Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2703: Qianshun Sword Fairy

All is ready except for the opportunity. The night is deep in Xishan, and the fragrance of beautiful flowers permeates the world. The warriors at the foot of Xishan did not leave, even if they could not enter, but the unique fragrance of this mysterious Buddhist sacred flower deeply attracted them. They can be sure that Xishan on

There is a huge opportunity to stay at the foot of the West Mountain, maybe you can still pick up a leak.

Many people are sitting cross-legged directly at the foot of Xishan Mountain. At this moment, they all have a feeling that under the scent of flowers, they can comprehend the practice of practice, and there is a multiplier effect with half the effort.

Xishan Temple, all sword immortals of the Ten Thousand Sword Region, gathered.

Eighteen people from Qianzu, one lineage, and five sword immortals such as Mo Zhongxing.

Everyone looked at Luo Feng.

Except for the Leaving Wind Sword Immortal, the other Sword Immortals did not know that Luo Feng had already set up a lore field on the West Mountain, waiting for the arrival of the five great domain experts.

"It's been less than two months since the distance to the ranks." Luo Feng looked at the 23 sword immortals in front of him. These are the strongest strengths he can currently use.

Tonight, Luo Feng also decided to'showdown' to everyone.

"I said that this time in the Rank 7 domain area battle, the Ten Thousand Sword Domain is bound to replace the Wind and Thunder Domain. Actually, this is not my ultimate goal." Luo Feng said lightly, "My goal, Ten Thousand Sword Domain. , The domain ranks among the top three in the war."

As soon as the words fell, the hearts of Mo Zhongxing and others couldn't help but shake strongly.

Top three!

In the field ranking battle, the competition is the top three ranking.

In the seventh-order domain, only the top three domains are eligible to open the domain channel to the sixth-order domain, which means that they have huge resources in their hands.

Three hundred years!

However, the first three are easier said than done. "Three hundred years ago, there were 17 people who gathered together the fairy flowers of the seventh-order domain. To this day, I believe there will be breakthroughs." Mo Zhongxing's expression was solemn, he believed that Luo Feng possessed Comparable to the strength of the fairy gathering powerhouse, but I want

It's really hard to be among the top three.

"I haven't finished talking yet." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, "I will not represent the Ten Thousand Sword Region this time in the battle."

Hearing this, the faces of several sword immortals changed at the same time, and their eyes widened.

Looking at Luo Feng incredulously.

Wan Jianyu participated in the field ranking battle, the biggest confidence is Luo Feng.

If Luo Feng did not participate, then Wan Jianyu would not have the strength to contend with those powerful fields.

"Luo Feng, this..." Mo Zhongxing couldn't help but smile.

None of them understood Luo Feng's intention.

Luo Feng said in a deep voice, "Senior Mo, there are five of you in the Ten Thousand Sword Region, as well as a thousand ancestors and eighteen sword immortals. Together, can you have the confidence to fight against a strong immortal gathering?"

Luo Feng's gaze also looked at Li Moxing.

Each of the eighteen sword immortals who walked out of the far north was not below Mo Zhongxing's strength.

They believe that if they join hands, they will be able to exert a powerful combat effectiveness. "Return to Young Master." Li Moxing arched his hand, pondered for a while, and said, "The thousand ancestors has a lore sword formation called "Eighteen Immortal Sword Array". The 18 of us have already used this lore sword formation. After practicing countless times, once I really face the fairy flower gathering

The warrior, using the "Eighteen Immortal Sword Array" to contend, it may not be impossible to fight. "

"With the power of "Eighteen Immortal Sword Array", if you add Luo Feng, it may not be impossible to hit the top three in the field." Guo Xinyu couldn't help but glance at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng shook his head, "I want to play on behalf of another domain."

"What!" Everyone was shocked, their pupils widened, looking at Luo Feng in disbelief.

"What I want to represent is the Immortal Emperor Territory." Luo Feng said directly, wiping a bright light across his eyes, "The goal is also the top three in the domain ranking."

The whole hall suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Luo Feng, and they all seemed to be faintly aware of Luo Feng's ambition.

Only the top three are really benefiting from the field ranking battle.

Luo Feng unexpectedly wanted Ten Thousand Sword Domain and Immortal Emperor Domain to be among them at the same time. "It's too difficult." Liufeng Jianxian's pupils couldn't help shrinking, his expression was a little worried, and he looked at Luo Feng, "In this way, our strength is scattered instead. It is really too difficult to compete for the front three. , You know, the ten in front of the seventh-order domain

, There are all immortal flowers gathering the strong, but we, none. "I know, it's not easy." Luo Feng took a deep breath, "However, there are some things that you can't stop doing because it seems difficult. We did it, and maybe there will be surprises." If it succeeds, the seventh-order domain, the three leading to the second-order

Two of the channels in the domain are directly under our control. "

Luo Feng's tone was paused, and a sharp light was wiped across his eyes, "In addition, I also want to find a domain in the top ten of the seventh-order domain, cooperate with them, and advance to the front of the battle. Three, start an attack."

