Meng Liang slowly took a sip of wine and did not look at Qu Gueran. He didn't know what Qu Jiaolan was thinking. Anyway, it was estimated that it took two minutes before he heard her speak.

"Ah! It's good, yes, it's good! Come on, come on, eat, let's all eat together!"

That night, no one at the table mentioned it again.

Under Qu Jiaolan's initiative, the three princesses and the six young masters all ended up drinking too much.

Meng Liang didn't know what Qu Jiaolan was really thinking, and didn't know if she cared at all. Anyway, she drank until she was unconscious. Xu Feng took her back to the bedroom, and Meng Liang had to take care of Chen Meier and Luo Yuhuan.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π–™π–œπ–π–†π–“.π–ˆπ–”π–’]

After this time, Qu Jiaolan began to avoid Meng Liang, very obviously.

I go out early in the morning to fight monsters and level up, and come back at night.

She never interacted with Chen sister Luo Yuhuan again.

The two women would privately speculate on Qu Gueran's thoughts.

Luo Yuhuan felt that she was still jealous.

Chen Meier thought it was because of face issues. After all, Meng Liang was still her legal husband, and she felt that what these two best friends did was not appropriate.

In any case, this matter soon became known to most people, and Chen Meier Luo Yuhuan became an unwelcome person in the safe house. The person who led all this was of course Lu Anke.

Lu Anke's attitude towards Meng Liang has not changed, but he always sighs when he sees Meng Liang.

"Son, hey, why don't you insist on it? Even if Guerlain and you don't deal with each other, Jiaorou is still single, and it will be the same if you get married to her.

Meng Liang could only be speechless, giggle and run away from Lu Anke, fearing that her views would be led astray by her.

The days passed quickly, and the appointed meeting time came.

Meng Liang finally met Qu Jiaolan again.

Maybe she has adjusted her mentality, or maybe she really doesn't care.

Looking at Meng Liang and smiling:

"Be careful. Those women are very powerful. It's not easy to make them surrender."

When Meng Liang wanted Luo Yuhuan and Chen Meier, he actually wanted to take revenge on Qu Jielan. After all, he had been wronged at Lao Qu's house.

But looking at Qu Jiaolan in front of him, Meng Liang couldn't express his feelings.

It didn't matter if he was happy or unhappy. The key was that he couldn't figure out what Qu Jiaolan was thinking in his heart.

Forget it, let's just be busy with things at the base, love is not that important anymore.

So Meng Liang just nodded calmly to Qu Gueran, and then went to the Ninth Palace with his aunt.

In the conference room over there, Meng Liang reunited with several women again.

Hong Ling, Lan Miao, and Hai Li have all changed.

In fact, Meng Liang didn't know these three women very well.

Lan Miao gave Meng Liang the impression of being smart but lazy.

Hong Ling is cunning and decisive.

Haley is simply cowardly and ignorant.

Not to mention Hong Ling, Lan Miao and Hai Li, as travelers from another world, quickly learned the world view of this world, and the changes should be the biggest.

They were very cautious when they saw Meng Liang and did not say hello.

At the beginning of the meeting, Baina put forward Meng Liang's opinions first. In fact, all the women present knew about it.

The room was quiet for a while, and finally Baina spoke first.

"We are now an alliance mechanism and have managed this place in an orderly manner. Why do we have to establish a unified military? This is not what the people want, at least it is not what the people under the Four Color Legion want."

"Hmph, Baina, you have the least right to say such things. Let me tell you, the White Legion has the most problems."

When Baina heard this, she raised her eyebrows and her expression turned bad.

Meng Liang did not hesitate to explain these problems.

A battle group only has 30% of its combatants, and the rest are useless. This is a serious waste of resources in the apocalypse.

A sad class society has been formed, and the result is that although the lower class is afraid of the upper class, they also hate the upper class in their hearts.

The people at the top want to enjoy the pleasure of the people at the bottom, but at the same time they are jealous of the comfort of the people below.

Nobles also have many privileges.

"If you think of your war group as a society, then this society is divided and cannot withstand external disturbances at all. It is just that the rot has already formed and it is difficult to adjust it from the inside. I am here to help you adjust it from the outside. , all the combatants are divided and mixed to deal with the zombies in the city; all the civilians must take on more responsibilities and live leisurely here? That means waiting for death. I must cheer up. "

"Haha, Meng Liang, it's your choice whether you want to be a civilian or a soldier. Even if you are very powerful, you have no right to control other people's lives. This is not the beginning of the apocalypse anymore."

Baina still disagrees with Meng Liang, which is normal. Meng Liang killed Zhang Huanyu, and she still holds a grudge.

No one else in the room spoke. This round was obviously between Meng Liang and many people. If he refused to vote, he would probably lose.

Meng Liang came back this time to be the leader, a place above a safe area that could compete with the zombie army.

This is his goal and it won't change.

Looking at Qu Jiaolan, she was also looking at him.

Meng Liang smiled and said:

"Guerlain, we have already discussed this issue. You support me, right?"

Qu Jiaolan nodded but said nothing.

Meng Liang also nodded, and then looked at Haili.

"I saved you back then, Hailey. You were very servile when you first came here, but now?"

"I don't want to be a slave anymore."

"I just want to be with the army, not to be a slave to you, understand?"

"I have the same idea as Bai Na, I don't agree with being with the army."

Haili has really changed a lot, and she insists on her opinion.

Meng Liang smiled more radiantly and looked at Hong Ling.

Hong Ling frowned slightly, and after a while took the initiative to say:

"I worked hard to build the Red Army from beginning to end. I don't want to change myself from the head of a chicken to the tail of a phoenix. I agree with Bai Na's approach. It's best to maintain the status quo."

Meng Liang looked at Lan Miao again.

Lan Miao had been observing Meng Liang, and she saw a hint of coldness in his smile.

"Haha, Meng Liang, welcome back first."

"Thank you, what do you think?"

"Maybe we can study this slowly."

"Don't waste time. The Four-sided Legion is mine. If you don't accept it, I will kill you. It's that simple. I will treat the previous friendship as feeding the dog, and killing the dog is easy for me!"

When Meng Liang said this, the four women all widened their eyes in shock. They didn't expect Meng Liang to be so arbitrary.

Qu Jiaolan was also surprised. She looked at Meng Liang, wondering if Meng Liang was just talking casually or if he really had such an idea.

At this moment, the door opened and three women covered in blood walked in from outside.

Bai Na knew them. They were the three third-level beauties who could be summoned by Meng Liang.

Kui Niang smiled slightly and said:

"All the ambushes outside have been resolved. Meng Liang, what do you say here?"

Qu Jiaolan was finally shocked. She didn't expect Meng Liang to be not only arbitrary, but also well prepared and had already taken action!

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