Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1808: Chief of Police

At the guard gate of the police station, two young policemen with serious faces were sitting upright there.

After Li Tian and the brigade commander Wang Zhen arrived at the gate of the police station, they only heard Wang Zhen asked in front: "Comrade police, hello! I want to go in and see a friend who was recently detained... No Do you know it?" Wang Zhen said politely.

After Wang Zhen said this, the two serious police officers first glanced at Wang Zhen with cold eyes, and then directly refused and said, "No!"

"No one can see the prisoners recently detained." Wang Zhen was not only taken aback when he heard the words of the two policemen with cold expressions in front of him.

"Why?" Wang Zhen asked.

One of the young policemen had a rather bad temper, and immediately said, "Why are there so many?"

After hearing that the young policeman suddenly said so, Wang became angry.

He originally wanted to talk to these policemen in a nice way, but he didn't expect to be rejected when he came up. How could he not get angry?


"Is the police station a private place? You said you wouldn't let it be seen? Tell your chief to come out!" A word roared from Brigade Commander Wang Zhen's mouth.

Hearing Wang Zhen's sudden anger there, the two policemen were slightly startled, and looked at Wang Zhen as if they were also suppressed by Wang Zhen's arrogance.

"I said, who on earth are you? You said that we will see the chief if we see the chief?" A policeman sneered at Wang Zhendao and said.

Without saying anything, Wang Zhen ran away from the officer's ID he was carrying, and then threw it on the table in front of the two young policemen with a snap.

The two policemen were not only stunned when they saw Wang Zhen's behavior, and then looked at each other, and then slowly picked up the officer ID that Wang Zhen had thrown out, and took a closer look. It said in amazement: Commander of the 39th Army of the North China Field Army!

When the two policemen suddenly saw Wang Zhen's officer certificate, they were dumbfounded. They never thought that the man in front of him was a member of the North China Field Army stationed outside Binjiang City, and he was also a colonel brigade commander!

The bravery and good fighting of the North China Field Army and the prestige of the military region are well known in the Eight Military Regions. In Binjiang City, the North China Field Army is even more known to everyone, so I saw Brigadier Wang Zhen in those two police officers. After the officer certificate in his hand, there was a moment of horror.

"The North China Field Army..." one of the policemen murmured in embarrassment.

Another policeman also showed embarrassment on his face at this moment, looked at Wang Zhen, and then said, "Well...I, I, I will call our chief."

After he finished speaking, he walked quickly towards the police station.

As for Wang Zhen, he put away his military ID card angrily. He didn't want to use his military ID card to threaten the police in front of him... But there was no way at this moment.

After putting them away, Wang Zhen and Li Tian noticed that many special police officers in the police station were walking there, and they also saw forensic doctors moving inside. After a while, they saw several special police officers carrying them. A stretcher walked out of the police station with an ugly face. The person carrying the stretcher covered the body with a white cloth... Although they could not be seen, Wang Zhen and Li Tian were both smart people. After such a situation, I knew in my heart that something happened to this police station... because it seemed that more than one body was carried out, and there were as many as 34!

But he said that after Brigadier Wang Zhen and Li Tian saw this weird situation, they were not only shocked, they saw Li Tian step forward, looking at the policeman at the gate of the detention center and asking, "Comrade police, please ask. , Did something happen to your police station?" Li Tian asked while pointing at the special police officers who came out carrying the corpses.

As Li Tian asked this, the policeman's face suddenly flashed pale.


He only listened to him sighed a long sigh, and then said: "You are right, we have a big event today...so so far we can't relax one by one."

After the policeman said so, the brigade commander Wang Zhen and Li Tian in front of them all glanced at each other. It seemed that they really guessed that something was wrong with this police station.

"Mind to ask, what happened?" Li Tian couldn't help asking again.

After Li Tian asked, he only listened to the policeman: "Initially we could not say... But since you are the North China Field Army, then I will tell you that this morning, several criminals in our detention center escaped from prison. ... and killed four of our colleagues."

After the policeman said so, Wang Zhen and Li Tian in front of them were not only shocked.

The prisoner escaped? Killed the police?

When Wang Zhen and Li Tian heard it, they suddenly understood that there were so many special police officers and some forensic doctors in this police station. Even the police officers at this door had ugly faces. It turned out that the prisoners had escaped.

After hearing the news in horror, Li Tian originally wanted to ask what kind of person escaped the prison and then killed the police...Suddenly a voice came from the left side.

"Brigade Commander Wang, it's been a long time..." As the voice heard, a middle-aged man in his 40s with a slightly blessed figure walked over there, looking at Brigadier Wang and said with a smile.

It seemed that the person knew Brigadier Wang Zhen.

After Wang Zhen saw the man walking over, a smile appeared on his face.

"Director Zhou!"

That man was obviously the chief of the police station in Binjiang City, whose surname was Zhou.

After the two met, I shook hands affectionately.

"Brigade Commander Wang, what brought you here?" Director Zhou, who walked over, smiled while holding the hand of Commander Wang Zhen.

But listening to Wang Zhen said slightly: "Warm wind, haha."

The two laughed.

"By the way, Chief Zhou, I heard that something went wrong in your police station?" Wang Zhen asked straightaway, looking at the many special police officers over there.

As Wang Zhen said this, Director Zhou's complexion turned ugly right now, and he sighed deeply, "Brigade Commander Wang, to tell you, something really happened..."

"Go, go, sit in my office, let's talk again." Director Zhou said there.

Wang Zhen then nodded, and walked towards the police station with Li Tian in front of him.

All I saw along the way were the police in a hurry and those special police...

Li Tian paid attention to the surrounding situation and followed the commander Wang Zhen to the office of Director Zhou.

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