Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0066 Wind without temperature

The wind is rising. It is very windy here. Meng Liang and his friends need to hold on to the huge tiles on the roof to avoid being blown away.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒

But the wind is a bit strange. It seems to have no temperature. Even if it is blown by the wind, it does not feel cool or warm.

Strange, isn't the wind caused by the change of air temperature? Why does the wind have no temperature?

"Meng Liang, what do you think that is?"

Zhengdao's voice was very broken. I don't know if it was because the wind made his voice hoarse or because his heart was too shocked.

Of course, Meng Liang also saw that countless unknown leaves were flying around, and sitting on the leaves were small people.

They don't have any high technology, but the mountain slaves are not without wisdom.

The reason why he has not launched an attack since last night is that he is waiting for the wind.

The strong wind came, and they came too, shouting and killing, and they were fearless.

Not every leaf can carry the little people across the yard to the roof. Some will still fall into the water after falling.

The drowned villains could not stop the will of other villains, and they could still fly over.

At this time, Meng Liang had no idea. The duel of strength would end up like this, and it could only be a head-on collision.

Everyone quickly dispersed on the roof and attacked the leaves that might fall on the roof.

One good thing was that everyone's attack was effective, and the leaves could be knocked over in one go, causing the villains to fall.

However, there were too many leaves, and soon more than a dozen of them fell, and more than a thousand villains shouted and rushed towards their target.

"Eat them! Go!"

Oh. Or for them, it would be more accurate to describe them as food.

Everyone couldn't help each other, so they could only take care of themselves.

Meng Liang took off his clothes directly!

"Take off all your clothes! You can see clearly! Without clothes, it's not easy for them to climb up to your body! Hurry up!"

Everyone was surprised to see Meng Liang strip off so vigorously. The two women turned their heads away shyly, not daring to look at him.

However, the facts proved that Meng Liang was right.

After taking off all his clothes, it was difficult for the villains to climb up Meng Liang's body. Meng Liang tore open his shirt and stuffed it into his shoes to block the gap. In this way, the villains could not get into his shoes, and he could quickly step on the approaching villains to death.

The situation of the other few people was not so good. The villains grabbed the clothes and ran up, and some even got into the trouser legs of the shoes. Although it was not painful to be bitten once, when the number of villains got in, you can feel the constant pain.

There is no way!

Staying alive is the most important thing.

The men began to take off their clothes, and finally the two women also took off their clothes. They followed Meng Liang's example, took off their clothes, stuffed their shoes, and stepped back and forth quickly.

The villains who had climbed up the legs all slid down because there was no place to grab on the skin.

As soon as the feet moved, they flew with them, and the situation improved.

The battle continued like this.

Many villains were killed, and many villains were killed after coming up.

The legs of the six people were injured and the blood volume decreased.

After being bitten by about a thousand villains, 1 drop of blood will be dropped.

As time goes by, more and more villains come up, and they can no longer be killed.

Zhengdao shouted while fighting.

"This won't work! We will die, Meng Liang, think of a way! Everyone, think of a way!"

What else can be thought of?

No one spoke, there was no way, this is a fight to the death!

Back then, there were probably quite a few giants, as can be seen from the scale of the giants' buildings.

But in the end, they were all eaten by the villains, what can six people do now?

The atmosphere began to become heavy and depressed, and Zhao Qiqi felt the breath of death and cried out.

"We can't beat it! This copy is to kill us!"

The old guy Zhang Han shouted like crazy. They were all ordinary people, not well-trained warriors. Facing the desperate situation of death, the heavy pressure can easily crush their will.

"I'll fight you!"

Suddenly, he ran forward and flew over the roof.

"Old Zhao!"

Zhengdao's eyes turned red, and he also jumped, but was pulled by Meng Liang.

A very unexpected thing happened.

After Zhang Han fell to his death, blood flowed all over the ground. The little people who were originally flying to the roof jumped off the leaves one after another, and many little people on the wall also jumped down. Of course, some of the little people still couldn't cross the moat and drowned.

Why would they rather die than jump down?


Meng Liang quickly thought of the answer.

The blood of alien creatures can make the little people crazy and unconscious. When Zhang Han died, the little people can completely forget to give up the target they are attacking. This is their characteristic.

Meng Liang still didn't have a good way, but he knew that this place couldn't stay any longer. It had become a dead place.

"Go! All come down! Quick!"

Meng Liang called everyone to go down along the path up. At this time, all the little people had surrounded Zhang Han, and it was airtight. The little people outside tried hard to rush in.

There were many little people in the yard, but they didn't pay attention to Meng Liang and his people.

Meng Liang and his people rushed all the way to the door and tried to push the door open!

This time it was too fierce, all the villains rushed into the door, and their target was still Zhang Han.

It didn't take long, and Zhang Han would be eaten up soon.

Meng Liang took out the bulldozer, called everyone to get on, and then drove the bulldozer wildly on the road.

It was too crazy. Everywhere I could see was full of villains. There were so many that I didn't know how many there were.

When the car drove out for about ten meters, the villains on this side regained consciousness. It was estimated that Zhang Han had been eaten up and there was no blood or flesh left.

The villains launched a new wave of group attacks. The villains on the ground climbed up, and the villains sitting on the leaves flew over.

Ten minutes later, the number of villains in the whole car exceeded a thousand, and this number would continue to increase, because after driving so far, the surroundings were still the same, and there were villains everywhere, and it seemed that they would never disappear.

"Meng Liang, we are done."

The righteous way who tried desperately to kill the villains with his hands finally lost confidence. He felt hopeless even with his optimism.

Not to mention other people.

"They are here! Charge! Don't let them run away!"

The car crushed many villains while driving, but such damage was still a drop in the bucket for them. There were still villains everywhere, and they kept charging fearlessly.

What else could he do to save himself?

In addition to weapons and useless mice, what else did he have?

Meng Liang's mind was running fast.

Gold, fire, and water beads, nothing else.

Meng Liang took out the beads in despair and put them in his palm.

The function of the fire beads is to purify water.

The function of the gold beads is to turn them into tools.

The function of the water beads is to cool down and store food.

These are basically living skills, and they are useless.

[Water beads kill a large number of virtual people and enter the upgrade mode]


The prompt sound suddenly sounded, and Meng Liang was a little confused.

Suddenly found that a large number of the little people who climbed the wall and got on the car had died, and they were all dead!

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