Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1046: surrender

Just when the killings were going on here and the blood was splashing.

Across the building on the opposite side, three men in black are observing everything here with binoculars in their hands, and their gazes see everything.

The telescopes with high mirror multiples passed through the glass windows in the corridor to see the situation here.

Who are the three of them?

How could you observe under such circumstances?

These three people are the figures of the black gate in the gate of hell.

Long Yin, and the two monster twins around him.

"Unexpected...Unexpectedly, after the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, the kid surnamed Li still has such a hand." Long Yin said grimly in that mouth.

The two monster twins behind him couldn't help asking in unison at this moment: "Then what should we do now?"

"Don't save them?"

"Save?" Suddenly a weird smile appeared on the corner of Long Yin's mouth.

"Fools like their Mingmen, it's better to die, save it and I have to do it myself!" Long Yin suddenly sneered.


The two twins standing behind Long Yin asked now, "What about the son of which evil god?"

"Just let him go like this?"

But listening to Long Yin slowly put down the telescope with a high focal multiple in his hand, and then said: "Let him live a few more days."

"I feel more and more that the evil god's son means." Long Yin suddenly said with a playful smile on his mouth.

"Have you seen that kid's strength is absolutely extraordinary, even the twin old ghost, the ecstasy and the kid with scars on his face can't besiege him..."

"I really didn't expect the evil **** to dominate the situation more than 20 years ago, and his son would be so outstanding after more than 20 years." Long Yin muttered.

"No matter how powerful he is, he can't escape the palm of our master." The two twin monsters behind him said.

"Hehe, that is."

"Everyone who offends our master will die!"

The strange words came out of Long Yin's mouth.

"Boss Long, should we do something to Mu Yunlong?" The two weird twins suddenly spoke at the same time.

Do it to Mu Yunlong? The commander-in-chief of the North China Military Region? ?

Could it be that they are crazy and dare to attack the commander-in-chief of the North China Military Region?

Just after the two weird twins said these words, they heard that Long Yin suddenly said: "It's time."

Then he said nothing, his body was nowhere to be seen in a flash, and the two weird twins behind him also left at this time.


Are the people at the gate of **** really going to attack Mu Yunlong, commander-in-chief of the North China Field Army?

Are you crazy? What are you doing?

No one knows what the people in these three black gates are going to do? But a terrifying killing was slowly unfolding.

Ouyang Longyan where are they here?

Just after the hag was shot to death by random guns, he and the ecstasy had nowhere to hide in that room.

The two of them were completely covered by smoke bombs. Even though they had extremely powerful skills, they couldn't do anything at this moment.

"Don't shoot... we surrender!"

Suddenly, a deep and unpleasant hoarse voice came from the room.

While talking about the unbearable coughing sound, it was obvious that the Ecstasy and Ouyang Longyan couldn't stand the smoke bombs here, and could only surrender at this moment.

When they heard that the gate of **** inside finally surrendered, the soldiers of the North China Field Army outside said angrily: "Brigade commander, kill them all and avenge the dead brothers!

"Yeah, brigade commander, killed them."

The soldiers around him roared.

These soldiers, Ouyang Longyan at this moment, can be said to be extremely hated, killing so many soldiers from the 39th Army of the North China Field Army... Only now surrendered? How can they be blessed?

But Wang Zhenhao calmed down.

It is not his style to kill captives and those who surrender.

Even if he wants to kill the enemy in front of him with his own hands, don't forget that he is a soldier, a soldier of flesh and blood with dignity.

So this rationality finally defeated him.

"Shut up all to me!"

"No one is allowed to shoot without my order...Don't forget, you are soldiers...the most important soldiers in the country."

Listening to the brigade commander's roar, these soldiers bowed their heads one by one, with a look of shame on their faces.

"Let me listen to the gangster inside... You are only allowed to give it out quickly within 1 minute... Otherwise, we will kill him!" Wang Zhenxue said with red eyes and a gun in that hand.

There was the sound of ecstasy making cough cough cough cough...

"Ok... let's come out."

Then in the thick smoke, the two figures slowly moved out.

Those two figures bent over, covering their noses and mouths with their hands...

After seeing the two black figures slowly approaching the door, a dozen automatic rifles all pointed at them...

"Don't shoot... we surrender," just heard the voice from one of the figures.

From the hoarse and low voice, he could be judged to be the ecstasy.

When their two figures finally appeared in the corridor, Wang Zhen saw their faces at a glance.

"Buckle me..." Just listen to Wang Zhendao.

Then the soldiers behind him walked towards the ecstasy and the indifferent Ouyang Longyan without saying a word, and the cold clasps were snapped on their arms.

Ecstasy and Ouyang Longyan were caught just like this.

Their faces were pale and powerless, stimulated by the smoke bombs, and their eyes were filled with helplessness...the moment they were buckled with the cold hands, they had no words.

Wang Zhen walked over and swept across the faces of the two of them with hatred eyes.

"You are the people of the gate of hell?" Wang Zhen looked at Ouyang Longyan and the Ecstasy and asked coldly.

The two of them had no words, no words.

After taking a look at Ouyang Longyan, Wang Zhen then cast his gaze on the face of the Ecstasy.

He wears a black mask on his face, only the exposed pair of eyes are vicious and sharp.

Suddenly, Wang Zhen stretched out his hand to pull the black mask on the face of the ecstasy, but when he saw the ecstasy roared in his mouth, his whole body exuded a terrible murderous aura. The clasps that clasp his hands tightly were squeaked by him. ring.

"Don't move... I'll shoot you again." The cold guns of the soldiers beside them said to the head of the ecstasy.

No matter how powerful the Ecstasy was, he couldn't point his head with a bullet, and he was powerless even if he wanted to move.

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