Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0065 The battle has just begun

It can only be said that fortunately Meng Liang had such a bulldozer. Soon the land was pushed down one level, and a half-meter-high earthen wall was constructed about one meter away from the city wall. ɱXu Jiani fulfilled her mission and found not only water but also Shuo material cloth.

Everyone hurriedly laid these plastic sheets in the ditch and then poured water into it. The whole process took only half an hour to build an isolation zone with a width of one meter and a height of half a meter on the short side.

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"No, no! This is not enough. Quickly find something that can make the water dirty!"

Meng Liang issued a new order, and everyone responded immediately.

"Salt and soy sauce, okay? I see these things in the kitchen, but the bottles are quite big. You have to carry them with me! There's also vinegar!"

"Can you use peppers? There are a lot of peppers growing in the fields over there. They are a bit big. Each pepper is bigger than me. Can you pick them off, break them into pieces and throw them in?"

"Can you pee? I want to pee."

Zhengdao said his suggestion, and everyone else immediately looked at him and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

After another burst of work, the water in the moat became turbid and gave off a pungent smell.

It's normal. The giant's ingredients are probably five hundred years old. They have deteriorated long ago and bacteria have grown in them. Of course they will have a smell.

Everyone covered their noses, all the preparations were done, and they were waiting for the little people to come from the wall.

Of course, they had already checked in advance and found that the surrounding wall was very tight and there were no gaps, so no one should be able to get in.

"Meng Liang, do you think the villain can dig the soil? If we come in from the ground, will we be dead?"

Zhengdao said something unpleasant again, attracting everyone's attention, and they all glared at his crow's mouth.

Zhengdao stuck out his tongue and didn't dare to speak.

And at this moment, on the side of the wall, I finally saw the figure of the villain.

"Wahaha, I'm coming up! Come on!"

The little man ran all the way and finally jumped down.

Everyone watched as it fell into the moat and drowned after two puffs.

The six Meng Liang people looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all a little surprised. They didn't expect that this plan would actually come true.

"Are they not very smart? The height of ten meters is equivalent to an abyss of 100 meters for them. Why do they dare to jump down?"

Meng Liang asked the question in his mind.

"No, the gravity here is the same as ours, which means that for a small person with a body the size of an ant, it cannot produce much falling potential energy. Adding air resistance, the falling speed of the ant will not be accelerated, but at a constant speed. This The speed is not very fast, and the same is true for villains. There is not much difference between them jumping from a height of 10,000 meters and jumping from a height of one meter. They basically cannot fall to death, so from the perspective of their world view, it may be difficult to climb high. , but it is not difficult at all to jump from a high altitude. This is a common sense ability, so they dare to jump down without fear. "

Xu Jiani gave an answer.

Meng Liang glanced at her and estimated that this woman was a top student in the past. Meng Liang didn't quite understand the specific principle she said, but he could understand it. In short, it was because the villain was very small and was affected by air resistance and formed with gravity. Equally different, so there will be no acceleration, and you won't fall to death if you jump down.

"Come on!"

"Eat them!"

The human wall outside has probably been built, and more and more villains are rushing up, speeding up the wall, and then falling into the moat.

This water full of debris is really very lethal to them, and they will basically die after falling down and unable to move for a few times.

Of course everyone was very happy. Meng Liang hurriedly asked everyone to dig a hole, then took things and went to the water to fish out the body.

"There are 700 billion. The corpses must be cleaned up, otherwise they will probably be piled up. Just take them out and bury them underground."

Everyone followed Meng Liang's instructions.

After a while, many bodies were fished out.

Only then did I finally see what these villains looked like. They were both male and female. They were similar to humans. They had very similar characteristics to Westerners. The clothes they wore looked a bit like ancient people. They were probably not much smarter.

Regardless, you can't treat them as human beings, they want to eat you.

If you think about it this way, let's relax. No matter what the corpses are everywhere, let's bury it later.

This battle was not peaceful. The villains' shouts of killing were loud, but the people on Meng Liang's side remained silent. At present, they could only rely on the moat to stop their numerical suppression.

It lasted for a whole morning, and it was already filled with an estimated tens of millions of villains.

At this point the attack finally stopped.

The voice of the mountain slave appeared again.

"I'm so angry! Just wait! Just wait for me!"

It seems like this guy is going to find a way.

Meng Liang and the others could not sit still and wait for death, so they continued to dig holes and dug deeper holes in a circle of moats, intending to expand the water area.

700 billion!

Although it is small, we don’t know how much more will follow, so we cannot underestimate the enemy at all.

They also defended the house.

The main thing is to find things and build steps so that I can climb to high places. I also prepare flammable items and light them to create a flame burning zone when necessary.

The world suddenly closed its eyes, not knowing what was going on outside or what the little people were planning.

Meng Liang's corpse-eating rat has been withdrawn. Although the little thing is also a giant rat when facing a villain, it will still be eaten and cannot get out.

Everyone was waiting anxiously. It was dark and there was still no movement outside.

"This is not a solution. Let's take turns to rest."

Everyone was really tired. After a day, everyone was exhausted.

One person was asked to keep watch every hour, and everyone took turns to go down.

They lived on the huge table in the room. The table was big enough for five people to sleep side by side. It was not easy to climb up, as it was nearly five meters high.

After a night of rest, there was still no movement outside, as if the little man had left.

But everyone knew that they could not leave, they were just waiting for an opportunity to find a way.

The good news is that the technology of the little man is not advanced, otherwise airplanes and cannons would have appeared long ago.

The bad news is that they will not give up, and this battle between virtual people will definitely have a winner.

Because there is nothing more to prepare, several people held a meeting and decided to go up to the house after research.

The roof is very high, so they should be able to see the situation outside, and they can also provide better protection for themselves, but it is not easy to climb up.

They moved various small objects, used ropes and other things, and finally succeeded after great efforts.

Meng Liang was the first to reach the roof. Standing here and looking out, Meng Liang's face turned pale.

Outside, it was all dark, and the little people had gathered. There was no visible boundary at all.

Meng Liang had a bad feeling. Perhaps this battle had just begun!

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