Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1768: savage

After seeing this situation, Xue Wuhen's heart sighed, the child's clothes! ! ! !

"Qiaozhi, Xiaolong, look at this place..." an exclamation came out directly from Xue Wuhen's mouth.

Following his exclamation, the brothers such as Chen Qiaozhi and Tang Xiaolong who were supporting Jiang Dashan were not only taken aback, and then they couldn't help turning their heads together. After they turned their heads, they saw The scene where Xue Wuhen shined with a flashlight.

"My God, so many human skulls...?"

"Besides, there are so many children's clothes?" Chen Qiaozhi said in surprise.

Then the brothers were completely shocked there.

"This, this, is this the missing children?" Brigadier Wang Zhen said in disbelief as he stared at the pile of human skulls.

Look carefully at the human skulls on the ground. Indeed, they are indeed children’s bones...but these bones have been blackened, and the pile of clothes next to them is obviously ordinary children’s clothes... Now one by one The cold is still here.

"My God, these kids...could it be that they are all dead?"

"They died like this?" Wang Zhen said, looking at the unbelievable scene in horror.

As for the other brothers around, they were all stunned.

A lot of human skulls, it doesn’t look like there are a dozen children...

What kind of cruel thing would kill so many innocent children, how cruel it should be! ! !

"In just ten days, their corpses became a pile of bones..." Wang Zhenzai said in amazement.

Then Chen Qiaozhi was completely stunned.

I can't help but think to myself: Yes, how is it possible? Counting it down now, those children have only been missing for more than ten days. In ten days, how come the bodies of these children decayed so quickly? This is completely illogical.

"Unless, the flesh of these children was eaten by the group of abnormal monsters just now..." Chen Qiaozhi said suddenly.

In fact, he guessed all right.

These human skulls are indeed those of the missing children.

After ten days, the corpses of these children would of course not rot so easily, but were eaten clean by the abnormal monsters in this tunnel...that's why it became like this.

"Oh my god, it's too cruel, too cruel and inhuman." The brothers couldn't help but say with emotion.

They never thought that the innocent children would have died in this tunnel, and after death, even the corpses would be eaten by the monsters. Thinking of this, an invisible anger burned the brothers in front of them.

"Perverted dog stuff...too cruel." Tang Xiaolong roared there, his entire eyes became blood red.

The brothers on one side also kept their heads dull and did not speak, looking at the pile of children's clothes, and a cold wind of extreme sadness blew over.

Just when the brothers felt sad for the poor dead children, suddenly something threw in from the tunnel in front.

"Be careful!" When he felt something flying here, the ecstasy apostle Situ Xuan who reacted the fastest, exclaimed immediately.

Then the brothers flew back one by one...

But seeing what was flying in fell on the ground in front of them with a plop...but because the light was too dark, they didn't immediately realize what was flying in.

After they calmed down a little bit, they saw the brothers starting to take a flashlight to take photos of the dark thing that was thrown over.

Take a closer look, my goodness, I was shocked to see the corpse of a child.

The child seemed to be about 78 years old and was thrown on the ground at the moment.

The child's seven orifices are bleeding red blood... death is extremely ugly.


A scream of exclamation came out of the brothers.

Looking at the dead child lying on the ground, the brothers were all shocked.

"Bad son, who? Who is there?" Tang Xiaolong finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and asked angrily from his mouth.

who is it?

Who just threw this dead child in so cruelly?

At this moment, the brothers were surprised and hated, looking at the dark tunnel ahead.

Gradually, a footstep came towards them step by step.

The suffocating heavy footsteps sounded like the death knell of hell, ringing every time.

He appeared, and finally appeared in this one.

In the darkness, but seeing his figure appeared in the brothers' glasses, a huge sense of darkness quickly filled the entire space.

Looking at the figure in the darkness with endless terrifying aura, the brothers only felt a sense of suffocation that had never been felt before.

They all stood there cautiously, no one dared to speak or move, as if the appearance of the black figure in front had completely shocked them.

Even the hand of the pistol that Wang Zhen was holding tightly was full of cold sweat.

Just when they were all shocked here, a voice that seemed to come from **** suddenly came out.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the boy named Li was not here...only a bunch of little guys came." His voice was ugly and hoarse, and when he said it, it was full of disappointment.

When this terrible voice came out of his mouth for an instant, the brothers were dumbfounded.

Then they remembered the voice in their minds.

A terrible name appeared in their minds.

"Long Yin..."

"You, you, you are the **** Long Yin?"

As the brothers said so, suddenly Tang Xiaolong took a flashlight and shot it at him.

But in the light, a horror figure whose hair turned weird blue stood motionless.

His pupils have completely changed... I don't know why, they turned into a blood red like animal nature... That light blue hair was even more excited by the vigor of the whole body, and the silver on his face The mask had already been taken off... I saw that half of the face that had been burnt in the old mansion of the Ouyang family had condensed into a huge black scar, ugly and terrifying.

The moment when Long Yindang appeared, all the brothers in front of him were shocked.

The aura on his body is undoubtedly more solemn and terrifying than the terrifying aura before.

I really don't know what evil skills this perverted guy has practiced... it seems that the whole person has changed.

"I didn't expect this **** thing you to be here." Chen Qiaozhi said angrily.

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