Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1698: Tianshan, Snow Lotus Peak

After the master of the gate of **** also used the "devil's palm" at once, even Li Tian was completely sluggish there.

He looked at this terrible and weird gatekeeper of **** in disbelief.

How could he use this extreme "devil's palm"?

Moreover, it was obvious that the extremely "devil's hand" in the hands of the master of the gate of **** was far more fierce and mighty than his own.

But seeing the **** gate master with a grinning smile at the corner of his mouth, the black hostility of the whole body is obviously more dignified than Li Tian's hostility, the horrible palm technique seems to come from hell, and the billowing darkness towards Li Tian Rushed.

Li Tian used all the energy of his body to fight to the death at this moment.

In the dark void, only two black shadows were entwined like a giant python, and the heavens and the earth seemed to change completely in an instant...

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the dark void.

But seeing the two extremely powerful energies banged directly into each other with a bang, the strong energies produced directly seemed to become a huge tornado, with a weird and incredible force in the middle of the two at once. It spun suddenly.

All of the surrounding cold floor tiles seemed to be shattered by the strength... the bricks, stone chips, all started to rotate in the air with the vigor of the shock.

With a bang, a huge muffled sound came from the rotating energy.

Following the muffled sound, the black aura on Li Tian's side was suddenly completely swallowed by the clutches of the master of the **** gate.

After Li Tian felt the breath of his clutches swallowed up by the **** gate master all at once, his whole person seemed to be emptied of all the strength of his body, and he couldn't use any more strength.

"Darkness is boundless, the dragon reappears."

A violent sound suddenly roared from the mouth of the master of the **** gate.

But seeing his bursting voice sounded, the terrifying black aura in the dark sky suddenly converged into a "dragon", a hideous and terrifying dragon.

The black dragon is all concentrated energy, extremely violent, and the whole body is steaming black energy.

The black dragon is back!

The moment Li Tian saw the black devil dragon, he seemed to feel death...The dragon seemed to come from the underground Nine Heavens Abi Hell, with a breath of death all over his body.

The dragon is born, the space is torn,


The scream of a dragon that ruined the world suddenly came out from the black dragon's mouth, and then all its dark bodies rushed towards that Li Tian, ​​and the fierce dragon head with a mouthful of fangs bite towards Li Tian's body.

Li Tian only felt that he was going to waste.

His body couldn't use any more energy.

Watching the dark dragon biting at him, his head was stunned, without any consciousness, and then the whole body was completely wrapped in the dark body by the dragon, as if swallowed. .

Heaven seems to be blocked.

Even the earth seemed to be completely swallowed by darkness.

In the energetic sky, Li Tian's body had already fallen to the ground over there like death.

In the dark sky, the body of the magic dragon gradually turned into a cloud of black mist, and the gatekeeper of the **** gate stood in the darkness with a strange smile on his mouth, faintly looking at the ground lying motionless. That body...

He didn't speak any more, just glanced at the body lying in front of him, then stretched out his five fingers, a strong suction force, directly sucked Li Tian's body...

Then, with a vertical movement, he turned and disappeared into the boundless darkness with Li Tian's body.

The night was finally quiet.

In the night of death, there was no sound, only the suffocating aura lingering in the dark space still lingered there.

Li Tian would never have thought that he would meet his biggest enemy in his life: the master of the gate of **** under such circumstances.

And the most regrettable thing is that so far, Li Tian has not seen the true face of Lushan, the master of the gate of hell.

Tianshan, a legendary mountain called the world of ice and snow.

There are too many ancient legends about Tianshan.

Some people say that the hills of the Tianshan Mountains were originally a plain area. Later, because of the fission of the earth, the ice sheet and snow layer in the innermost part of the earth suddenly rose up overnight. The area of ​​the hills was still the top ten largest mountain ranges in the world.

It is also said that Tianshan is a miracle left over from the glacial century.


There are countless legends about this.

The Tianshan Mountains are still a natural miracle of the world.

It, the mountain range that it spans is enough to shake the whole world, it has thousands of miles of ice and snow all year round, it still has the highest mountain in the world, and the world-class holy water of the Tianchi...

There is a saying in the ancient poem: The bright moon rises out of the Tianshan Mountains, and among the vast sea of ​​clouds, it is the most majestic mountain in the Tianshan Mountains.

Because that majestic mountain resembles a blooming snow lotus, people call it Snow Lotus Peak.

Xuelian Peak is more than 6000m high, and there are more than a dozen large and small peaks around him, as well as 5000m above sea level. Xuelian Peak has an ancient legend. It is said that it was the top of the Tianshan Mountain by the Nuwa Empress. Then I saw the ice and snow here. Qingming, so I just discarded a white and flawless snow lotus, and then there was the snow lotus peak that now attracts worldwide attention.

Snow lotus peak is too high, and because of the ice and snow here for thousands of years, it can basically be said to be inaccessible.

There is almost no living creature in the long ice and snow world.

Amidst the ten thousand-foot snow-capped mountains, a giant eagle suddenly sounded at this moment.

The sound of the sound was so loud and shocking among the empty snow-capped mountains.

Suddenly he saw that above the nine heavens, a huge giant eagle pulsed towards the snow lotus peak at an incredible speed.

According to the truth, the snow lotus peak is extremely high. Once it reaches an altitude of more than 4000 meters, there is no possibility of birds and beasts flying here, because the air is thin. Once those birds and beasts fly by, they will suffocate to death, but this The giant eagle with a weird head does not seem to be because it has obviously flown a high altitude.

And flew straight up towards the top of Xuelian Peak.

The temperature at the top of Xuelian Peak is extremely low, reaching below minus 30 degrees Celsius.

In such a low temperature, there is still a goshawk flying by?

Looking closely, even though the giant eagle rushed to Snow Lotus Peak, it could still be seen that its huge body seemed so laborious and so laborious.

Only the sound of "quack, quack" can be heard in the white snow.

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