Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0213 Qu Jiaolan's other best friend

And as a hunter zombie, it also has a characteristic of tracking ability. Once it is targeted, it is too difficult to escape. It can smell the scent of the targeted person even if it is several kilometers away. So if you want to escape from this kind of zombie, you must at least be able to run a few kilometers away so that its sense of smell cannot detect it.

"Meng Liang! Should we go wake up the female magician?"

"Didn't you call me a level 1 master? Since you are a master, of course you don't need to call anyone casually."

"Oh my God! That's not a compliment to you! How powerful can a level 1 be! Do you see the big zombie with a height of four or five meters behind? It must be a very high level. If you encounter a level 10 team like us, you need to run. What's more, we don't have a team now. These damn survivors! Don't lead the zombies to us!"

Tao Meilu spoke without any kindness.

Meng Liang didn't find it strange.

This is the thinking of people in the doomsday.

It's good to be able to protect yourself.

Everyone who may threaten your life, whether they are intentional or not, is damned.

Meng Liang sighed. Tao Meilu was not as cute as she looked. At a critical moment, she could also save her life for her own safety. This must be noted.

Meng Liang became serious, did not speak, and observed the outside.

Fortunately, this group of people did not seem to want to stay in the village. They ran directly past the three-story building here, as if they wanted to leave the village and continue to escape.

At this moment, a person shouted.

"We can't run! We encountered hunter zombies! They will catch up faster if we enter the wilderness. Everyone should continue to run separately. There are only a few hunter zombies. We have more than 20 people. If we spread out, we should be able to survive in the worst case. Hurry up and run separately, hurry up!"

Meng Liang raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the man's shout.

It's really good.

The chance of survival is indeed greater if you run separately.

But Meng Liang paid attention to the person who shouted. He grabbed a graceful figure and dragged her directly into the three-story building where he was.

"Damn it! Someone is coming!"

Tao Meilu looked annoyed.

Meng Liang smiled and whispered:

"It should be the leader of this group of people, hum, very cunning."

"What's wrong?"

"Hunter zombies are good at tracking fleeing targets, and they also like to chase moving targets. I guess the leader should know this, so he let the others run separately, but he took the others to hide."

"Ah, you mean that those who ran separately actually became bait?"

"Yes, they will lead these hunter zombies out of the village. The hunter zombies will definitely eat the first group of people they catch. This hunter zombie is very special. People bitten by it will not become zombies immediately. The incubation period of the zombie virus is more than one month. Therefore, it After biting a person to death, they have time to eat him. After they eat the person, the others will probably run two or three kilometers away. You have to know that this distance is still within the hunting range of the thunder beast zombies. Their personality makes them ignore those who hide, but run to catch those who are fleeing. For them, that is fresh meat. "

"So, you mean that this leader actually abandoned his men and just brought a woman to hide with us, waiting for an opportunity? It is very likely that only he and the woman will survive in the end?"

"Okay, you continue to monitor, I'll go down and take a look. "

Meng Liang left the roof while speaking, and deftly stepped on the wall ladder to the third floor.

Chen Mei'er and Zhao Yiren were in the corridor on the third floor.

Meng Liang made a silent gesture to them, and then slowly walked downstairs.

As soon as he walked to the stairs on the third floor, Meng Liang could hear the conversation between the two people below.

"Why don't we run? You let them all run. "

It was the woman's doubt.

Hearing this voice, Chen Meier's face changed, and she walked to Meng Liang and whispered in his ear:

"Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!"

"Cao Cao?"

"The woman mentioned before, Luo Yuhuan who has princess syndrome!"

Meng Liang was surprised and frowned at Chen Meier.

Chen Meier sighed and continued to whisper to Meng Liang in a low voice.

"The world is too small, how could I meet her?"

Meng Liang nodded slightly, it was a coincidence, but it was not strange.

After the apocalypse, the city was occupied by zombies and people ran out of the city.

Surviving in the wild is difficult, and everyone wants to find a large gathering place to rely on.

Luo Yuhuan's home was originally in the city next door. When the apocalypse came, she ran away from home and eventually fell into the Dunjia Fortress. It is not impossible.

After all, the Dunjia Fortress is the largest gathering place within a hundred miles here, right?

Meng Liang didn't know, Zhao Yiren told him.

And if it is the largest gathering place, it is normal for everyone to gather here.

A lot of people gathered in a small area, so it's not too strange for acquaintances to meet in such a place.

The premise is that everyone survived the apocalypse and persisted until the eighth month of the apocalypse.

"Yuhuan, let me tell you the truth, everyone who escapes will die! It's impossible for us to avoid being hunted by these hunter zombies. They like to track moving targets. I let others run, but I just want them to be scapegoats!"

"What! Liu Zhaoyang! How can you do this? They are all brothers who have been through life and death with us!"

"Haha, Yuhuan, of course I know! But there is no other way now. Either we die together, or we sacrifice our brothers to survive. Do you think it is better to die together or live alone?"

This man is very realistic, and the question he asked is also very realistic.

A normal person would think it is better to survive.

Luo Yuhua's voice became a little louder.

"How can you think about it this way! It is not good to die together, but we can't let our brothers die like this! This approach is wrong!"

Meng Liang couldn't help but cover his mouth, otherwise he would probably laugh.

After controlling her emotions, she hugged Chen Mei'er in her arms, then leaned forward and said:

"This Luo Yuhuan, I only know that you and Qu Jiaolan occasionally went shopping and eating with her, I really didn't know much about her, I didn't expect her values ​​to be so positive!"

"She doesn't have positive values! She just has princess syndrome!"

"Ah? Why do you say that?"

"She doesn't think that those people are brothers so she can't harm them, her idea is, I am a princess, I am a beautiful, kind, lovely, cute little princess, the representative of kindness, how can I let others die because of me? If that's the case, I'm not a beautiful, kind, cute, cute little princess! Do you think this woman has How great? Let me tell you, don’t be deceived by her appearance and beauty, and don’t be misled by her pair of pure and innocent eyes, she is just such a person! Speaking of kindness, among me, Qu Jiaolan, and Luo Yuhuan, the kindest one is actually Qu Jiaolan, she can be kind without being a saint; the most vain one is me, of course, that was only me in the past; the most enchanting one is Luo Yuhuan, she is particularly good at torturing people, stupid and cute, but she is lucky, there are always men willing to work for her, and in the end they are killed by her stupidity without knowing how! Hey, anyway, Jiaolan and I really don’t like this person, she is the kind of rich second generation you can imagine, rich, and then weird. "

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