Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0207 The east wind is blowing

Cui Na was really a little shocked. She didn't expect that her son's pet was two living people. This

"Hi, my name is Meng Liang."

Meng Liang spoke, very embarrassed, and couldn't see anyone.

"Hello, I'm Cui Na, where are you?"

"In the middle of the sea of ​​zombies."

"Oh? Then how did my son deliver food to you?"

"He didn't tell you this? He has a small plane that can deliver it."

"Small plane?"

"Yes, props and items, and I have to thank your son, so we didn't starve to death."

"But you were trapped there, how did you avoid the zombies? I mean, there were zombies all over your side!"

"We made a boat and floated on the sea. The zombies piled up together and couldn't get up. Even foreign zombies had difficulty getting close to us. If they couldn't hide, we would kill them."

"Oh, that's quite unbearable. How did you get there?"

"It's hard to explain."

"Then can't you get out?"

"We can't get out, because the zombies will move with us. Wherever we go, the sea of ​​zombies will be there. If we can't move, it is very likely that we will be trapped to death in the end."

Meng Liang's tone was extremely lost.

"You can fly out with a hot air balloon. As long as you fly, the zombies can't catch up. There are so many zombies, and they move very slowly.

"Where is the hot air balloon?"

"I know where it is. So, I'll find a way to send it to you, and then you can escape. It's best to escape directly from the city. Isn't it said that the zombies will follow you? Just lead the zombies away to the west. There are wastelands and few people there. Don't go to Suogong Mountain. There is now the largest human base here. If you lead the zombies there, it will be bad.

Cui Na's voice was crisp, which made Meng Liang feel like it was the sound of nature, and he couldn't help trembling.

"Can you really get us out?"

"I can only say that I will try, but I dare not say for sure. Wait! How dare Guan Dannu, you stinky boy, not tell me!"

Cui Na was of course not polite to her son. She scolded him a few times, the call was disconnected, and then the small plane left.

Meng Liang and Chen Mei'er looked at each other, both of them couldn't believe it.

They all thought it was a dead end, but now there is hope?

Neither of them spoke, and they didn't even dare to discuss this matter.

Because compared with hope, they felt that disappointment was more likely.

Just like this, they were anxiously waiting, and finally Meng Liang couldn't stand it anymore and slept for a while.

When he woke up, it was still dark, so he asked Chen Mei'er to go to bed.

Alas, can the hot air balloon be delivered?

In the distance,

Cui Na, who used to work at the meteorological station, came to her former workplace again.

She was alone and actually came last night.

She was considering whether to board the hot air balloon and fly over with them.

After thinking about it, she decided to forget it. She couldn't have an accident, and she had to take care of the elderly and children.

So how can the hot air balloon be delivered to them?

Cui Na looked up at the sky and suddenly noticed.

The power of the hot air balloon is the burner, there is no rudder, and its direction of movement must follow the wind.

So there is no need for people to operate it at all, as long as it is set up, it can be done.

This hot air balloon belongs to the meteorological station and has been kept in the warehouse.

Cui Na struggled to get it out.

Cui Na is also a fighter, stronger than before, and has equipment to increase strength, otherwise she really couldn't get it out.

Arriving at the yard of the meteorological station, she found the generator and the blower, checked them and luckily they all worked.

First fix the balloon, then connect the wooden fence basket, which is the cabin, and fix it. Then go find the rope.

It took Cui Na almost a whole night to find this rope. In the end, she successfully found a lot of ropes and connected them all together, which was more than 200 meters.

Putting these ropes on the ground, Cui Na went back to sleep.

At eight o'clock the next morning, she came back to the meteorological station.

Well, now everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

Looking at the sky, there should be wind today, but I don't know when it will blow.

Meng Liang and Chen Mei'er are waiting, and Cui Na is also waiting, waiting for the wind.

The wind finally came in the afternoon, but the wind direction was wrong.

Cui Na sighed and gave up for today.

She slept next to the hot air balloon at night and continued to wait.

Still no use.

It was not until noon on the third day that she finally waited for the wind direction she wanted, and it seemed that the wind would not stop for a while.

Immediately inflate and then light the burner.

The hot air balloon slowly stood up and was about to take off.

"Meng Liang, Meng Liang, you and I are strangers. I have helped you in every way I can. Now it depends on your life. Can you get this hot air balloon?"

Finally, Cui Na cut the connecting rope and the hot air balloon flew towards the zombie ocean.

It gradually rose higher, and the long rope hung down.

About an hour later, it finally flew above the zombie ocean.

It was very dangerous. The rope was only about ten meters away from the cross section of the zombie ocean.

Fortunately, there were still ten meters left.

The zombies unconsciously reached out to grab it.

Some could grab it, some couldn't, and some grabbed the rope but lost their hands.

In this way, the hot air balloon kept moving inside, and after walking for about 800 meters, it was finally grabbed by the rope by a zombie below.

The first one, the second one, the third one.

The zombies gathered together and formed a fixed point, making it impossible for the hot air balloon to go up and continue to fly.

But the hot air balloon had reached the height of the zombie section by two hundred meters. Even though it was two kilometers away, Meng Liang could see it.

"Hot air balloon!"

He stood up excitedly.

"Really! Meng Liang, hurry up! Go over there!"

Chen Mei'er was also excited.

The two immediately controlled the boat to approach the hot air balloon, and the zombies followed them and drifted with the flow, which accelerated the speed of the boat.

Not long after, they finally approached the hot air balloon. Meng Liang carried Chen Mei'er on his back and jumped to the rope. After climbing up a few times, he turned on the five-step sky-ascending boots, whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! This was already close to the hot air balloon. After grabbing the rope and climbing a few times, he finally reached the wooden fence.

"Haha! Meng Liang! We are up! We are going to fly! Cut those ropes quickly!"


Meng Liang raised his hand and took out the knife, breaking the rope.

Then he sat in the corner, panting hard.

Danu's mother Cui Na.

What a smart woman.

She even thought that she had not come, and successfully delivered the hot air balloon to him.

Meng Liang knew that this was not easy.

He also knew why there was no news from her yesterday.

He must be waiting for the wind, waiting for the east wind to rise, and sailing westward.

"Meng Liang! Where are we going? Where do you think we should go? Haha! It doesn't matter where we go. We have been trapped for half a year! It has been more than eight months since the doomsday broke out, and we can go anywhere! Haha, I just want to see this world, Meng Liang, what about you?"

Chen Mei'er shouted excitedly.

In fact, Meng Liang couldn't hear what she said clearly, the wind was too strong.

Very good!

The east wind is just right!

"I don't know! We can go anywhere! Go far away! Let these zombies not catch up! They are out of control. If we leave their identification range, they will not come. When they are scattered, I will bring you back. Then kill all the scattered zombies. I want revenge!"

"What? You want to be a prisoner?"

The wind was too strong, but it did not affect their communication at all. They were so happy!

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