Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0098 The virtual world is not unique

Meng Liang was completely confused. The explanation now was the same as before. The other party could only be an NPC. From her explanation, it seemed that it was not the same world as her. After the apocalypse broke out, I just killed zombies every day, and I knew very little about the things behind the apocalypse.

Of course Meng Liang knew about the concept of parallel space, but he had no relevant knowledge yet.

Lan Miao looked at Meng Liang's confused expression and seemed to understand a little bit, but she wasn't sure.

So Lan Miao first told her story, which was a way to attract others.

"Okay, it seems you are confused, so let's compare and see if we are going through the same thing.

About eight months ago, I slept in my room. When I woke up, the weather was nice and sunny. I brushed my teeth and washed my face as usual. Then I greeted the dragon and snake and ate the breakfast they prepared for me.

You know, the day just starts, it's usually like this, nothing different.

Until I walked out of the house.

This is the metropolis. I come from my distant hometown, the Polar Continent. As a Hollow Hunter, my specialty is to catch those creatures and adults who violate the rules and commit crimes. I have an office and a secretary in the office. She will help me. Plan your day.

I love this city, but I also hate it a little bit because it is so busy. There are people everywhere, flying around on aircraft and not knowing what they are doing.

What I know is that they are all like me, coming to the metropolis to pursue their dreams, but after arriving here they find that they are only busy and have no dreams.

That day was different, I walked onto the street and didn’t see anyone!

This is impossible, how can a person not have it? I didn't believe everything I saw and thought it was a dream.

However, today, eight months later, I have brought dragons and snakes across half of the planet and returned here. My home is next door to this house. I found that the door was open. It was not opened at all when I left. , so I came in and met you and her.

In eight months, you are the first time I have discovered a living person besides myself. You must know that it is not just humans who have disappeared, but also living creatures and adults.

To be honest, I'm a little excited to see you, but your condition makes me feel like you're not from this world. Now that I've been honest, what about you? Can you also tell me, who are you? Where are you from? Are you going through the same thing as me? "

Meng Liang was stunned.

What Lan Miao said was beyond his imagination.

And Meng Liang finally realized that this was no ordinary copy.

It is a parallel space!


Or the ancient city of giants that we entered before was not an ordinary copy, but also another parallel world.

My own world, Lan Miao's world, and Giant's world all belong to the virtual world.

Lan Miao's world and the giant's world have been destroyed.

A group of villains were left in the giant world, and they were eventually eliminated by themselves.

He became the culprit of their doomsday.

Now the people in Lan Miao's world have also experienced the end of the world, and Lan Miao and her two biosynthetics are the only ones left.

And the end of our world is happening, and the final outcome will be the same as the other two worlds.

Perhaps in the fourth world, there is another group of virtual people experiencing the same thing.

One day the virtual humans on their side will also open a copy, and the world they enter will be their own world.

By that time, there were not many humans in his world, and the zombies had all become quest monsters, either being killed by outsiders or killing them.

And what exists behind everything is that mysterious power.

In the past it had not touched these worlds.

But something has happened now, and it is working hard to wipe out all the worlds, and eventually everything will disappear!

Meng Liang's brain was working rapidly, making such inferences from the things he had experienced.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? Answer my question, or I might kill her."

Lan Miao was dissatisfied with Meng Liang's performance.

Meng Liang waved his hand hurriedly, without any reservation, and told everything that happened in his world, and explained his conjectures.

Lan Miao frowned when she heard this, and after thinking for a while, she finally put down the gun in her hand.

Dragon and Snake did not move, and still pointed their guns at Meng Liang.

Lan Miao nodded and said:

"I also feel that there is some intelligent life behind controlling all of this. It seems to be aliens, or other beings that we can't imagine. Otherwise, everyone would not disappear overnight. I don't understand why Dragon Snake and I It will become a fish that slips through the net. Also, if the doomsday disaster in your world is the same as mine, why do zombies appear in your world, but there is no one in my world? "

"I guess there are guardians in addition to the destroyers! Maybe your world is not within the scope of the guardians' capabilities, so it was directly cleaned, as if it was a formatted hard drive! Everything was cleared at once. And where I am? There is a firewall in the world. When the doomsday virus invades, it must break through the firewall layer by layer. Although it lets zombies in, the guardian also opens a system for humans to fight monsters and upgrade, so that humans can become stronger and protect themselves. "

Lan Miao looked suddenly enlightened.

"What you said makes sense. It seems that you are a smart guy. So you said this is a copy. How can I leave it? I really want to go to your world and see it."

Meng Liang hesitated now.

In the end, only three people can leave. Do you want to tell Lan Miao this information?

If I tell her, will she kill me and my mother-in-law?

Lan Miao saw Meng Liang's hesitation, raised her eyebrows and said:

"What? You still have reservations?"

"I think you should at least put down your weapons, your gun is still pointed at me."

Meng Liang made the request first.

Lan Miao thought about it and waved his hand. The expressionless dragon and snake put away their guns and stepped aside.

Meng Liang walked out of the bathroom, sat down on the sofa, and pulled Lu Anke over to wake him up.

Lu Anke woke up and rubbed his head directly. It seemed that he was knocked unconscious, and he still remembered the pain.

Suddenly found that there were three more people in the room, and hurriedly looked around. Seeing Meng Liang next to him, he moved closer, and then looked at the others cautiously.

Finally, he was stronger than before and didn't shout randomly.

"Can you say it now?"

Lan Miao was still cool.

"It's nothing, just want to pass the dungeon, you must complete nine conditions."

Meng Liang told the truth and saw how they would behave.

Lan Miao frowned again.

"The conditions are really complicated. Only three people can go out. Are the dragon and the snake considered human?"

"I don't know. I want to ask you, do you think they are considered human?"

When Meng Liang asked this question, he was ready to fight back.

Lan Miao thought about it and shook his head.

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