Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0217 It’s actually a bit pitiful

Meng Liang sighed again, she is really a demon. She is so quick to say what she wants.

So she is younger than Qu Jiaolan, and when she recognized who he is, she called him brother-in-law. There is no such relationship between them.

Not to mention him and her, Qu Jiaolan and she are just glass flower sisters.

"Alright, alright, hehe, I really admire you, you are really a demon!"

Meng Liang put away his ferocious expression and pushed her away.

The game is almost over here.

"Don't call me brother-in-law, I'm not familiar with you."

"But you are my brother-in-law, Guerlain and I are good friends!"

"As far as I know, your relationship is not that close, we just play together occasionally."

"Who said that? We have a good relationship. Brother-in-law, is Guerlain here? Oh my God! I can't believe that I met my brother-in-law here, woo woo woo, you don't know how hard it has been for me to be alone during this period, so good, I finally met an acquaintance."

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While talking, Luo Yuhuan came over to hug Meng Liang again.

Meng Liang had already studied her and knew that she might not be sincere.

But think about it, it's quite pitiful. A delicate little princess, in order to live innocently in the doomsday, has to act silly and cute everywhere, and use all available resources. This is really not easy.

Meng Liang didn't want to embarrass her, even though she once said she was a dog. Wasn't she bitten by him just now? This is even.

Meng Liang stretched out his hand to hold Luo Yuhuan's waist and carried her directly into the house.

Luo Yuhuan was still crying. When she entered the house and saw Liu Chaoyang, she whispered:

"Brother-in-law, can I bandage him? He seems to be dying. After all, he is my savior."

"Haha, if he dies, he must be angry to death by you. Go ahead."

Luo Yuhuan left Meng Liang's body and went to bandage Liu Chaoyang.

After finishing, he dragged him into a room and put him on the bed.

"Okay, okay, you were going to do something bad to me just now, and I accidentally left you and ran away. Now I saved you, so we are even. You can't blame me in the future."

Liu Chaoyang was bandaged like a zongzi, panting heavily, and didn't speak.

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Meng Liang went over to pull her out and closed Liu Chaoyang's door.

Then Meng Liang carried her directly to the second floor.

"Brother-in-law, I can walk."

Luo Yuhuan whispered.

"Let me hold you, so that you won't run away again."

"Don't laugh at me, wasn't I scared just now? I didn't know it was an acquaintance."

Luo Yuhuan's voice was small.

Meng Liang finally took her to the rooftop, where Meng Liang had prepared a comfortable big sofa.

After going over, he lay directly on the sofa, pulled Luo Yuhuan to his side, and asked her about her experience after the apocalypse.

It was actually quite simple. When the apocalypse just broke out, she was trapped in a tea restaurant. Liu Chaoyang brought people to rescue her. That place happened to be in the suburbs, so they went out of the city directly, hiding everywhere, killing zombies while looking for a place to stay. They came to Dunjia Fortress almost four months ago, and it was already very chaotic here.

Luo Yuhuan and Liu Chaoyang started to develop around with a dozen of their subordinates, fighting monsters and leveling up while recruiting people. In the end, they had a strength of about 100 people. After joining the fortress, they became a member of the Qin Alliance's Hundred Iron Cavalry and developed hard in it.

I don't know if it was to waste time, Luo Yuhuan also talked about a lot of details and her little depression and pain.

Meng Liang listened patiently.

From it, Meng Liang could hear Luo Yuhuan's sadness, which was indeed not easy.

She could only rely on herself. In other people's small teams, the leaders could not come out, but she did not dare to, because she was a beauty, and there were always people who wanted to take advantage of her. In order to protect her purity, she could only come out frequently to kill zombies, one to improve her ability, and the second to avoid those who were spying on her in the fortress.

Liu Chaoyang was the only one who could help her. Although Luo Yuhua knew that he also had a purpose, he was always better than others.

After saying all this, an hour had passed.

It was a bit cold after the wind blew in the winter night in the south. Luo Yuhuan, who was wearing thin clothes, finally shivered.

Meng Liang then remembered that she was still wearing a small dress, without even a short-sleeved coat, so he got up and took her back to the room, to an empty room on the third floor, where there was a wardrobe with clothes inside.

He found some clothes for her to wear, closed the door, opened the curtains, and then pulled her onto the bed, covered her with a quilt and hugged her.

The room was very quiet, and Meng Liang could hear Luo Yuhuan's heartbeat, which was a bit fast.

To be precise, he could feel it because they hugged each other.

Luo Yuhuan had just said a lot of things, maybe she was tired, and she didn't say a word at this moment. After a while, she seemed to fall asleep.

Meng Liang looked down at her and knew that she was pretending.

She was very embarrassed in this situation. She knew that she couldn't resist herself, and it was dangerous for her to continue communicating, so she chose to pretend to sleep. Maybe she was praying, hoping that she would not do anything, hoping that all bad things would not happen, so that she could spend the black night safely.

Meng Liang made a systematic evaluation after learning from many sources.

A poor little woman who is smart and principled.

She is not very strong, but she is very tenacious.

For women, her personality may be a bit annoying and too artificial.

But for men, she is very good, charming, cute and silly, and has a temperament that ordinary women don't have.

This may be related to her upbringing. She is also the daughter of a wealthy family. She is used to the hypocritical and compromised female roles in the family, so she inevitably learned some skills.

Meng Liang decided to let it go and not embarrass her. Anyway, he also got a lot of happiness from her.

Although she said bad things about the son-in-law behind her back, it was meaningless for him, a grown man, to care about a little girl.

He didn't care about Chen Mei'er, let alone Luo Yuhuan, who didn't have much interaction with him before?

Just thinking this, Meng Liang heard a few roars outside the window.

The woman in his arms trembled slightly, her eyelids moved, and she really didn't wake up.

Meng Liang left quietly.

He played the whole game. Since she pretended to be asleep, he would just pretend that she was asleep.

When he got to the window and gently pushed it open, he saw seven hunter zombies lurking outside the courtyard gate.

They were not the ones before, but the ones who had just arrived. They probably smelled the smell in the room. They happened to not lock on any target, so they became interested in the smell in this house.

Meng Liang raised his leg and stepped on the windowsill, then lightly jumped out, and then activated the five-step ascending ability, stepping into the air continuously, like a light step, and flew directly to the outside of the courtyard.

Seven huge and flexible hunter zombies immediately roared and rushed over.

Meng Liang raised the corner of his mouth and sneered.

So what if he had high dodge, it might be a problem for others, but for him, it was just a small dish.

In the room, Luo Yuhuan, who pretended to sleep, knew that Meng Liang had left.

She secretly turned back and looked at the window.


Third floor? Jumped out the window? How is it possible? What did he do?

After hesitating for a few seconds, she got up and went to the window to peek.

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