Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0218 Take it, you’re welcome

Meng Liang has 200 times strength, 4 times agility, and 2 times dodge. That's really like Superman.

Seven huge zombies rushed over, and he passed directly through the gap between them. At the same time, he reached out and grabbed the arm of one zombie.

Upstairs, Luo Yuhuan was thinking about it.


Isn't this a hunter zombie?

Why are they back?

It’s over, it’s over!

There is no way to deal with this kind of zombie, what should I do?

Meng Liang originally found this kind of zombie and went out.

Is he a fool? Something wrong with your head? Is this looking for death?


what's the situation?

Luo Yuhuan watched Meng Liang run over very quickly and pull a huge zombie away!

Luo Yuhuan couldn't describe the adjective "very fast, very fast". Anyway, it was much faster than the common concept of "very fast".

Meng Liang pulled out a hunter zombie and threw it over his shoulder to the ground.

Fighting zombies is divided into two dimensions, the first is the virtual world dimension, and the other is the game world dimension.

This is combined.

So for the virtual world dimension, the defense power of zombies is very high.

Using weapons in the virtual world, regardless of the level in the game world, one point of blood can be lost with one strike, and two or three drops can't be lost with one shot, regardless of the level in the game world.

But virtual world attacks can produce very real attack effects.

Meng Liang was very strong and could easily control these monsters in his hands.

This power is obtained in the game world dimension, but it is synchronized with the virtual world dimension.

After knocking the huge zombie down, Meng Liang pounced on it, hugged it so that it couldn't move, and then took out a knife and decapitated it.

Meng Liang's attack power was so high that he could easily kill these low-level zombies in his eyes without using the Weeping Blood Blade.

If you hug it, you can't move, and naturally you lose your ability to dodge quickly.

Just kill one, and the other six just come over.

Meng Liang used this method to easily kill all the zombies in less than a minute.

He stood up, straightened his clothes, cleaned up the dust, and smiled coldly, very coolly.

He reactivated the ability to reach the sky in five steps and returned to the room again.

At this time, Luo Yuhuan opened his mouth slightly with a look of disbelief.

Meng Liang looked at her and smiled:

"Aren't you asleep?"

"Your brother-in-law, why are you so powerful?"

"Answer my question, aren't you sleeping?"

Meng Liang went to lie down on the bed while he was talking.

Luo Yuhuan immediately climbed onto the bed, got into the bed again, and leaned against Meng Liang.

"I'm awake, brother-in-law, are you killing hunter zombies?"


"Then why are you so powerful? Hunter zombies are over level 20. How many levels are you at?"

"I'm level 1."

"Huh? How is that possible?"


Meng Liang pointed to the blood strip on his head.

"Wow! It's really level 1, but your combat ability is obviously not. Why is that? Do you have a more powerful hidden profession?"

"Haha, yes, I am a zombie hunter, and killing zombies has hidden attributes.

"Oh my God! Really?"

"Of course, otherwise, how could I kill seven zombies in their twenties and above so easily?"

"We can't, we must not, that's too great. Brother-in-law, my little sister will have to rely on him in the future! You don't know how hard I am."

While talking, Luo Yuhuan moved closer to Meng Liang, and their bodies were already close to each other.

Meng Liang frowned.

Logically speaking, the Luo Yuhuan he knew should not be so snobbish.

How do you find out that you have the ability and take the initiative to approach?

Meng Liang decided to figure this out.

So he lay down on his side and faced Luo Yuhuan.

His face was just illuminated by the moonlight and he could see clearly. And he had night vision, so he could see Luo Yuhuan clearly.

The two looked at each other, and there was a trace of embarrassment in Luo Yuhuan's eyes, as well as other complicated emotions that he couldn't explain clearly.

"Hey, with your looks, it's very easy to get close to a big boss over there. Why do you want to rely on me?"

"Aren't you my brother-in-law?"

Meng Liang raised his hand and pinched Luo Yuhuan's cheek.

"Ah! It hurts! What are you doing!"

"You know, we don't know each other that well. If you are willing to approach me so easily, then of course you can also approach other strong and capable men. So I don't understand why you want to approach me and why you find out This is how I behave after my fighting ability is good. Luo Yuhuan, I won’t lie to you, tell the truth.”

"Then let me go first!"

Meng Liang let go.

Luo Yuhuan hesitated for a long time, and then sighed:

"I'm telling the truth."

Meng Liang raised his hand to pinch her face again.

Luo Yuhuan said hurriedly:

"Don't do it, don't do it, listen to me first! What I said is really the truth!"

Meng Liang put his hand down.

"Say it, speak it clearly so that I can understand it, you know?"

"You are so fierce."

"Say it!"

"All right."

Luo Yuhuan sighed, and then said:

"You know that Dunjia Fortress has forces from all directions, right?"

"Yes, I know."

"Then I will first tell you about these forces from all directions, so that you know who they are. There is a poem called -

Wei Wuxiong is invincible, Tang Sancai returns home, Song Qimei is unparalleled, Ming Bagui is proud of the heroes, Qing Shizi divides the world, Han Twenty-three shakes the nine states, Sui Sixty-one shows his edge, Qin Bai iron horse marches on. In other words, these eight forces are Wei, Tang, Song, Ming, Qing, Han, Sui and Qin. It sounds very impressive, right? "

"Don't waste time, say I don't know. "

"Wei Wuxiong, there were five butchers before the end of the world! Killing pigs in slaughterhouses;

Tang Sancai is three demons, neither male nor female, who used to dance in discotheques;

Song Qimei is seven women, all of them are big and strong, because they are members of the city weightlifting team

Ming Bagui is a mixed bag, three murderers who escaped from prison, two gangsters, two security captains, and one is the owner of a large supermarket

Qing Shiliuzi is even more chaotic, the bosses used to be thugs who cheated, stole, and even killed and set fires

Han Twenty-three has some status, they are rich and powerful before the end of the world, they call themselves nobles, divide people into different levels, very despicable and dirty, like to use slaves!

Sui Sixty-one is the low-end group in this power, huddling together for warmth.

Qin Bai Tiema sounds impressive, but think about it, it is ranked after Sui, it is really the poorest of the poor, the pariah of the pariah!

I want to be a delicate young lady, a pure and innocent little princess, but I have no foundation in this place, I am just a helpless pariah, I can't get in touch with those better high-level people, the ones I can get in touch with are all villains.

They either treat women as cattle and horses, or abandon them one by one. This is not the end of the world. Meng Liang, it's not that I can make men live and die for me just because I am beautiful. To put it bluntly, once I go to the stage, I will be a commodity. The big guys will either abandon me or exchange me when they are tired of playing. I have seen many such women in the past two months, and I really don't want to let myself be like this.

You are different, you are the most suitable, I know you, you are my best friend's husband, although there seems to be no spark between you and Qu Jiaolan, but you are legally married after all, I am Qu Jiaolan's friend, now that we meet in the end of the world, you will take care of me a little bit, right?

Take a step back, if you really have fantasies about me, I will give in.


There are wolves and tigers in the apocalypse, how can a little lamb like me be safe?

Even Liu Chaoyang, who has always regarded me as a goddess, wants to play with me like a bitch, who else can I count on?

So I am telling the truth, because you are my brother-in-law, and we should have known each other before the apocalypse.

Just this body of flesh, just this skin, it doesn't matter who you give it to, the fat water will not flow into the fields of outsiders.

Brother-in-law, if you like it, take it, don't be polite!

Aren't we all here to live? "

At this time, Luo Yuhua has changed into another charming temperament, which makes Meng Liang stunned. Women really have two faces!

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