There is no way to make up for the gap in strength. The key is that Meng Liang is still so ruthless. Baina and the other women looked very bad, and the situation was already under control.

Qu Jiaolan sighed when she saw this:

"Meng Liang, if you use strong methods to force them, even if they agree to you, they will not obey you sincerely. The problem has not been solved."

"Then it seems the only option is to kill them!"

After hearing what Meng Liang said, Baina finally couldn't help it anymore, slapped the table with her hand, and shouted:

"Meng Liang, don't go too far. After all, we fought together to conquer the world. If you are so heartless, if you really want to kill us, where is your humanity?"

"Tell me about humanity in the end of the world? That's far inferior to rules. Now that I'm back, I'm the rule. If you don't abide by it, you will be eliminated."

Meng Liang said this, but he only sneered in his heart.

human nature?

Haha, it is human nature for him to do this.

He knew that the current mess could not resist the zombie army.

I sacrificed myself for the sake of saving everyone. If it wasn't like this, why should I meddle in other people's business? Wouldn't it be nice to hide in a safe house and sleep well?

While talking, Meng Liang really took action, and the target he chose was Haili.

There is no need to keep a perverted woman.

When Haley was in another world, she didn't dare to resist the real humans there.

But when it comes to your own world, your concepts become confused.

Meng Liang has already investigated her and knows that some of her practices are actually quite cruel.

So Haley is the least lovable leader among the four women.

Of course, I never thought about whether to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys or to kill them all.

Anyway, I’ll start with Haley first.

Her level has actually reached over 90, but in Meng Liang's eyes, a person of this level can be killed with just one blow like an ordinary person.

Meng Liang almost went over without hesitation, raised his knife and killed Haili instantly.

This shocked everyone in the room.

"Meng Liang, you..."

Baina was speechless. She felt that Meng Liang was a tyrant, how could he kill people so casually.

"I've said it all before. Since you are trouble, I can only get rid of you. The next one is Hong Ling. You have too many evil thoughts. Even if you promise to obey me, I guess you still have some thoughts. "

What Meng Liang said was a bit clever. He was not in no particular order. Killing Haili had already acted as a deterrent, so the following words were actually a kind of comfort to Baina and Lan Miao, which meant giving Give them more time to think.

Before Hong Ling came, she never thought that things could be so simple. She couldn't resist and had no power at all.

So Hong Ling reacted quickly and fell to her knees with a plop when Meng Liang took a step towards her.

"Chief, I never said I would resist from the beginning to the end. I am really willing to obey. I am willing to hand over the army according to your distribution, and then lead the civilians to fight monsters and upgrade."

The history is surprisingly similar. Back then, Hong Ling had nothing, so she was so groveling in front of Meng Liang. Unexpectedly, after she had everything, she would still be even more humble.

Hong Ling was very upset. In her heart, she was still thinking about whether it was necessary to beg Meng Liang. After thinking about it, if she didn't beg him, she might die as miserably as Haili. The man in front of her was not just a joke.

Seeing Hong Ling like this, Meng Liang stopped.

He knows that killing can indeed solve problems quickly, but a monarch full of killing will not only make people fearful, but also bring hatred, which is not a good thing for rule.

At this time, my aunt was also around. Meng Liang looked at her and said:

"You should arrange for people to take over Haili and Hongling's people now, and kill anyone who resists. Oh, take Hongling with you. You can check and balance Hongling's people and use them to deal with Haili's people. , so I want to be able to do it easily.

The aunt didn't hesitate and left the room with Hong Ling.

Baina and Lan Miao both frowned and looked at Meng Liang.

When Meng Liang looked at them, Lan Miao spoke first with a smile on her face.

"Well, since you have been gone for so long, I think you are indeed suitable to be a leader now. Originally, I was not interested in being the boss, so I will listen to you and hang out with you from now on."

Although this woman Lan Miao also comes from another world, she is different from Haili. She has a very high IQ and emotional intelligence. She and Meng Liang even formed a group to fight together in another world. Their relationship is indeed better than that between Meng Liang and Hei Li. Li and Hongling are deeper.

Meng Liang chuckled and stretched out his hands to face Lan Miao.

"Little girl, didn't you still want to give birth to my child? It's been a long time since I last saw you. I want you to be so rare."

Qu Jiaolan's eyes widened. She didn't expect that Meng Liang and Lan Miao would have such an exchange. Baina was also very surprised. She didn't expect that Meng Liang would be so polite to Lan Miao after killing Hai Li and scaring Hong Ling away. .

Maybe Meng Liang did this just because he felt that Lan Miao was not that utilitarian, and he did have more interactions with Lan Miao.

Seeing Meng Liang's reaction, Lan Miao walked over with a smile.

Meng Liang directly hugged her in his arms, hugging her very hard, holding her waist with one hand and supporting her butt with the other, then moved his mouth forward and kissed her hard on the face.

As a person from another world, Lan Miao felt that this way of greeting was nothing. She could even choose to go to bed, let alone this kind of kiss.

But in the eyes of Qu Jiaolan and Baina, they seemed a little uncomfortable.

Although they knew that Lan Miao was from another world, her values ​​were different from those of women in their own world.

But thinking that Meng Liang was from their own world after all, he was so proactive towards her.

That was just taking advantage, since she wouldn't resist anyway.

Meng Liang didn't take advantage. In his opinion, the active contact of the body could feel Lan Miao's inner thoughts and see if he really surrendered and was really willing to obey him.

Fortunately, there was no abnormality in the contact, it was just a feeling, so Meng Liang felt that Lan Miao should be fine.

"Then you can go back and make your own arrangements. Open all the troops for me, and then hand them over to that aunt. The aunt's name is Zhu Hong, and she is very suitable for training soldiers."

Since Lan Miao had already promised Meng Liang, she would not delay any longer, so she left with a smile.

"I'll go and follow Lan Miao to see."

Qu Jiaolan supported Meng Liang, so she thought she should help do something at this time and follow Lan Miao to see. If there was no problem with Lan Miao, plus Hei Li and Hong Ling, the matter would basically be solved, and Bai Na's opinion would not be very important.

Qu Jiaolan didn't want to think about other things. The most important thing now was to clarify the issue of the base's rights first, so that she could make adequate preparations for the rapid promotion of collective construction.

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