Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0214 I don't want to work hard anymore

Meng Liang could hear the jealousy in Chen Meier's mouth. One person's evaluation of another person will actually be very one-sided.

No one in this world can understand anyone. Many times you may not be able to understand yourself, let alone others.

Meng Liang met Luo Yuhuan several times, but never spoke.

Chen Meier and Qu Jiaolan are closer. Luo Yuhuan is their glass-flower sister, not a magnet.

In terms of appearance, Luo Yuhuan is indeed better. In fact, the three of them are almost the same in stature. You have to compare the details to see the differences.

Meng Liang thought it was good.

It's rare to meet someone I'm relatively familiar with, and it seems like tonight won't be boring.

After waving a few people into a room, Meng Liang asked Chen Meier:

"Who is Liu Chaoyang? Do you know him?"

"I seem to know this person. He is one of Luo Yuhuan's many suitors. He is a small boss. I remember Luo Yuhuan mentioned him before the end of the world, but Luo Yuhuan at that time was dismissive of him."

Meng Liang nodded and thought:

"Okay, the hunter zombies have left, and we can't interfere with so many other things. You can continue to sleep. I will monitor these two people and keep vigil for the rest of the night. After you have rested, I will keep watch for the rest of the night. The plan to rest here tonight remains unchanged. , I estimate that their men will take the hunter zombies far away and will not come back again, so it is still safe here.

Chen Meier frowned and looked at Meng Liang, and finally nodded.

Forget it, there is no need to worry too much in the doomsday. Meng Liang will not get together with Luo Yuhuan overnight, right?

However, Chen Meier could still tell that Meng Liang was a bit interested in Luo Yuhuan.

This is of course because of Qu Jiaolan. If Luo Yuhuan was not another best friend of Qu Jiaolan, he would not behave like this.

Meng Liang left the room and went out to monitor again.

Luo Yuhuan was still complaining to Liu Chaoyang.

"How difficult it was for us to raise this team. The average level is five or six. Now it's all over. This time we will become a small family again, and we will be bullied again."

Meng Liang walked to the stairs on the third floor and saw the two of them already in the living room on the second floor. Luo Yuhuan was sitting there very annoyed.

The room is darker at night, but Meng Liang's eyesight is very easy to use. Now his night market ability can basically allow him to see things as in the daytime. Of course, the effect is different. Even if he can see things clearly at night, everything is blue. , lost the daytime color, still a little uncomfortable to look at.

Liu Chaoyang squatted on the ground for a long time, and finally sighed:

"Yuhuan, let's stop insisting!"

"What do you mean?"

Luo Yuhuan looked up at Liu Chaoyang, but Liu Chaoyang didn't look at her. He lowered his head and said:

"Oh, you know, it's impossible for small forces like us to survive in Dunjia for a long time now. The big forces have all built leveling grounds, introduced zombies inside and surrounded them to kill them. The risk factor is small, basically There will be no casualties. But what about us? We have to run out into the wild for several days, and we are in danger every time. I don’t want to persist.”

"What do you want?"

"The Black Widow's gang has 300 people. You know that bitch likes me. I plan to be her son-in-law."

"Liu Chaoyang! How could you do this? Haven't you always said you like me?"

Luo Yuhuan was very excited and her voice was a little loud.

"Yuhuan, please keep your voice down, don't attract the zombies. Yes, I have always liked you! So immediately after the apocalypse broke out, I took dozens of employees from the company to find you, and I happened to save you from the zombies. Save! I haven’t even touched your hand in recent times, right? That’s because I really love you and want to fall in love with you slowly. I also know that my efforts have not been in vain. You have not treated me well before. Ignore it, you already have a little affection for me. If it were before the end of the world, I would definitely be ecstatic about it. But now, you know Yuhuan, the world has changed now, I see each one of you. People died, I finally thought about it! What’s important about love? As long as I can survive in the apocalypse, my life will be brighter immediately, so why bother? To adhere?"

"Liu Chaoyang! You useless man! How could you think of becoming a son-in-law! Let me tell you, having a son-in-law is very hard, even before the end of the world! You know my former friend Qu Jielan, right? Her family is She has a son-in-law who is trained like a dog! He stands in front of her house every day and guards the house. That is really not a human life. Liu Chaoyang, do you want that kind of temper? No, she looks so ugly and weighs more than 200 kilograms. Do you really want to give up on me and go with her? "

Meng Liang was sitting at the foot of the stairs on the third floor, his face turned black, and he was so angry that he almost jumped down.

Little girl!

Did I provoke you?

He actually used Lao Tzu as an example.

Are you still like a dog?

You are really looking for death!

Then Liu Chaoyang shook his head and said sadly:

"But she has a training ground. If you follow her, you can practice in the training ground, and you don't have to worry about supplies anymore! I don't want to come to the wild anymore, really! Never again!"

"Then what should I do? Are you going to throw me to Tong Hu?"

"Tell you the truth, Yuhuan, do you know why Tong Hu never used force on you?"


"That's also because of the Black Widow. It's because I begged the Black Widow. She and I have slept with her. If I hadn't sacrificed myself to protect you, do you think you can protect you with a small power like ours? A beautiful woman like you? Alas, you are too naive. But this is not an innocent time at all!"

Luo Yuhuan stopped talking and was dumbfounded.

Meng Liang curled his lips.

It seems that Liu Chaoyang really likes Luo Yuhuan and has paid a lot for Luo Yuhuan.

It's really embarrassing.

The former proud daughter of heaven has nothing to do in this environment, right?

It was quiet for a while, then Liu Chaoyang finally spoke again.

"So, Yuhuan, you have to be more pragmatic. Look, after the end of the world, if it weren't for me, not only would you be innocent, but you would also be dead! I am your savior, right? From now on, I will live with the Black Widow. If Black Widow says she won't continue to protect you, then Tong Hu will attack you! Even if he doesn't, your reputation for beauty is spreading, and some bigger power leaders are starting to spy on you. Even if Black Widow wants to interfere, there is nothing she can do, so. So."

Liu Chaoyang's voice began to tremble when he spoke, and he seemed nervous.

"So Yuhuan, give me what you owe me. I know you haven't let a man touch you yet. How about giving it to me for the first time? This is what I deserve, right? I just take back what belongs to me." , you won’t blame me, will you? We will never have anything to do with each other after that. After all, I am the man who really loves you. You gave me your first time, and you will not regret it if you are with other men you don’t like in the future. After all, your first time was given to love.”

When Luo Yuhuan heard what Liu Chaoyang said, his glasses widened, he stood up from the sofa and stepped back.

"You, what do you want to do?"

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