Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0588 Drama Queen vs Drama Queen

Meng Liang also saw that not far away, a woman was digging a hole with a shovel.

From this angle, only the back can be seen.

She was wearing white boxer shorts, revealing her long white legs.

Her upper body looked graceful, and her pelvis was very strong.

She was a beautiful woman with a graceful figure.

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Is that the person she killed?

This was too fast. Meng Liang estimated that it only took him three minutes to go there and back, and she killed all the people. So cruel.

He quickly moved his body to another position to look at the woman's face.

Meng Liang was surprised when he saw this.

She was indeed very beautiful, but for Meng Liang, who had seen many beautiful women, this was nothing.

What surprised Meng Liang was the woman's expression at this time. She looked hesitant, with tears in her eyes, and she looked very pitiful. This word was very suitable for her. At this time, she looked like Daiyu burying flowers.

In other words, this woman was still very elegant, a kind of weak feeling that she wanted to protect and bully.

Could such a woman be a murderer?

Meng Liang became curious.

Then observe for a while.

The woman was a master, 4th turn, very strong, even stronger than Qu Jiaolan.

But it was normal.

Although Qu Jiaolan had worked hard over the years, she had no adventures.

Just like me, it was because I did adventure tasks again and again that I was able to cross the level and ascend. Because I had special parameters and super golden fingers, I could reach the first level of the initial god.

Others might not be able to catch up with me, but it was nothing to surpass Qu Jiaolan.

Finally, the woman finished digging the pit, then went over to pull the wolf's body and put it into the hole, and then buried it again, obviously to make a grave.

The woman cried while doing it, and talked to herself.

"Baby, you died just like that. He is so cruel. You are pregnant, but they still killed you. It is so hateful. You must die with your eyes closed. I have avenged you and your son."

Meng Liang rolled his eyes when he heard this. It was indeed this woman who killed him. Did she raise this wolf?

The world is so big that there are all kinds of things. Killing so many people for a wolf is too cruel.

Of course, Meng Liang knew that he had no right to judge others. After all, Meng Liang killed many people, including innocent people.

The key is that now he knows the ins and outs of this matter. Nanfeng didn't want to kill himself, but must have been persuaded by those people, so he killed the wolf and took it back. โ‚†โ‚‰โ‚›โ‚•แตคโ‚“.cโ‚’โ‚˜

And this woman arrived, so she directly killed their whole family.

Alas, this is really a difficult problem to tell.

If killing is against the law before the end of the world, it is against morality, but in the end of the world, without laws, who can tell right from wrong?

Meng Liang is still only interested in the origin and level of this woman. Where did such a high-level woman come from?

He looked down and saw that his clothes were tattered at this time. He was slightly dressed up for this trip. It seems that he is a wandering child in the end of the world.

The routine of pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger began to play again, but this is not to pretend to be a pig, but pretending to be a weak person can often make the enemy relax their vigilance, so that it is easier to act.

Maybe I should have an encounter with this woman and see what kind of person she is.

With a plan, Meng Liang began to follow this woman.

After burying the wolf, the woman left, also heading north, the same direction as himself, so he followed until an opportunity appeared.

Meng Liang caught a little rabbit, skinned it, and roasted it on the fire rack. This place is about 500 meters away from the woman. If the woman does not change direction, she will definitely come here.

Meng Liang locked it with his super hearing and did not change direction, but she walked very slowly. It took several minutes to get nearby and walked over following the smell of fireworks.

After peeling off the grass and bypassing the big tree, Meng Liang deliberately raised his head and looked at her.

Although he was playing a child, Meng Liang did not want to look like a little fool, so when the woman appeared, he immediately took out a knife very cautiously, then took two steps back and stared at the woman with wide eyes.

This is the reaction of a child wandering in the doomsday.

Meng Liang was still thinking in his heart, it is not possible to say that this rabbit is also raised by you, right?

The woman was stunned for a while, then walked forward and smiled at Meng Liang.

Oh my!

This woman is really not stunning, but the feeling she gives people is really good. When she smiles, she looks pure and innocent when she doesn't smile.

No one would think she is an executioner. If Meng Liang didn't know that she killed dozens of people in the cave over there, it would be hard to imagine that such a thing would happen.

"Hello little brother, don't be afraid. Um, are you alone? Where are your parents?"

The words were polite, but Meng Liang did not dare to be careless. He still held the dagger and said to the woman with a serious face:

"My parents are nearby. Don't come over. If you come over, they will beat you."

Meng Liang is also a drama queen. The key is that he has been a child for a long time, so he has some skills to act like a child. If he directly said that he had no adults at this time, it would be abrupt, which means that this child has no scheming. How can a child without scheming survive in the doomsday?

Obviously, it was impossible, so he had to be a scheming child so that he would not be suspected by the other party.

This was the child's scheming, and it was impossible to escape the eyes of adults. Then, after the other party broke Meng Liang's lie, they would naturally let down their guard and think that he was just a child.

Sure enough, the woman looked around and there was no trace of adults at all, so she knew that the child in front of her was lying because he was afraid of herself.

The woman smiled and said:

"So there are adults following you, that's great, little brother, I'm wandering alone in this woods, I'm scared to death, there are so many wild animals, your adults will come back in a while, can you let him protect me?"

Meng Liang really wanted to vomit blood, this little girl was also a drama queen, she was just talking nonsense to him, and you were still afraid of death? You are so fierce like a pervert.

The expression on Meng Liang's face still did not reveal the truth, showing a very melancholy feeling, after all, no adults would come, and hearing the other party say this, he would definitely be depressed, Meng Liang pretended very well.

The woman approached and sat directly beside the fire rack, moving her nose and sniffing.

"Well, this rabbit meat is really delicious. Little brother, tell me your name. My name is Yu Qiuyu, Yu in "Celebrating Yu Nian", Qiu in "Autumn", and Yu in "Light Rain". Isn't it nice to hear? Haha, little brother, what's your name?"

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