Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1849: Gangelo Family

Typical European!

High nose, blue eyes like jewels.

It's just that their faces are as pale as paper, even paler than paper...

Under the pale complexion, I don't know what kind of cold blood is flowing!

The one standing in the front looks elegant and gentleman. His hair is very long and slightly curly. His blue eyes are full of weird charm and sink into the sockets. His two hands are slightly closed. At the same time, placed on his chest, he wore a very strange ring on his pale fingers. The ring was carved with a "skeleton head" that was born and worn on his slender fingers.

He just stood there noble, like a noble earl of the 18th century, standing with a smile.

And what about the three people behind him? Obviously his subordinates!

The three of them all had extremely pale faces, there was no trace of blood on their faces, and a pair of cold eyes were looking at Jess, Rowling, and Long!

"Oh my God! It's them... it's them monsters!!!" After suddenly seeing these pale-skinned men wearing black robes covering their entire bodies, Na Jess, Rowling, and Long not only Shouted in horror!

As if they saw the devil, they couldn't see the non-human species, their eyes widened there, and at the same time they couldn't help retreating.

Fear, fear deeply appeared in their eyes.

What about the four weird foreigners? I stood there motionless throughout.

"No, no, no..."

"How could the bishop let them... these demons intermingle in this matter?" Jace said in surprise suddenly in disbelief.

After listening to Jace, the priest Gammarelli suddenly smiled and said: "Jace, you have to understand one thing, the bishop does not need you anymore!"

"Moreover, the bishop has reached a contract with the blood clan, this is the Gangaluo clan, Earl Spike! And the three subordinates of the Gangaluo clan, the four of them are responsible for the key of fate this time!"

As Father Gammarelli said so suddenly, Jace was completely taken aback!

The bishop actually reached a contract with the blood family?

"The Lord actually reached a contract with the devil?"

"No, it's impossible... absolutely impossible... Father Gammarelli, you are lying... you are lying..."

With the horrified cry of Na Jace, but what about Father Gammarelli? But he didn't even look at him. He just turned his head slightly to look at the four elegant gentlemen men claiming to be the Gangaluo clan and said: "Earl Spike, you have been tired all the way, presumably you haven't had lunch yet?"

The elegant man called Earl Spike suddenly showed a weird smile, and he could see that his teeth were very white and white, and then he shook his head slightly!

After he shook his head, Father Gammarelli pointed his finger at Jace and Rowling in front of him, and said magnificently, "Then please..."

When he suddenly said this, that Jess, Rowling, and Long were all shocked there!

What is he doing? lunch? What lunch?

Can anyone know?

The only thing that can be seen is Jace, Rowling, and the panic and fear on Long's complexion...

Jace and the others kept stepping back, their eyes widened in disbelief as they looked at the four Gangelo tribe in front of them: "no, no, no..."

And what about the three subordinates of the Gangaro? Suddenly, step by step, he walked towards them with cold suffocation.

Father Gammarelli looked at the scene in front of him with a gloomy grin!


A scream of hysterical screams suddenly came out from the ancient church!

Then I heard the heart-piercing scream.

Following the screaming sound, three corpses were suddenly thrown to the ground with a bang.

Look closely, the bodies of these three are the Jace, Rowling, and Long who were still alive just now!

Only now they have become dead!

Their death is extremely ugly, their eyes widened, and even when they died, they died with horror!

The causes of their deaths were almost exactly the same. They were all around their necks. The three of their necks seemed to be bitten by wild beasts. The blood seemed to be sucked up and died there!

And what about the three Gangelo men who killed them? I saw their figures flashed back like a shadow and suddenly returned to the back of Count Spike. The corners of their mouths were stained with scarlet blood, and their pale faces were filled with evil feelings, and they wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths. ... They kept their previous appearance, standing coldly behind Count Spike.

And what about Father Gammarelli? When he saw the scene just now, his face also became weird and ugly!

Although these Gangaluo people are currently on the same front with him, he can still vaguely see his fear and fear!

The Earl Spike, who is called the Gangaro family, gracefully walked over to Father Gammarelli step by step, looked at him with a smile, and then bowed slightly to Father Gammarelli with Western manners: "Thank you Your kind hospitality!"

His voice was as gentle as his, but with an unspeakable weird breath.

Father Gammarelli took a step back instinctively, his face became extremely ugly, and he smiled and said quickly: "No...you're welcome..."

Count Naspike smiled when he heard Father Gammarelli say this, and then walked slightly around the church, his eyes looked at everything in the church, I don’t know why, when his eyes looked at the church Inside, the entire church seemed to lose its original color and turned into a dark color.

Finally, when Earl Spike put his eyes on the front cross, he suddenly smiled and said: "Father Gammarelli, do you think the Lord of your faith will really bless you?"

When he said this, his voice was strange and terrifying.

When Father Gammarelli heard him say this, he didn't know how to answer for a while, and stood awkwardly.

"Hey, some people say that we are evil creatures of darkness. In fact, sometimes you humans are 10,000 times more evil than us... Hey!" His weird laughter echoed for a long time throughout the church.

What about Father Gammarelli? Standing there, his face looked ugly as if he had seen a ghost, and he didn't even dared to breathe out loudly from beginning to end.

"Father Gammarelli, the key of destiny is a holy artifact that our Gangauro family must take back. I hope you will give us clues as soon as possible! The blood moon is about to come...we want to welcome him!"

As Earl Spike finished his last sentence, his figure suddenly disappeared in the entire church! And what about the three pale-faced people behind him? It also disappeared in an instant...without a trace.

After seeing the Gangeuro family completely gone, only Father Gammarelli was left. He slowly raised his trembling arm and wiped the sweat from his face... and then tremblingly from He took out his own cross in his arms, and muttered silently there: "My merciful Lord, please forgive my sins..."

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