Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1699: Frozen man, frozen sword

After all, the giant eagle could not fly to the top of Snow Lotus Peak.

In the end, he fluttered his big wings suddenly at the snow lotus peak of Tianshan and hissed quack.

I looked closely, but saw that there was a magical ice cave on the snow lotus peak.

The ice cave did not know whether it was formed naturally or artificially. Anyway, there is a lot of space and it is halfway up the Snow Lotus Peak.

With a long cry of the giant eagle at this moment, the entire huge body flew towards the ice cave.

As the giant eagle flew into the ice cave halfway down the mountain, I saw that its body was full of frost... It shook its huge body, and then the ice and snow fell from its body. Come down.

There was also a wild deer in its mouth...The wild deer's neck had been scratched by sharp claws, and it was dead at the moment, and it was contained in the mouth of the giant eagle.

How could a giant eagle come here with a wild deer in its mouth?

Is it food?

Look carefully, but see the giant eagle's mouth, the wild deer was thrown down, and then fell on the ice and snow.

At this moment, the giant eagle was quacking and screaming at the deep ice cave.

After its call spread in, a figure suddenly floated like a god.

"Xiao Hei, you're back..." Then a kind voice came slowly.

Haven't seen how his figure moves, his figure has appeared in front of the giant eagle.

Promise old man!

Legend has it that a god-level old man who has lived for three hundred years.

It turns out that the old man Wuji is really here in Tianshan.

But seeing the appearance of the old man Wuji, the giant eagle quackled out, as if responding to the words of the old man Wuji.

Then, seeing the giant eagle suddenly stretched out a giant claw, suddenly grabbed the wild deer and threw it into the ice cave.

The old man Wuji smiled when he saw the giant eagle doing this, then stretched out his hand to grab the wild deer on the ground, and swept his body into the ice cave.

As the old man Wuji walked like this, the giant eagle quickly followed.

When I arrived inside, I saw that there were tables and chairs made of ice in the icy cave.

It's hard to believe that you can survive in such an ice world?

And looking closely at this ice cave, the space is huge, and there is a bright ice bed in front of it.

But seeing a person lying motionless on the huge ice bed.

It's just that the person lying there is very strange, because his body is completely sealed by the ice, and the whole body is deeply frozen by the ice. Only the head is exposed outside, but it looks like a pity. Like a dead person.

And there was a sword beside this person.

A sword that looks unparalleled.

The sword is three feet two inches long, the hilt is carved with a dragon-shaped pattern, and the sword body is silvery white.

At first glance, the whole sword made people seem to have an unparalleled sense of domineering, and even though the sword was not out of its sheath, it could still vaguely feel the murderous aura coming from the sword.

This sword, although I don’t know the name, the origin, or the relationship between it and the man lying on the bed of crystal ice... But a discerning person can still tell at a glance that this sword is his sword. .

Because this sword, like his people, was also sealed in the same ice.

People are frozen.

The sword was also frozen in ice.

The old man Wuji who walked in at this moment seemed to have been accustomed to the environment here. After entering, he walked to the innermost place alone, and then dragged the wild deer to prepare to get some food.

And what about the giant eagle here? After entering the frozen cave, he quacked and walked towards the man lying on the ice bed.

The cry of the giant eagle seemed so sad and sad.

While shouting, it lifted up gently with its huge wings, and then gently touched the man lying on the ice bed as if touching it...

Then the giant eagle wailed suddenly, and quietly nested beside the ice bed, no longer barking, nor moving...

It seemed that even this animal felt sad.

But what does this man on the ice bed look like?

Looking closely at his silhouette, it was a face full of men with the appearance of a king over the world, and there was a kingly atmosphere between his eyebrows.

Under the thick sword eyebrows, his eyes were tightly closed. Perhaps because of the long time of freezing, his face looked very pale, and his chin was covered with a long black beard...

No one knows how many years he has been frozen here, and no one knows whether he is dead or alive.

The only thing you can see is his body.

He was wearing a navy blue dress, two legs, and the joints of the two arms had frozen blood... Obviously, before he was frozen, his two legs had two arm joints. There was definitely a serious injury there.

He lay down like a dead man without breathing or moving.

If you look at his face carefully, you will find that he looks like a person!

To be precise, that person looks a lot like him.

Because based on his age, he is enough to be his father.

Li Tian.

Yes, Li Tian looks a lot like him, both in profile and face are extremely imaginative.

If Li Tian is older in the future, he will definitely look exactly like him.

Is it Li Tian's...?

In the open ice cave, he was just like a dead person in the ice cave.

Even the unparalleled sword beside him was frozen by his side.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, the old man Wuji prepared the food.

He raised a pile of charcoal fire in the ice cave, and then roasted the wild deer that the giant eagle had picked up. Because this ice cave has been cold for thousands of years, even the fire can only melt the accumulated water slightly. , For thousands of years, the hard ice has no effect at all.

The old man Wuji and the giant eagle ate the wild venison.

After eating, the old man Wuji sat cross-legged and began to exercise.

And the giant eagle? The whole body continued to lie next to the man who was lying motionless on the ice bed, its shiny eagle eyes blinking...not screaming, not moving...like a human being silently thinking about his thoughts.

The old man Wuji placed his hands flat on his dantian acupuncture points, and then closed his eyes slightly...The white air that was steaming from his body was emitted from his body layer by layer.

The thousand-year-old ice around that and the extremely low temperature seemed to have no effect on the old man Wuji.

This way, I don't know how long it has been, suddenly, the old man Wuji suddenly opened his eyes.

"That snow lotus should be opened." A muttered word came out of the old man Wuji's mouth.

Snow lotus: The snow lotus that blooms once in twenty years.

Rumor: Snow lotus is a peculiar medicine that can bring people back to life.

Because snow lotus blooms once every 20 years and it grows in the icy and snowy Tianshan Mountains, it can be said that it is more difficult to obtain this precious snow lotus than to climb to the sky.

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