"If you have a good weapon, you need to be more courageous. This thing should be good. Give it a chance to experiment with its effect. You should also grow a little bit better. Don't just know how to scream every day. Well, son, we will definitely be able to start from this. Out of the copy.”

Lu Anke, who had been in despair before, was excited because he got a good weapon. This is a person with a simple personality. He is afraid when he is afraid, and he is very confident when he is successful.

Meng Liang got to know his mother-in-law better and better, and finally discovered the cuteness in her character. It was actually quite relaxing to get along with such a person.

The two of them continued to move forward, this time more slowly. They would intentionally or unintentionally use their feet to wander around the bottom of the water to see if they could hit other treasure chests.

It's a pity that even when I reached the place where I found the light, I still found nothing.

Although there are regrets, I am finally out of the smelly ditch.

Drill upward from a bright place. This is also a manhole cover, but it has a mesh type, so the light can shine down.

They crawled out from the shore.

There was no one around, and there were no monsters. There was still a steel city around, but there was no sign of life, which made people feel panicked.

"It finally came out and it smelled so bad."

Lu Anke looked at the dirty things on his body and frowned.

"Let's go, find a place to take a shower. All the public facilities here seem to be usable. Let's go there."

Meng Liang pointed to a building not far away, which looked like a residential building.

This dungeon is generally similar to the world in which I live. The difference is that the scale of the city looks larger and the city construction is more majestic. It is estimated that in the original world, the most developed metropolises cannot keep up with the majestic and majestic buildings here.

They walked into the building over there and looked around but still couldn't get off the elevator.

"It's strange, son, tell me, the houses here are built so high, why don't they have elevators?"

"This is a replica world, virtual."

"Then aren't we also a virtual world? If there were people in this world who accidentally entered our world, then our world would be a copy of their main world. It would be like two parallel worlds. The buildings are all similar, so why doesn’t the building here have an elevator?”

Meng Liang frowned and glanced at Lu Anke, then thought about it and said:

"It's rare for you to have such a pig head and know how to think about problems. Come on, don't talk about these useless things."

In fact, Meng Liang thought Lu Anke's idea this time was very interesting, but Meng Liang couldn't answer her question, so he simply stopped talking.

The two walked to the second floor and started to pry open the door.

Opening a door and entering inside, it really looks like home.

They were busy trying to complete the task and hurried downstairs, but ended up killing eight people, and then encountered monsters. After running for their lives all the way here, they have calmed down.

Obviously the dungeon cannot be cleared in one go, so you shouldn't be in a hurry. It's important to take your time and control the rhythm.

Meng Liang went to try the faucet. It worked, but there was no hot water.

Lu Anke found some clothes in the bedroom.

"Wow, come and see, son!"

she shouted.

Meng Liang hurriedly ran out with the bloody blade, very cautiously.

He saw Lu Anke playing with some clothes in the bedroom.

Meng Liang looked around at Mei Danger, then put away the bloody blade and walked over to her.

"Look quickly."

Lu Anke excitedly held up a few small clothes.

They were worn by four or five-year-old children. There were boys' clothes and girls' clothes.

"This should be a family of four. There are men's and women's clothes. There is also a pair of twins. Meng Liang, take a look."

Indeed, as Lu Anke said, Meng Liang also had this suspicion after seeing these clothes. However, this actually proves nothing. It is still Meng Liang’s previous argument. This is a virtual world, a copy, a fake scene, everything is You can fake it.

"Tell me, Meng Liang, if there were really people living in this home before, where have they gone now? And the people in this huge city, where have they gone?"

Lu Anke finally developed her imagination and was so interested that she couldn't stop and was still wondering about her doubts.

Meng Liang curled his lips, found a set of men's clothes, and walked into the bathroom with it.

Let Lu Anke think about it for himself. He wants to simplify complex problems, so he treats this place as a copy. He can only leave after completing all the tasks. But now there is still a long way to go before completing the tasks.

He entered the bathroom, took off his clothes, and took a quick cold shower.

The water was really cold. Meng Liang relied on his youth and strong energy to rinse quickly to get rid of all the dirt. Then he jumped out of the tub, dried his body, and put on a clean and tidy suit.

When he walked out of the bathroom, he saw two men pointing guns at the bathroom door. At this time, the guns were pointed at him.

They were obviously waiting for him to come out.

Looking at the sofa in the bedroom, Lu Anke was controlled by a woman. At this time, Lu Anke had fainted. The woman was sitting on the sofa with a cold face, holding a gun and pushing it against Lu Anke's head.

Meng Liang curled his lips, he was so defensive, he could immediately resist now without caring about Lu Anke's life or death.

Other than that, is there any other way?

With his eyebrows furrowed, Meng Liang hesitated and pondered without looking away from the woman. She seemed to be the leader.

Wearing blue high heels, bare legs, a blue short skirt with white long sleeves on top, a bit tight, her facial features are very beautiful, and she seems to have no makeup, so this face should be considered a natural beauty.

She looked at herself without blinking, with no expression on her face and a cool look.

After all, Meng Liang did not give up on Lu Anke immediately and said:

"Okay, you guys have the upper hand, what do you want?"

The two men remained motionless, as if they were statues.

The woman slowly turned her head and raised her hand, holding a cigarette on her finger.

Put it in your mouth and light it, take a deep breath, then tilt your head and whisper softly:

"Where did you two come from?"

"Wenyang City, where are you?"

Meng Liang has already begun to wonder. With 2,000 people entering this dungeon, does it mean that the entrance is no longer the same place?

In other words, others may be copies opened anywhere else on the planet.

Yes, maybe that’s the case. Didn’t you meet foreigners before?

"Wen Yang? Long, please check."

The man named Long shook his head quickly.

"There is no record of this place."

The woman slowly narrowed her eyes and thought for a while before asking Meng Liang:

"To be more specific, Wenyang City is a place name?"

"Of course, you speak Chinese well. Aren't you Chinese? A city as big as Wenyang is considered an economically developed area in the country. Have you never heard of it?"

"Which alliance does it belong to? Is it the Eastern Alliance, the Western Alliance, the Polar Alliance or the Fertile Soil Alliance?"

Meng Liang was completely stunned when he heard this. He looked at the woman for a long time before widening his eyes and saying:

"You are not an NPC, are you? Are you Rankana, one of the thirteen main gods?"

"What is that? I'm not, my name is Lan Miao, a descendant of the Hunters of the Polar Continent. This is my robot follower, Dragon and Snake. Man, who are you and where are you from? You'd better tell me, don't Play tricks."

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