Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 813: Strong rolling

Chapter 813

The aura on Luo Feng's body completely changed, and his blood-red eyes were like a ferocious beast, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

Another shot!

At that instant, Luo Feng couldn't help but pop up in his mind a scene almost similar to what happened on the cliff.

At that time, someone also ordered the shooting, which caused the Jade Rakshasa to fall from the cliff...

This time, Hei Wuchang blocked a shot for him.

"Who gave the order." Luo Feng's gaze was cold and terrifying, and he took a step forward, like a **** of murder, whose breath permeated the audience, chilling.

The might of Hades!


The moment Luo Feng took a step, Team Tiangang, and everyone including Ouyang Tong, took a step back almost subconsciously.

A sword of Xuanyuan Yao Shenzhou, the king of the world Yama.

This title is too loud in Xuanyuan Pavilion.

The military merits made by King Yama were so prominent that after he left Xuanyuan Pavilion, he still firmly occupied the first place on the Xuanyuan list, and no one could shake it.

In Xuanyuan Pavilion, there are many teams, many of them don't look at people with their true colors, because many people want to have a stable life after retiring, and of course there are other reasons. Therefore, with the exception of some people who are more familiar, the others cannot recognize the identity of the other party after removing their masks.

Including Yama!

At this moment, Ouyang Tong couldn't wait to slap herself.

This time, not only didn't kill King Yama, but also offended the Hua family!

If an accident happens to the Huatian Tiger, the capital will probably suffer an earthquake.

Ouyang Tong knew very well how much the old man of the Hua family loved Hua Tianhu.

With air-conditioning all over his body, Ouyang Tong glanced at Hua Tianhu lying on the ground, and took a deep breath... I am afraid it would be too bad. The gun of the East Saint Lance King is designed to break through powerful defenses, and the bullet also contains terrifying venom. Those who are shot will undoubtedly die.

"Team Gang!" Ouyang Tong made a decisive decision and waved his hand, "Challenge!"

As soon as the words fell, a fiery battle light flashed in the eyes of everyone in Team Tiangang.

"Back then, Team Tiangang was not qualified to be on the same level as Team Hell. Now they can compete."

"I want to see if the first person on the Xuanyuan list can break my Tiangang formation."

"It's time to rectify the name of Team Tiangang."

With a loud shout, including the three people who had been attacked by the black impermanence and fell to the ground, they all jumped out alive and encircled Luo Feng. However, one person did not move.

Chu Tianji!

Ouyang Tong also noticed, and his expression flashed angrily, "Chu Tianji, what are you doing?"

Chu Tianji's eyes were clear, open, and calmly said, "The Hell Team saved my life back then."

This is the reason Tie Mian mentioned Chu Tianji when he knew that the opponent was the Tiangang team.

During a mission that year, Chu Tianji and the Tiangang team accidentally dispersed and were attacked by the enemy. When their lives were hanging by a thread, the Hell team appeared forcefully and killed the enemy.

Ouyang Tong glared at Chu Tianji, "This is an order."

Instead, Chu Tianji took a step back, "I will return to the headquarters to receive the penalty."

"Okay, Chu Tianji, don't you think that Team Tiangang must be yours." Ouyang Tong's eyes exudes a cold light, "From today, you are not qualified to stay in Team Tiangang anymore. Apply for substitution."

The thirty-six members of the Tiangang team have not been fixed. However, under normal circumstances, the replacement is when the team members are sacrificed during the mission. Otherwise, they will not be replaced. This time, I am afraid that they will appear. Exception.

Ouyang Tong has used the most severe consequences to threaten Chu Tianji.

Chu Tianji's eyes closed lightly, and he bowed his head silently.


At this time, Tian Kui's voice resounded.

The voice was arrogant and confident, "Even if there is no secret, the thirty-five-person Tiangang formation can still deal with the Jiuding strong!" The moment the words fell, the Tiangang formation started, and the thirty-five people seemed to merge into one. The offensive is in full swing.

Tian Kui's eyes flashed with fierce anticipation.

The person in front of him is No. 1 on the Xuanyuan List, No. 1 on the Three Lists, King Yama!

Unexpectedly, he was so young.

It seemed that the military merits he had made were too prominent, which allowed him to maintain the posture of reaching the top on the Xuanyuan ranking.

However, no matter how enchanting his talent is, it is impossible for him to be comparable to a Jiuding strong at a young age.

All teams in Xuanyuan Pavilion, no matter how strong they are, are living in the **** team, living in the shadow of Yama.

No matter how strong you are, can you be better than the Hell Team?

This is a lot of voices in Xuanyuan Pavilion.

Today is the moment when the Tiangang team stepped on the Yama King.

Including Tiankui, many members of the Tiangang team showed a strong fighting spirit in their eyes.

Combine the power of thirty-five people to jointly launch an offensive.

The sky's offensive seemed to drown Luo Feng's figure in an instant...

At this moment, Qian Yilan's heart couldn't help but clenched, her eyes fixed on the figure in front that seemed to be disappearing.

"Team Gang?" Luo Feng glanced around with **** eyes, his eyes indifferent, "You are not qualified to be crazy in front of me."

"Not ashamed!"

"Take my Tiangang blow."


It was like a huge wave slamming down, and the terrifying voice vibrated everywhere.

Comparable to the swift offensive of the Jiuding powerhouse.


Luo Feng's figure moved suddenly.

Raising his hand is a punch.

The golden light is everywhere, and the purple gas is coming to the east!

Heaven-level palm, moving mountain style!

With a punch, the golden light shines and changes a lot, like a long rainbow straight through the sky.

Luo Feng was truly angry, and his shot was a powerful offensive.

Hardly resist the attack of Tiangang battle.

Accompanied by rumbling noises, almost all of the thirty-five members of the Tiangang team felt that they had endured Luo Feng’s punch. Their expressions changed suddenly, and the force that seemed like a horror swept like a hurricane. unstoppable.


Dao Dao figures directly flew backwards and threw out. At the moment they fell to the ground, more than half of them vomited blood.

The face is like ashes.

Tiangang battlefield suffered an unprecedented defeat.

Blast through the Tiangang battle with one punch!

Everyone's mind was shocked.

That upright and domineering body seemed to spit out a signal to everyone...Even if he is no longer in Xuanyuan Pavilion, the reputation of King Yama is still not something anyone can touch!

Crush the crit!

Tian Kui couldn't help but vomit another mouthful of blood, raised his eyes, and looked at Luo Feng in horror...

"Teamang team, just so much strength?" Luo Feng patted the dust that seemed to be on his hands, and said indifferently, "It's really disappointing."

As soon as the words fell, many members of the Tiangang team felt hot and hot.

This face was slapped, simply and neatly.

Just now he threatened to rectify the name of the Tiangang team, as everyone knows, it was defeated by one blow.

"This is the strength of King Yama?" In the distance, Ouyang Tong's complexion was also extremely embarrassing, and a chill spread across his body. For a moment, he hurriedly shouted, "Draw a gun!"

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