From beginning to end, the woman acted as harmless as the big sister next door.

It is estimated that any male creature in the world will not be too cautious when seeing a woman with such a temperament, and will be conquered by his gentle appearance.

He is also a little man. It seems that the drama is almost over now. If he acts again, he will pass.

So Meng Liang seemed to hesitate for a while, and then he spoke, softening his voice and saying:

"My name is Meng Liang."

"Well, okay, then let's wait for your adults to come back together. Hey, can you treat me to some roast rabbit?"

"Are you really a good person? You didn't lie to me?"

"Well, of course it's true. How could a kind-hearted person like my sister lie to a child?"

Meng Liang wanted to go over and give him a kick. You were so kind, but you killed the whole family, including men, women, children and old men.

"But I just lied to you. I don't have grown-ups. I have been wandering alone in the apocalypse for more than a year. I was afraid that you were a bad person, so I lied to you."

"Hahaha, so you think I'm not a bad person?"

"Well, I feel very safe talking to my sister, and I really like how beautiful you look when you smile. I think you are not a bad person, you are a good person, right?"

"Hehehehe, um, hahaha!"

Yu Qiuyu laughed so hard that she didn't know why it was so funny.

Meng Liang ignored her and continued to talk to himself.

"This is the rabbit I finally caught."

This shows how stingy the child is, as if he doesn't want to give the rabbit to Yu Qiuyu.

Yu Qiuyu saw Meng Liang's hesitation, so she smiled.

"How about I exchange it with you, sister? I know there is a small village in front of the big house, and there are a lot of supplies in the village. After I get there, I can be the master of the house, and then give it to you?"

"Really? You didn't lie to me?"

"Of course, you think I'm a good person, so how could my sister lie to you? But didn't you lie to me either? I mean, have you really been wandering alone in the apocalypse for a long time? That's not easy. Ah, what level are you at?"

Hearing Yu Qiuyu suddenly ask Meng Liang this question, Meng Liang was upset. If he asked about his rank, his secret would be revealed. If Yu Qiuyu asked him to show it, all the lies would be exposed.

At this moment, several strong men suddenly jumped out and surrounded Yu Qiuyu and Meng Liang.

When Meng Liang saw it, he quickly put away the knife, rushed to Yu Qiuyu, threw himself into her arms, and pressed his face tightly against her heart.

Not bad, after all, she is already a woman in her twenties, a little fleshy but not bland.

Yu Qiuyu was still sitting on the ground, stretched out an arm and hugged Meng Liang, then raised his head and looked at the people around him.

They did not speak immediately and looked very cautious. This is what a bandit should do in the apocalypse. If you want to rob others in the apocalypse, you cannot just jump out and say that I opened this mountain and planted this tree. You must do it. Observe the other party first to see if it is easy to make a move.

It stands to reason that women and children are weak, but again, it is difficult to raise women and children in the world. If women and children want to settle down in the world, there must be some crooked ways, so these people are very cautious. This is A smart approach.

Yu Qiuyu was still so gentle and calm, hugging Meng Liang, looking at them and smiling:

"I'm not in a good mood today, so you'd better not mess with me. I'll give you a few seconds and get out of here. If you don't get away, I'll kill you."

When she spoke, she sounded soft and weak, feeling quite good and not at all lethal.

But it's precisely because this temperament is scary that she doesn't seem to care at all and is extremely confident.

The robbers looked at each other for a few times, and were actually scared away. They turned around and ran away. Meng Liang was dumbfounded and couldn't help but cursed in his heart. They were really a bunch of cowards.

"Okay, little brother, they were all scared away. The rabbit meat seems a bit mushy."

Yu Qiuyu hurriedly went to get the rabbit on the fire rack. In this way, he forgot the topic he wanted to talk about before. He worked for a few minutes and added some seasonings. Then he finished the rabbit meat and took it down with Meng Liang. eat.

During the whole process, Yu Qiuyu was very well-behaved, and she felt like a good sister from the neighbor's house, so much so that Meng Liang felt that it might have been an illusion just now, and that the woman he saw killing someone was not Yu Qiuyu.

It's just that Meng Liang is not that nervous. The things that have been inferred and verified are still seen with his own eyes. Yu Qiuyu has admitted it himself, so there can be no more misunderstandings.

Then continue to observe. After dinner, we will rush to the village that Yu Qiuyu mentioned. It is still the same direction as Meng Liang is going.

It's just that the two of them walked much slower. Yu Qiuyu held Meng Liang's hand and walked very leisurely.

If he continued walking like this, it would be good to reach that village in the dark. Meng Liang began to consider whether to give up and run away by himself.

But this is a Rank 4 strongman after all, let’s take a closer look.

Yu Qiuyu never asked Meng Liang about his rank again. She probably forgot about it. Subconsciously, she might have thought that Meng Liang was just a child, so it wasn't that important to ask about his rank.

"When we get to that village soon, you have to follow me closely. There are a lot of bad people there."

"Will there be many bad people bullying me?"

"No, you are my little follower. How dare they bully you? I tell you, the bad guys over there are also afraid of my sister."

"Why? Is my sister worse than them?"

Meng Liang is a bit childlike.

Yu Qiuyu glanced at Meng Liang, still with that gentle smile like the big sister next door, and nodded.

"Haha, little thing, you are right, sister is indeed worse than them. The place we are going to is called the Village of Evil. Sister is the village chief there, and people call me the first evil person."

While speaking, Yu Qiuyu also bared her teeth and made faces at Meng Liang, obviously wanting to scare Meng Liang, but she is pretty and has smart facial features, so no matter how she makes faces, it will not look too ugly, and there is a special weird flavor.

Meng Liang was stunned for a while and then laughed foolishly.

Yu Qiuyu saw Meng Liang laughing and covered her mouth and laughed, and said something.

"It seems that you don't believe it, haha, little fool, then follow sister"


Meng Liang was really speechless. This was the second woman who called him a little fool. Did he really look like a fool when he turned into a child?

I'm not stupid, okay, I'll go to the village with you to see what a real villain is.

I've seen many villains along the way, but I've never seen a group of villains. Even at the gate of hell, they are just a group of ordinary people. They don't have morals, but they can't be considered real villains.

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