Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0746 Qu Jiaolan is trapped

The matter was really too strange.

After Luo Dacheng went over, he rushed towards Meng Liang and punched him in the cheek.

Meng Liang dodged quickly, his body was really nimble.

The weird thing happened just like this. The little cook who was usually gentle and obedient to her husband actually raised her hand to grab Luo Dacheng's hand and pushed him away.

She was quite strong.

Luo Dacheng took a few steps back and finally sat on the ground.

He widened his eyes, raised his hand and pointed at Pan Li, and couldn't speak for a while.

It's true that there is no way to speak. Now even a fool can see that Pan Li is protecting Meng Liang.

In fact, Pan Li didn't mean to protect Meng Liang.

After all, Meng Liang didn't need protection.

The reason why she attacked Luo Dacheng was just because Pan Li was having a good chat with Meng Liang and was very unhappy that Luo Dacheng came to disturb her.

This Luo Dacheng is just a virtual person without a real human soul.

Then Meng Liang is a more complicated virtual person for Pan Li, still a cow and horse.

This worthless Luo Dacheng is even worse than a cow or a horse, a complete mule.

Therefore, Pan Li was not polite at all and pushed him down.

Xu Feng and Luo Dacheng were already dizzy and idiot. Meng Liang was happy when he saw it, and went over to hug Pan Li and kissed her on the face.

"Good baby, you are so good, protect me."

It is the real human mind that there is a difference between men and women.

But Pan Li would not mind Meng Liang's behavior at this time, because this is not Pan Li's true body at all.

And Pan Li also knew that the purpose of Meng Liang's behavior was to anger people.

Well, I won't expose him.

Pan Li spoke.

"We haven't finished talking about our business yet, let's find a quiet place to avoid flies making trouble."

"Haha, good baby, I am willing to follow you."

Meng Liang pulled Pan Li's hand in a very obscene way, leaning on Pan Li, posing like a little bird, which looked a bit disgusting.

When passing by Xu Feng, Meng Liang looked at her.

This housekeeper, you can stuff an ostrich egg in her mouth.

Luo Dacheng finally reacted, stood up again, and wanted to snatch his wife back.

This time Pan Li was even more impolite. Seeing Luo Dacheng coming, she raised her foot and kicked his hind legs, which directly broke the wooden wall of the hut and fell from the second floor to the first floor. This time he broke his bones and screamed like a wolf.

Meng Liang was shocked and whispered:

"Isn't it a bit cruel?"

"What's wrong with killing him directly?"

Pan Li was very high-profile. Meng Liang laughed and the two held hands, really like a couple, left here, and found other secluded places to continue discussing the topic just now.

Xu Feng was really stupid.

He couldn't understand why this happened.

He was stunned for a while before running downstairs to see Luo Dacheng's injuries.

She couldn't tell whether it was serious or not. It seemed that his leg was broken. I don't know if his waist was injured. Anyway, he just kept screaming. I don't know if it was because he was too cowardly or it really hurt.

There was no other way, Xu Feng could only call an ambulance immediately.

Then she thought that she had to report this matter, so she called Qu Jiaolan again.


Qu Jiaolan was completely stunned.

She came from the south to the north to find out the real Meng Liang. Now there is another Meng Liang in the house? And he hooked up with the little cook Pan Li?

Qu Jiaolan's head was buzzing.

She didn't know that Meng Liang left the Meng family yesterday.

So she didn't know whether there were 2 Meng Liangs or 3 Meng Liangs.

Anyway, this matter was weird inside and out.

Qu Jiaolan asked some details, but she didn't expect that it was the cook Pan Li who broke her husband's leg. What happened? Was he crazy?

After thinking about it, Qu Jiaolan let Pan Feng take care of it, take good care of the family, and call the police if there was any accident.

After hanging up the phone, Qu Jiaolan couldn't stay any longer and planned to leave.

Packed up her things and walked out of the room.

This was a small courtyard surrounded by walls. There were various rockery and flowers in the courtyard. It looked simple and had the style of a southern courtyard. This was probably the reason why she was arranged to live here, because she was from the south.

As soon as she walked to the door with her bag, she found that there were actually two men standing there on guard.

I didn't notice it before, why did she have security guards?

"Miss Qu, where are you going?"

Just as Qu Jiaolan was about to leave, two security guards actually reached out to stop her.

"Oh, I want to go home."

"I'm sorry, our aunt's order is that you are not allowed to leave this yard."

"What? Why?"

"We don't know."

"Are you going to put me under house arrest?"

"Absolutely not."

"Who is the aunt?"

"It's my eldest son Meng Liang's aunt, Meng Xiaojie."

"Why does she not let me go?"

"We don't know, but we can let you talk to her directly."

The security guard took out his phone, dialed a number, and then handed it to Qu Jiaolan.

Qu Jiaolan answered the phone, and it was Meng Xiaojie on the other end.

"Jiaolan, this is your aunt, hey, I'm so sorry, your husband has arranged a lot of work for me, and I'm busy now. I heard that you don't want to stay in the yard? Wait, I'll contact my eldest niece right away and let them accompany you, then you won't be alone."

Qu Jiaolan was speechless for a moment.

She called herself aunt when she picked up the phone. I really don't understand the Meng family.

After coughing lightly, Qu Jiaolan said seriously:

"I don't understand what you mean. Why do you restrict my personal freedom?"

"Jiaolan, I won't restrict your personal freedom, really. It's just that there are some things you don't know now, and you won't believe it if I tell you. Anyway, it's just a few days, and you will understand it by then. So, aunt is really busy with a lot of things, and I can't continue to talk to you. I'll call my nieces and ask them to accompany you."

Qu Jiaolan wanted to continue talking to Meng Xiaojie, but she hung up the phone.

This made Qu Jiaolan angry. She wanted to call the police, but her phone was snatched away again.

Qu Jiaolan was a little scared now.

Could it be that she let Meng Liang be a son-in-law for two years, and he wanted to take revenge on her?

He is not a weak little white face, but a dandy young man from the clan. He is not a pervert, is he? Locking himself up and doing something?

After a while, three sisters appeared, Meng Xue, Meng Ran, and Meng Jue from the uncle's family.

"Sister-in-law! Hahaha!"



The three laughed so exaggeratedly that Qu Jiaolan felt only embarrassment.

"What are you doing? I want to leave!"

"Why leave? Sister-in-law, I heard that you were bored, so the sisters brought you here to relieve your boredom."

"Yes, I wanted to get close to you before, but I'm afraid you didn't get enough rest."

"Yes, let's go now."

The three of them picked up Qu Jiaolan and dragged her away while talking.

"What? Where are you taking me?"

"The bathhouse, taking a bath is the best way to relieve fatigue."

I don't know who among the three sisters said this, but Qu Jiaolan's head was buzzing when she heard it.

Let her, a southern girl, go to a bathhouse in the Northeast? Just kill her!

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