Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1809: I will save you

After sitting down, Director Zhou smiled and said, "Will you drink tea?"

"No, thank you." Wang Zhen said.

"Director Zhou, let's go, we are not outsiders. What happened to you here?" Wang Zhen asked again.

Following Wang Zhen’s questioning, but I heard Director Zhou say: “Well, since Brigadier Wang asked, let’s talk about it. Two days ago, Xiao Liu caught a few murderers and didn’t want to fight today. Escaped in the morning... and killed four policemen..." Director Zhou said with an ugly face, and while sipping a teacup, he could see that his expression was quite anxious.

After he said so, then Brigadier Wang Zhen asked again: "Who is it? So courageous?"

Director Zhou said: "I don't know. Liu Hao of our criminal investigation team was responsible for this case. He told me that the three people who were caught killed people in the hotel...so they were detained. People, there is a kid among them, and two weird guys."

After Director Zhou said this, Li Tian suddenly felt a little bit in his heart.

"What? Killed someone in the hotel? And there is a child?" Li Tian exclaimed immediately.

After he said so, Director Zhou slowly raised his eyes to see Li Tian.

"Brigade Commander Wang, who is this?" Director Zhou asked in surprise at this moment when he didn't know Li Tian.

But seeing Wang Zhen laughed and said, "This is a friend of mine... who does business."

"Oh, that's it." Director Zhou did not ask too much.

However, at this moment, Li Tian's heart was like an ant on a hot pot, scorching anxiously there.

Listening to Director Zhou's words just now, could it be that the murderers are the lone lonely and the ghost servants?

Moreover, I heard that Duguxie and the ghost servant were arrested in the police station before, but within two hours they clearly saw that Duguxie and the ghost servant had left the police station... Could it be said that all this was due to the return A ghost servant fled the police station and then killed someone? Li Tian suddenly thought about it in horror.

"How can Dugu and ghost servants kill innocents? How can they kill even the police?" Li Tian's mind was full of ten thousand questions.

He really couldn't believe what he heard.

But everything in front of me explained that the so-called fugitives are the Duguxie and the ghost servant!

After thinking like this in Li Tian's mind, he was completely messed up, sitting there uneasy.

Of course, Wang Zhen could also hear it. At the moment, he was sitting there with a bad complexion.

"Director Zhou, did all the criminals escape?" Brigade Commander Wang Zhen asked suddenly.

Director Zhou said: "The two principal offenders escaped, and there is one child left... But the child doesn't know anything after asking three questions... It seems that he doesn't know anything."

Upon hearing the child, Wang Zhen said: "Director Zhou, can I go and see that child?"

Li Tian was also looking at the police chief with his eyes wide open at the moment.

But seeing Director Zhou stunned, he asked: "Brigadier Wang, what do you think that kid is doing?"

Wang Zhen laughed and said, "It's okay, it's just a look... Zhou Ju, won't you not even agree to this little thing, right?"

Hearing what Wang Zhen said, Director Zhou thought about it and said, "Well, since Brigadier Wang, you want to see it, I'll ask someone to take you there later..."

"Well, thank you Zhou Ju." Wang Zhen thanked him.

"You are polite." Director Zhou said there.

Then Brigadier Wang Zhen chatted with Director Zhou for a while, and what about Li Tian who was sitting on the side? His heart was filled with too many questions and too many weirdness. He was now anxious to see Na Anan quickly, and then asked him what happened to Duguxie and the ghost servant.

After the Brigade Commander Wang Zhen and Director Zhou talked for a while, they finally finished talking. Then Wang Zhen said that he was going to see Anan. Director Zhou did not refuse, and then called a police officer outside.

"Xiao Yang, take Brigadier Wang to see the kid in custody..." At the call of Director Zhou, a 30-year-old policeman walked in.

The policeman said, "Okay."

Then he took the commander Wang Zhen and Li Tian in front of him and walked towards the inside of the detention center.

"Here." Xiao Yang in front said to Li Tian and the others in the back while pointing at the road.

Brigadier Li Tiangen Wang Zhen followed behind him. As he walked, Brigadier Wang Zhen whispered to Li Tian, ​​"Li Tian, ​​shouldn't the murderer really have a ghost and a ghost?"

Li Tian said with an ugly face, "I don't know now..."

"Hey, if it's true, then it will be troublesome... No matter what, you can't kill innocent people... Besides, you killed the police, don't you?"

Li Tian did not speak, but was silent.

At this moment, under the leadership of Xiao Yang, Li Tian and Brigadier Wang Zhen were taken to the detention center.

Na Xiaoyang pointed to a guard room in front and said, "That's it..."

"Thank you." After Li Tian and Brigadier Wang Zhen said to the policeman, they quickly walked over.

After they walked over, across the iron fence, they saw Anan shrinking in the corner at a glance.

Anan's face was pale, and he was curled up alone, lying in the corner as if sleeping in a panic on his face. When Li Tian and the others came over, Na Anan didn't hear.

The moment he saw Anan, Li Tian became excited, and immediately shouted: "Anan..."

After Li Tian's voice called the exit, Na Anan slowly opened his eyes, and then saw Li Tian and Brigadier Wang Zhen standing outside the detention center at a glance.

"You? You are finally here..." Anan ran over with excitement.

There were tears in his eyes, as if excited to cry.

"I thought... I thought... you would never show up again... Never mind me anymore... I didn't expect you to finally come." Anan said, his eyes flushed.

Li Tian looked at him, feeling sour, and said there, "Sorry, I happened to have something to delay these days, so I didn't have time to pick you up."

Then Anan wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and looked at Li Tiandao: "No matter what, as long as you come, I will be relieved."

"You want to save me...save me out, okay?" Anan looked at Li Tiandao imploringly.

Li Tiandao: "Don't worry, I will find a way to come out."

"But, Anan, first tell me what happened in the past few days? Why did the lone lonely and the ghost servant suddenly wake up? And I heard from the police station that you killed people... and you escaped from prison, even the police Massacre too? What is going on with all this?" Li Tian asked there.

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