Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 814: Who dares to draw a gun

Chapter 814: Who Dares To Draw A Gun

The moment Ouyang Tong's words fell, Qian Yilan's expression changed drastically behind Luo Feng.

The guns in the hands of the members of the Tiangang team are all specially made. If they fire together, Luo Feng will probably become a sieve.

"Luo Feng!"

Almost without even thinking about it, a gun appeared in Qian Yilan's hand and threw it directly to Luo Feng.

The lightning flashes.

Tian Kui's reaction was the fastest, and he drew his gun quickly.


The gunfire sounded.

At the same time, Luo Feng's figure fell to the ground after receiving the gun, and the muzzle pointed in Tian Kui's direction. At this moment, Tian Kui's palm was stained with blood and he screamed, and the gun in his hand had fallen to the ground.

Bang bang bang!

The movements of every member of the Tiangang team in all directions seemed to be beyond Luo Feng's eyes.

Whenever a member of the Tiangang team tried to draw a gun, his palm was immediately bloody.

Without exception.

In a blink of an eye, ten members of the Tiangang team fell to the ground with blood on their palms, all of them showing strong panic.

Scary marksmanship.

Such a fast shooting speed is simply incredible. They are not ordinary people, they are one of Xuanyuan Pavilion's most elite team members, but in front of this person, there is no chance to draw a gun.

Whether it is their own strength or marksmanship, they are all defeated.

This is the existence of the top three!

"We are much stronger than before... But compared to him, there is still a huge gap." Chu Tianji's eyes fiercely stared at the straight body, showing worship. In Xuanyuan Pavilion, Yama King's fans are naturally many. Chu Tianji is also one of them.

No one dared to draw a gun anymore.

The breath of the scene was deadly silent.

Ouyang Tong suddenly felt a panic in his chest. After stepping back a few steps, he suddenly lifted his spirits and spoke vigorously, "Although the gun in his hand is also specially made by Xuanyuan Pavilion, there are only 13 bullets!" Ouyang Tongshen He took a breath, "He has only the last three shots left now. It's not to be afraid."

The last three!

For a while, the eyes of many members of the Tiangang team burst into light again.

Luo Feng held a silver gun, his expression was indifferent and calm, "The last three shots... are headshots."

The words were filled with extremely cold murderous aura.

These three shots are deadly guns!

No one would question Luo Feng's words.

The King of Yama!

Since he can tell, he can do it.

Headshot is much less difficult than hitting the palm.

Many people feel a cold feeling in their heads, which seems to be a target.

Even though Luo Feng only had three bullets, who would dare to draw a gun now.

Draw a gun and die.

The atmosphere was extremely suppressed.

One shot per person, three rounds of bullets, unexpectedly suppressed the entire Tiangang team and everyone including the two Xuanyuan Pavilion elders.

"Is this the prestige of King Yama..." Behind Luo Feng, Qian Yilan's eyes exuded a fiery light, staring at her closely. At this moment, the waves in her heart still persist. His hands clung to the corners of his clothes involuntarily.

Luo Feng's eyes stared at Ouyang Tong suddenly like arrows.

Sickness coverage.

"Are you the commander of this operation?" Luo Feng's eyes flashed red again.

Ouyang Tong's complexion became stiff, and she was still stern, and said coldly, "King Yan Luo, you are no longer the one who can command the world in Xuanyuan Pavilion and play a decisive role. If you dare to do it again today, you know the consequences yourself."

"Are you the commander of this operation?" Luo Feng asked again as if he hadn't heard Ouyang Tong's words at all.

Ouyang Tong's body shook slightly, and took a deep breath, without showing any weakness, her expression faintly proud, "I am!"

Although Luo Feng shocked the audience, Ouyang Tong didn't think that Luo Feng had the courage to act on him.



Two shots.


Ouyang Tong directly fell on her knees.

Luo Feng's two bullets landed on both knees of Ouyang Tong, and Ouyang Tong directly thumped and fell to the ground. The direction in which he knelt was exactly where Heiwuchang fell to the ground.

"Even if I only have one bullet left, who would dare to draw a gun?" Luo Feng's voice was extremely cold.

Ouyang Tong was sweating all over, with horror in his eyes, and looked up at Luo Feng. From Luo Feng's eyes, he saw a strong murderous intent.

He not only shoots, but also kills himself.


Simply a lunatic!

"You better pray that my brother is okay." Luo Feng was expressionless.

Since Ouyang Tong was the commander of this operation, the shot of the Eastern Saint Spear King was naturally ordered by Ouyang Tong.

Ouyang Tong was finally scared, knelt on her knees, the ground was red with blood, and her whole body was trembling.

In this life, I have never felt close to death now.

Tie Mianzhe returned, and there were two others who came back with him, the judge and Situ Mingfeng!

The expressions of the three of them were cold to the extreme, like three killers, rushing towards them.

"Boss!" Situ Mingfeng's voice was even more excited. He looked at Luo Feng, Jingcheng Shuimu University, and he had seen the boss, but he didn't have the opportunity to meet again at that time. I didn't expect this time, but under this situation, he would be able to meet again. Meet the boss.

Now is not the time to renew the past.

"Judge, control this old thief." Luo Feng directly gave the order and said in a deep voice, "If something happens to impermanence...one shot to solve him." After Luo Feng handed the gun to the judge, he turned and fell to the ground towards impermanence. The place walked past.

Everyone's eyes focused on Luo Feng. At this moment, Luo Feng had no gun in his hand, but no one dared to draw a gun.

The strength of King Yama has already shocked the audience.

Ouyang Tong's pupils widened, his forehead was already covered with cold sweat, and his whole body trembled slightly. At this moment, he could only pray for nothing but impermanence.

The few in front of them were all from the former **** team, and the blood in their hands could not be counted.

At this moment, the murderous aura pervading their bodies was even more so that no one dared to touch them.

Luo Feng walked to the side of Heiwuchang and squatted down, and quickly checked the situation of Heiwuchang.

After a while, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The bullet of the East Saint Lance King is terrible and contains highly poisonous bullets. This shot is very close to the heart. Had it not been for Luo Feng to give Heiwuchang the Nine Turns Pill in time, I am afraid that Heiwuchang's life would have been dead long ago.

"I have called an ambulance and should be here soon." Qian Yilan said from the side.

Luo Feng raised his eyes and looked at Qian Yilan. For a while, a smile appeared on his face, "Thank you."

In today's battle, even though Qian Yilan's strength was quite different compared to those present, she helped Luo Feng a lot. In the face of a crisis, Qian Yilan stood beside Luo Feng without hesitation. After Heiwuchang was shot, Qian Yilan stood in front of Luo Feng resolutely to block the sniper's second attack. When Ouyang Tong ordered to shoot, Qian Yilan threw her gun to Luo Feng as quickly as possible...

Seeing this uncommon face, Qian Yilan's heartbeat suddenly intensified.

Because at this moment in Qian Yilan's heart, this nerd has an extra identity.

The King of Yama!

Own idol!

The idol actually smiled at herself and said thank you... Qian Yilan was so happy that she was about to faint.

"Thank you, old man." Luo Feng added again.

"..." The corner of Qian Yilan's mouth twitched, and her faith seemed to collapse instantly.

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