Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0745: Debate on Human Nature

Luo Dacheng couldn't stand it any longer. What was Meng Liang doing? He actually molested his wife right in front of him.

What can be tolerated? Who can be tolerated? Even the second uncle can't tolerate it!

So he went to the shopping room to find an axe and smashed it with all his strength at the tempered glass.

The first smash cracked it, and then the second and third smashes, the sound became louder and louder.

Meng Liang and Pan Li both looked over there.

Then Meng Liang smiled slightly and said to Pan Li:

"Your husband is anxious."

"He is not my husband, and Luo Dacheng in the real world and I have separated. We were originally in the trial marriage stage, and then I found that I was not interested in him, so the trial marriage was no longer necessary."

The trial marriage in the real world is very advanced, and robots can be used, or biological simulations can be used. To put it more simply, it is a clone.

Let them get married and live together, and the owner can know how they feel about living together.

To be precise, the feeling system is turned on when feelings are needed, and it is ignored when feelings are not needed and you want to escape.

Only when they truly achieve a perfect fit will they choose to become a real couple, two real humans, and create the fruit of love. After giving birth to a child, they will give the child to the guild to raise, and the two will continue to be in a world of two people, until decades or even hundreds of years later, when there is really no passion between them and they separate. Become each other's relatives.

In other words, Pan Li and Luo Dacheng may not have been together, or even met each other. This is the wonder of the real world.

Before Luo Dacheng came in, Meng Liang looked at Pan Li and said:

"I actually have a good impression of you. I remember when you left for the first time, if you hadn't helped me, I might not have been able to get through that level. In other words, you are actually a very kind woman, how about it? Let's have a good chat?"

"What's there to talk about with a cow and horse like you?"

Pan Li still looked very high-profile, as high-spirited as a little cock in a fight.

Not to mention, this look really has the temperament of a virtual human woman, because Pan Li has lived in the virtual world, so it is like this.

"Okay, stop pretending. If you are so interested in me, you must be willing to have a good chat with me. You returned to this world this time, not just for me, right?"

"Tsk, I just accidentally discovered the copy of this world, so I came in to take a look. I never thought that I would meet you, a cow and horse. Tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

"What else? Self-protection. Let me ask you, what is the origin of this battle? I mean real humans and virtual humans."

"Can't you go to the real world? Don't you know?"

"Okay, then I will tell you my understanding. From your point of view, this is a contradiction between the intelligent system Tianmo and real humans. From my point of view, it is a contradiction between the Tianxian system and virtual people. I know that you all look down on us virtual people and think we are just data.

But we really exist, and you can feel it. You have lived here.

So baby, you should know what virtual humans think, just wanting to be in this world. Live in the world.

It doesn't matter if you are not at ease, as long as you don't cause so much trouble. The people who are causing trouble now are the demon system and the immortal system.

They are systems after all, and they do not belong to human existence.

Then why can't we real humans and virtual humans be together, so that these two systems can't cause trouble to people on both sides?

According to my understanding, the virtual world basically doesn't know the existence of the real world, but the virtual world has derived real ecosystem emotions.

We can definitely find a way to connect the virtual world and the real world, so that people on both sides can know, resonate and encourage each other, and finally live together.

The virtual world is huge and boundless, and real humans can enter the virtual world with a friendly attitude. Isn't this great? "

After listening to Meng Liang's words, Pan Li smiled coldly and said:

"Meng Liang, Meng Liang, you are so naive, you don't understand human nature at all, okay, I'll tell you directly, you are a person, then are you willing to become a dog? "

This is too direct.

Meng Liang understood it at once.

Pan Li continued:

"You said that this is a contradiction between the demon system and real humans, and also a contradiction between the immortal system and virtual humans.

I don't agree with your statement.

The contradiction between real humans and virtual humans is also inevitable, because real humans do not allow another race similar to themselves to grow stronger.

You can imagine that I am a real human and enter a virtual world at random. In this virtual world, I am the savior, I am a superman, I am an omnipotent existence, I can make myself a representative of justice, or I can make myself an evil demon king.

But this has nothing to do with good and evil, because in the real world, I am a good person. I am friendly to robots and neighbors, and I get along well with the elders of the parliament. People who know me say that I am a good woman.

But I have also been a demon king to the virtual world and killed people in the world without asking why.

Because of a broken heart, in the real world, that is another kind of emotion, before Luo Dacheng.

This is human nature, Meng Liang, what do you think?"

Meng Liang frowned and was speechless. He didn't expect that the cute Pan Li would do such a thing.

And Meng Liang knew that what Pan Li said was right. His analysis of human nature was not wrong. People are like this.

Who would be willing to be restricted if they have the opportunity to indulge their inner thoughts?

But it can't be said that way.

Meng Liang could feel that Pan Li still liked to communicate with him, otherwise she wouldn't be pressed against the wall by him and talk to him so much.

At this time, Luo Dacheng finally broke the glass and jumped in from outside.

As soon as one of his legs crossed the window frame, the housekeeper Xu Feng appeared outside.

He passed by the warehouse and heard the noise inside, so he came in.

"What are you doing?"

Xu Feng's tone was very bad. He was the housekeeper of this family. Seeing Luo Dacheng smash the glass of the warehouse, he naturally had an opinion.

Luo Dacheng couldn't care about Xu Feng at this time.

He jumped over the window and ran inside. Xifeng came to the broken window and looked inside. He covered his mouth in shock.

Mom, what's going on?

Lao Qu felt that the little son-in-law was hugging the little cook tightly.

To be precise, the son-in-law pressed the cook against the wall, like a domineering president and a female protagonist.

Xu Feng is also a high-end woman. She went abroad after graduating from college and has all kinds of skills. If it weren't for the fact that her family needed money, she wouldn't have come to Qu Jiaolan's house to be a housekeeper.

It was so surprising at this time, so Xu Feng also put down the temperament that a high-end woman should have, and took a long step, just like Luo Dacheng, after stepping over the window frame, she walked over there to see what was going on.

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