Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1769: Desperate fight

But just as he was about to pull the trigger with his finger, an invisible breath in the darkness suddenly seemed to grab his arm, making him unable to pull the trigger at all.

Wang Zhen's face flushed red and wanted to pull the trigger, but unfortunately that hand was completely blocked by the stubborn energy. I saw that Long Yin stretched out his hand and inhaled, and suddenly the gun in Wang Zhen's hand came out directly. He flew directly to one side of the hard rock wall, but after hearing a bang, the whole gun was too violent due to the force of the suction, and the gun shell was shattered.

Looking at Long Yin's terrifying strength, Wang Zhen was completely stunned.

He spent his entire life in the army, and followed the old commander Mu's wars in the north and south, but he had never seen such a perverted character, and he was completely shocked at the moment.

"Do you want to die?" Just after Wang Zhen fired his gun, a hell-like voice suddenly came over, and then he saw that Long Yin suddenly stretched out one hand with five fingers, like a claw, carrying a A horrible suction, suddenly sucked towards Wang Zhen.

That Wang Zhen only felt that his whole body was completely involuntary, and his two legs seemed to be unwilling, and suddenly his whole body flew towards that Long Yin.

"Brigadier Wang..."

When the surrounding brothers saw Wang Zhen's body being sucked by Long Yin with weird palm strength, they couldn't help but yell, and they all rushed toward the abnormal Long Yin, ready to save. The commander Wang Zhen.

But seeing that after all of them pounced, Long Yin suddenly made a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly squeezed the hand that was holding the brigade commander Wang Zhen, and suddenly felt a suffocation in Wang Zhen's chest ...

With a wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and at the same time he saw his chest as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer... he fell to the ground with a plop.

And all the brothers here also all rushed towards that Long Yin.

Just when they all rushed towards Long Yin, Long Yin suddenly transformed his body, his whole body suddenly suspended in the air, and then his two hands criss-crossed strangely...A black energy came from his palm. Turn it out.

With a bang, I saw that the weird black aura wrapped around the brothers' bodies like ghosts. The brothers only felt that the black aura wrapped around them had an indescribable icy feeling. They were shocked. , Before he came, he would react, a vast and immense palm strength suddenly came out again from that Long Yin's hand.

The invisible strength directly knocked all the brothers to the ground with a boom.

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