Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1810: Must save

Following Li Tian's shocking question, Na Anan said, "Actually... I don't even know."

"Don't you know?" Li Tian said depressed.

Then Anan said, "I don't know your two friends...why did they become like that!!!"

After hearing what Anan said, Li Tian's heart felt a little, and he hurriedly asked, "Dugu and ghost servants? What happened to them?"

"They changed!" A word came out of Anan's mouth.

When Anan suddenly said such a sentence, Li Tian was stunned.

"Changed? What do you mean?" Li Tian asked quickly.

Hearing that, Anan said, "They have become non-human... they become like zombies... even, even, they eat all the raw flesh and blood... and they kill people without blinking... completely dehumanized. ..."

"What? What did you say?"

"You said Dugu and ghost servants eat raw flesh and blood?" Li Tian asked in shock, his eyes filled with unbelievable.

Wang Zhen on the other side was also completely confused.

In his impression, Duguxie and the ghost servant are both good people, and they are also polite people. How could they say that like the kid in front of him? How could this be?

So Anan began to tell Li Tian the whole story.

He suddenly sobered Duguxie and the ghost servant, then ate raw pork, finally murdered, and finally was arrested by the police station to Li Tian in front of him.

After Anan said so suddenly, Li Tian was completely stunned.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? Impossible... Impossible... It's impossible for Dugu and Ghost Servant to be like this?" Li Tian said as if he had lost his soul, his eyes widened and unbelievable.

Na Anan said: "It's true, all of this is what I saw with my own eyes..."

"The two of them seem to have no humanity. No matter how I call them or call them, they have no reaction at all..."

Following Anan's words, Li Tian held the iron fence in front of him tightly with both hands, and a creaking sound rang out from his hands.

Although he really doesn't believe that Duguxie and the ghost servant will change! And he would do such cruel things, but the facts have now proved...that was indeed done by Duguxie and the ghost servant!

What's more, two hours ago, he saw the strange and stiff walking posture of Duguxie and the ghost servant, and no matter how they shouted, the two people did not react at all. After thinking about it in his mind, Li Tian felt Suddenly jumped.

It seems that everything is true... the brutal police killings were all done by Duguxie and the ghost servant!

After thinking like this in his mind, Li Tian suddenly remembered a sentence: the poison of the puppet!

Suddenly he remembered what the mysterious stranger said before. He said: Even if you save Duguxie and the Ghost Servant, the two of them will never be the same again...because of them It is the poison of the most evil puppet...It is a poison that is completely controlled by others...The world is so big that only the poisoner can save them, and only the poisoner can control them.

After Li Tian suddenly remembered these words, Li Tian understood.

"I know... I know..." Li Tian said there suddenly full of anger.

Brigadier Wang Zhen looked at Li Tian saying this strangely, and not only asked, "Li Tian, ​​what do you know?"

"Poison, it is poison...Duguxie and the ghost servant must have become like this because of the poison on their bodies." Just like that, a sentence came out of Li Tian's mouth.

After Li Tian suddenly said this, the brigade commander Wang Zhen in front of him was stunned.

"Poison? Will poison make people inhumane?" Brigadier Wang Zhen didn't believe it very much.

But seeing Li Tian said there, "Yes."

"Because that kind of poison is a poison that controls people's mind, its name is: Puppet's Poison..." Li Tian vomited the name of the poison fiercely.

"Puppet poison?" Wang Zhen didn't quite understand it.

"This poison is from the sect master of the gate of hell... It's the **** evil Duguxie and the ghost servant who have become what they are now, everything is because of the enemy!" Li Tian's eyes were **** The anger roared there.

At this moment, his whole body had been burned by hatred, and even the brigade commander Wang Zhen who was standing next to him could deeply feel the flame of hatred on him.

Wang Zhen stood on Li Tian's side and didn't know what to say at the moment, and Anan was also silent in the detention center.

Everyone is looking at Li Tian at this moment.

Li Tian finally calmed down his angry mood after a while. He looked at Anan Dao in the detention center and said, "You haven't participated in all of this from beginning to end, right?"

Anan nodded quickly.

"Oh, that's good." Li Tiandao said.

Then Li Tian slowly turned his head to look at Brigadier Wang Zhen in front of him and said: "Brigadier Wang Zhen, now I get rid of your affairs and find a way to get Anan out!"

After Li Tian said this, Wang Zhen was quite embarrassed.

There was a moment of embarrassment and said, "Li Tian...it's not that I don't help you...but if you want him to come out now, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult."

Wang Zhen is telling the truth. Although Anan didn’t participate in anything, he is still with Duguxie and the ghost servant. What's more, the current Duguxie and the ghost servant have already escaped from prison, and now they want to let them go Anan's words are even more difficult.

After Wang Zhen said so, but Li Tian suddenly became angry.

"I don't care how difficult you are, I only want him to come out... He didn't do anything... He didn't kill anyone, why should he be detained? Not to mention that he is still a child." Li Tian suddenly became angry. The eyes were blood red and roared there.

After Li Tian's roar, Brigadier Wang Zhen was shocked. To be honest, he had never seen Li Tian make such a big fire! I have never seen Li Tian still have such a terrible hostility of rage...

So after Li Tian roared, Brigadier Wang Zhen could only sigh and said, "Well, I will try my best to find a way..."

"Well, you guys wait for me here for a while...I'll talk to Director Zhou." Wang Zhen said embarrassedly.

Li Tian said coldly: "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Following Li Tian's words, I saw that Brigade Commander Wang Zhen took difficult steps towards Director Zhou's office step by step.

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