make them all pay a great price."

"The last formation is called "The Great Formation of Nine Sources Conferred Heaven"." Luo Feng's expression revealed a smile, "The range of this formation covers the entire Xishan Mountain. Once activated, the entire Xishan Mountain will be blocked. The people inside... No one can escape."

The smile that emerged from Luo Feng's face, at this moment, made Liufeng Jianxian feel a chill out of his body.

This young Tianjiao turned out to be born, and every time he appeared, it gave people a great shock.

His methods are endless, and his strength is growing rapidly.

Obviously it is the first level in the fairyland, sitting in the west mountain, is about to face the arrival of the second level super power in the fairyland, even far more than one person.

But at this moment, Liufeng Jianxian really had a feeling in his heart, it is still unknown who will kill him.

Luo Feng may not be defeated.

With Luo Feng in the Ten Thousand Sword Regions, it might not necessarily be bullied by the Five Domains.

Liufeng Jianxian felt the blood in his heart faintly boil.

He even faintly looked forward to the arrival of the five domain powerhouses.

For a moment, Liufeng Jianxian took a deep breath, "Go, let's go and set up the last field."

Jiuyuan Fengtian Great Array.

"The third large field formation has another function, which is defense." Luo Feng said, "If the enemy is too strong, "Nine Sources Conferred Heaven" will be able to block the enemy for at least a period of time.

Night fell quietly.

This day, for Liufeng Jianxian, the harvest is undoubtedly huge. "Nine Songs of the Yellow River Formation" and "Jiuyuan Fengtian Great Formation", one offensive and one defensive, profound and subtle, Liufeng Jianxian participated in the arrangement of the two large field formations all day today, and naturally benefited a lot, and , In the process of arranging the field, stay the wind sword fairy

When he encountered something he didn't understand, he took the initiative to ask Luo Feng, and Luo Feng answered him one by one.

Some problems that have plagued Liufeng Jianxian for a long time are all solved.

Liufeng Jianxian's heart was even more shocked.

He couldn't imagine how Luo Feng's age had done so, both the evolutionary path and the field attainments were taken into account at the same time, and it had reached a height unimaginable by ordinary people.

Naturally, Liufeng Jianxian would not have thought that Luo Feng was cherishing the Xia ancestors' inheritance, and the content recorded in "The Formation Urn" alone would be enough for anyone who delved into the field to use it for a lifetime.

However, the consumption of Liufeng Jianxian today is also huge.

The two large field formations consume a lot of top-grade spar, especially the coverage of the last "Nine Sources Conferred Heavenly Array", which covers the entire Xishan, and the required top-grade spar is naturally massive.

Although Liufeng Jianxian carried a lot of top-grade spar on his body, most of it was missing.

"Although the field is good, but, as you said, it would not be easy to rely on these two fields to deal with the powers of the five major fields if it weren't for the right time, the right place and the right people." Liufeng Jianxian said. "But now, we have everything ready, just waiting for their arrival." Luo Feng's face showed a faint smile.

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