Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1047: The commander-in-chief is here

The cold black gun hole pointed at the ecstasy in front of him.

The ecstasy, no matter how awesome, is afraid of the bullets in front of him, so he can only do nothing,

At this moment, Wang Zhen stretched out his hand and tore off the black mask on his face.

At the moment when the black mask was removed, the soldiers here thought he was so fierce and evil, but no one thought he was such a jade-faced boy? Looks so handsome.

This not only made the soldiers of the North China Field Military Region stunned, even Brigadier Wang Zhen was also slightly stunned.

After seeing the real face of the ecstasy, Wang Zhen coldly snorted, "Bring them down for me."

Following Wang Zhen's roar, the soldier under his hand neatly took the Ecstasy and Ouyang Longyan in front of him.

"Brigade commander, I just received an urgent call. It seems that the commander-in-chief knows about it and is now on his way to Binjiang City!" Only one of the soldiers who came running quickly said to Wang Zhendao.

When Wang Zhen suddenly heard that the commander-in-chief was about to come, his expression changed.

"What? The commander-in-chief is here?" Wang Zhen said.

"Yes." The soldier said there.

When Wang Zhen heard this, he thought he would be scared, but he didn't expect her to laugh.

"Okay! The commander-in-chief is here..."

"I, Wang Zhen, finally did not disappoint the commander-in-chief... Now I have arrested all the gangsters." Wang Zhen said with satisfaction.

The soldiers under his command did not speak too much.

"By the way, where's Li Tian? Where is he now?" Wang Zhen asked.

"Li Tian is outside the hotel."

"Let's go, let's find him...This time thanks to him for taking the risk, if it weren't for him, I am afraid we would not be able to catch these gangsters so quickly." Wang Zhenzai said sincerely.

The soldiers under him also nodded quickly.

As Wang Zhen brought all his men down to the building in front of him, he saw Li Tian standing in the army there.

At this moment, Li Tianzheng raised his eyes and stared at the captured Ecstasy and Ouyang Longyan without blinking.

He glanced at the indifferent Ouyang Longyan first, and finally turned his gaze on the Ecstasy.

Li Tian didn't know why. When he saw the true face of the Ecstasy Lushan, he was taken aback for a while, and then from the Ecstasy, he suddenly felt that the handsome face of the Ecstasy was very similar...very... she was?

Your favorite Ningbing?

how could it be possible?

Especially the outline... it looks a bit like Ningbing.

It's as if Ningbing and the ecstasy of this **** gate are brothers and sisters.

And when the ecstasy at this moment and Ouyang Longyan also saw Li Tian, ​​their eyes were not hate, but indifferent.

Then they were all taken away by the North China Field Army, and they got onto the Hummer on one side.

"Li Tian."

Li Tian who was here suddenly heard the voice of Brigadier Wang Zhen,

Look carefully, but see Wang Zhen running towards Li Tian with a smile on his face.

Seeing Wang Zhen coming over, Li Tian smiled: "Brigadier Wang."

"Li Tian, ​​thanks to you this time, if it weren't for you, Wang Zhen really didn't know how to deal with these villains." Wang Zhen sincerely thanked Li Tian.

But seeing Li Tian shook his head slightly.

"No, Brigadier Wang, I actually did this for myself."

"Because they also have a lot of hatred with me, besides, I really want to get some clues about the gates of **** from them."

Listening to Li Tian's words, Wang Zhen laughed.

"Anyway, Wang Zhen not only owes you a life, but also owes you such a big favor..."

"No matter what happens in the future, as long as you have something to do, you can give me a word to Wang Zhen at any time, and Wang Zhen will not hesitate to go through fire and water."

Li Tian smiled slightly when Wang Zhen said so generously.

"By the way, Li Tian, ​​the commander-in-chief is coming over soon." Wang Zhen said suddenly.

When Wang Zhen suddenly said that the commander-in-chief was coming over, Li Tian was not only taken aback.

"My grandpa?"

"Does he know our business?" Li Tian asked suspiciously.

Then Wang Zhen thought for a while and said, "It should be known."

Li Tian hesitated and said, "Then you should be fine, right?"

Wang Zhen smiled and said: "It's affirmative to be scolded by the commander-in-chief...hehe, but I believe the commander-in-chief will not punish me."

Li Tiandao: "Yes, after all, you have captured these characters."

Just as Brigadier Wang Zhen captured Ouyang Longyan and the Ecstasy, three Hummer military vehicles and an off-road vehicle rushed towards Binjiang City.

The car in the middle was where the commander-in-chief Mu Yunlong was sitting.

At this moment, his face was extremely ugly. He didn't know Li Tian and Wang Zhen's situation here, so he was worried and worried that Li Tian was in danger.

"Report to the commander, the 39th Army just sent a message." I heard that a guard in the Hummer vehicle suddenly received an order and said to Mu Yunlong.

Mu Yunlong said coldly, "Say, what information?"

"Report commander, Wang Zhen, commander of the 39th Army, called. He stated in the report that he had successfully arrested the gangster and that Li Tian was safe."

After listening to the guard at hand, after reading the news, Mu Yunlong in front of him finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Wang Zhen, this kid..." Although Mu Yunlong said angrily, there was a smile on his face.

"Commander in chief... now you don't have to worry anymore." The first guard by his side, Opteron, suddenly said.

Mu Yunlong smiled.


"As long as Tian'er is okay, I can rest assured..."

"But Wang Zhen, this kid just owes scolding...If I don't scold him, he might be able to poke me out of a big basket." Mu Yunlong laughed loudly while talking.

Just as they were talking, a heavy truck loaded with gasoline drove over here.

The heavy-duty truck is a tank truck, Dongfeng Tiger T200z, with a total weight of 50,100 tons, and it is heading here at this moment.

The back of the canned heavy truck is a round oil tank, which looks like it is loaded with a large box of diesel. The tall truck has dark glass windows on the front of the truck, and it rushes toward the road side like a cut tiger. .

When I saw this truck loaded with diesel coming toward this side, the three Hummer military vehicles of the North China Field Army and the off-road military vehicle at the front did not pay much attention.

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