The apocalyptic outbreak enters its eighth month. People are more adapted to this world, and the baptism of human nature has basically been completed.

Most survivors begin to establish a doomsday worldview.

The previous propriety, justice and shame no longer exist, and a new apocalyptic humanity gradually takes shape.

Three hundred kilometers west of the city where Meng Liang is located, there is a doomsday fortress called Dunjia.

Dunjia Fortress is a good place.

It is based on a mountain, with a large number of fortifications built everywhere, connecting two highways, dozens of villages, three counties, and one urban area.

It can be said that this is really a geomantic treasure, a refuge that people yearn for in the apocalypse.

Meng Liang and the others ran out of raw materials after drifting for two days and arrived nearby. At this time, they didn't know Dunjia Fortress yet, but they were just excited to finally escape.

The zombies have lost their direction and they are truly free.

The two of them had a great celebration in the woods. They cooked some game and barbecued it. It was delicious. How long have you not eaten meat?

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮]

After finishing the meal, the two of them lay down directly on the ground, not caring about the coldness and dirt on the ground, holding their stomachs and unable to move, like savages.

Meng Liang looked at the sky and thought a lot.

Life is really not easy, but don’t worry about so many things. Who’s grudges are against whom, and who is important to whom? Nothing.

From now on, as long as life is happy and without sorrow, isn't it the worst possible death? You have overcome the hardship of death, so what do you care about? What else can limit yourself?

Meng Liang took a breath. When he was full, he felt sleepy. When he felt sleepy, he found a place to sleep. This is what life should be like.

"Chen Mei'er, let's go. Let's see if we can find a cave. It's best to find a living person to ask what kind of place this is."

"It seems to be near Liu'an City."

"Oh, it should be, but it's quite far away. Is it three hundred kilometers away from our home?"

"That's about it. Who asked you to get off the balloon and keep running this way? I guess we ran more than a hundred kilometers, right? This speed can even catch up with a car!"

"Haha, of course, we are all super humans now. Speaking of parameterization, it is good to say that it makes us different from before."

"But I still like the old days."

Chen Meier sighed.

Meng Liang glared at her with his eyes.

"What? Go back to the old days and you and Qu Gueran will continue to despise me together?"

"Why are you bringing this up again? Is it over yet?"

After half a year of living together, the two of them talked like a couple.

You can imagine that I'm tired of doing that kind of thing.

In fact, we really can’t blame them.

In that sea of ​​zombies, there were only four things to do.

Kill zombies, eat, sleep, do that.

After doing it so much, it’s hard not to get tired of thinking about it, and the relationship naturally changes.

It wasn't because of love in the first place, so it can only evolve into family affection. Bickering is too normal.

At this moment, Meng Liang's ears twitched and he looked around.

He heard some noises.

He immediately gestured to Chen Meier to tell her to be careful.

Chen Meier sat up with Meng Liang and looked at Sizhou.

After a while, a group of people came up from all around. It was estimated that there were about ten people, two women, and the others were men. The average age was about thirty years old, the older one was less than forty, and the younger one should be over twenty. Everyone was holding a gun, and judging from the model, it should be a weapon from this world.

Weapons in this world are quite useful in avatar battles. Although they are also linked to blood volume, they can often cause damage close to the real state.

For example, if you use a prop weapon to slash someone, if it is easy to use, you may kill the opponent directly.

But if the opponent's defense is strong and the health volume is too high, it is not necessarily the case.

Just like Meng Liang, it must be difficult to kill him with props and weapons because he has too much blood.

And if you use weapons in this world, that is, virtual weapons, it has another attack attribute.

If the knife stabs the vital part, it is likely to lose half of the blood or even more.

On the other hand, the attack power of weapons in this world against monsters such as zombies is average. How to calculate this is very complicated. Meng Liang didn't understand it. He just knew this.

And these people on the other side obviously know it too.

Therefore, when encountering virtual humans, most of them still use weapons from this world to deal with them.

The leader should be a middle-aged man in his late thirties, because he was the one who spoke after the encirclement was formed.

"Is it just the two of you?"

Meng Liang nodded and looked at him without moving.

"Level 1?"

He looked puzzled when he saw Meng Liang's level.

It has been eight months since the apocalypse, and as long as the survivors survive, they are basically not level 1.

In fact, there are many, but most of them are in the base and don't go out at all.

Divided into two extremes, one is at the bottom of society. They cannot kill zombies because they are incompetent and can only survive by begging in gathering places.

There is also a kind of people at the top of society. Someone in their family is powerful, so they benefit and can live a good life even if they don't go out to kill zombies. This kind of people are now called aristocratic cartilage, and many of them are a group of young masters and ladies.

"That woman, what's your level?"

The leading man spoke to Chen Meier.

Eyes twinkling a bit.

It's normal for men to look like this when they see women.

The difference is that it is more naked than before the doomsday.

"Why should I tell you?"

Chen Mei'er was not polite at all. She showed the spirit of a proud lady, and her arrogant appearance was like a little rooster.

The leader of the other side did not speak. A boy in his twenties sneered:

"Can't you see the situation clearly? You are surrounded now! We are in control of the situation!"

Another person said:

"Don't you know the rules? When both parties meet in the doomsday, they must first report their levels to show friendship. Are you rookies of the doomsday, or do you just don't want to get along with us in a friendly way?"

Chen Mei'er was very angry. Now they surrounded herself and Meng Liang with guns. Who is unfriendly?

Meng Liang heard some tricks.

They were trapped in the zombie ocean for half a year, as long as six months.

It seems that this world has formed some rules that Chen Mei'er and I don't know.

However, Chen Mei'er is already level 65. It can't be easily leaked, right?

I am level 1 in the first transformation realm. I can show my level and hide my reincarnation realm, so I can't tell whether I have been reincarnated.

Meng Liang hesitated for a moment, stopped Chen Mei'er who was about to get angry, and said with a smile:

"Everyone, we are not interested in being enemies with any human beings. We only regard zombies as our enemies, and we can never shake hands and make peace. Haha, so please, everyone, we meet in the doomsday, it is not fate nor should it be hostile. You go your Yangguan Road, and we go our single-plank bridge, okay?"

Meng Liang felt that he was already very approachable. These people would not be able to tell the difference between the high and low, right?

In fact, Meng Liang also had a little curiosity in his heart.

I am 101, Chen Mei'er is 65, that's because there are zombies everywhere around them for them to kill.

I wonder what the average level is now?

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