When the words fell, the sword immortals present all took a breath.

All three domains simultaneously hit the top three of the domain rankings.

what does this mean?

Everyone instantly understood.

Luo Feng, taking advantage of this time domain ranking battle, controls the seventh-order domain.

In case, it really succeeds, this is a big change in the seventh-order domain!

Li Moxing looked at Luo Feng, his eyes could not help being wiped with a burst of heat.

Xia Zu Palace has been silent for a long time. Now that the young master appears, Xia Zu Palace is finally on the way to rise?

Controlling the seventh-order domain is only the first step.

Luo Feng's gaze has been watching everyone.

Luo Feng's initial thought was to find another domain that he could control, but now the power around him was still too weak compared to the entire seventh-order domain.

Assembling and attacking the top three, Luo Feng believes that nothing is lost.

Divided into two, he and Zhu Jianxian respectively represented the top three of the Emperor's Domain and the Ten Thousand Sword Domain. They were already extremely adventurous and the difficulty coefficient doubled.

Therefore, he can only find a domain that is qualified to participate in the domain ranking battle, hoping to reach a cooperation agreement. After a moment of deposition in the hall, Liufeng Jianxian exhaled a suffocating breath and slowly said, "Luo Feng, don't forget the seventh-order immortal list. Today we also guessed that the final ranking of the domain ranking battle may be based on the seventh The ranking list goes down,

In the unlikely event that the Eighteen Sword Immortals were not allowed to join forces in a battle in the field, then... Ten Thousand Swords would lose the opportunity. Luo Feng nodded, "I also considered this issue, but...this is just in case. "Luo Feng said with a smile, "The ranks of the domains are in the battle, and the three most powerful domains in the seventh-order domain are arranged. If the ten thousand sword domain 18 swords immortal alliance

Hand, can defeat the immortal flower gathering powerhouse of other domains, then, why is Wanjian domain not qualified to be in the top three? "

"The ranking battle of the seventh-tier domains is supervised by the sixth-tier domains and the three major forces led by Samsara Hall. The rules are also set by the three major forces." Luo Feng took a deep breath, "We can do it now. Yes, it is to do everything and obey the fate."

"Unfortunately, Qianshun Sword Immortal has been out of the Ten Thousand Sword Domain for ten years." Li Moxing suddenly sighed, "If he is still there, the Ten Thousand Sword Domain will be in the top three in the battle against the domain, it should be foolproof."

"Qian Shun Sword Immortal?" Luo Feng and the others couldn't help but look at Li Moxing curiously, "Who is he?" "We are a disciple of the thousand ancestors, although they don't have a unified surname, they are all from the former thousand ancestors. The descendants of the children, however, have a surname that is always the strongest, and that is the Qian clan." Li Moxing said in a deep voice, "The Qian clan was given to the seat by the former thousand ancestors.

The surname of the next big disciple has been retained to this day. Xiaoyao Jianxian thousands of years ago was surnamed Qian. Among our eighteen sword immortals, Qian's sword immortal has five. "And Qianshun Sword Immortal..." Li Moxing took a deep breath, his eyes hot, "He is the strongest person in our generation of thousand ancestors. He left the seventh-order domain ten years ago and went out for experience. Brother Shun said, after so many years, the Xia family

, Had never actively contacted the Qianzu line, the two sides had long since lost contact, he was going to find the Xia line. "

Li Moxing added, "When Big Brother Qian Shun left ten years ago, he was already a strong man with the fairy flowers."

"What!" The hearts of Mo Zhongxing and others couldn't help but violently shake.

Ten years ago.

Ten years ago, the Ten Thousand Sword Region was in the era when their seven sword immortals were respected.

However, there is such a powerful force hidden in the far north, which they dare not imagine.

If this hidden power were to come out, it would be fully qualified to attack the top three of the seventh rank.

"Qian Shun sword immortal." Luo Feng's eyes wiped a bright light, "Is there a way to contact him?"

If there is a strong man who gathers together in the Ten Thousand Sword Domain, then the Ten Thousand Sword Domain must be foolproof.

As for the Immortal Emperor Territory, Luo Feng has great confidence in his own strength, and he believes he can hit the top three.

So, the domain ranks among the top three in the war, two of which can be controlled. Luo Feng looked at Li Moxing expectantly.

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