Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1850: Blood Legend

In European legends, there is a unique evil race that has always survived in the world!

They are called blood-sucking creatures.

The origin of the legend of blood-sucking creatures can be traced back to thousands of years ago. In the earliest myths and legends of Mesopotamian civilization, ancient Hebrew civilization, ancient Roman civilization, etc., there are such demons who **** human blood. Biology exists.

And there are extremely detailed records in the ancient bible!

Legend: The ancestor of the blood-sucking creature is Cain, Adam and his wife Eve, who gave birth to Cain and Abel. Abel is a shepherd, Cain is a farmer. On the day of offering to God, Cain contributed land products, and Abel offered some selected suckling sheep. God fancyed Abel's tribute, not Cain's tribute. Cain was very angry. He invited his younger brother Abel to the field. When they got there, Cain killed Abel. Later, when God learned about this, he was very angry. God punishes him for wandering all his life and can only live by sucking blood. Cain worried that because he had sinned too badly, others would kill him when he saw him, so God gave him a mark so that people would not put him when they saw him. To death. The descendants of Cain became the blood-sucking creatures of today!

Legend has it that vampires are actually human incarnations, but they have long, sharp fangs that can pierce human necks to **** human blood. This vampire slowly evolved into a species called: Vampire!

Also known as bloodline in European countries.

To become a member of the blood clan, a mortal must first go through the process of "first embrace" theembrace. In other words, he must first be drained of blood by a member of the blood family, and then immediately accept the blood from the blood family. It is not just that the other party can become a vampire after sucking blood, but can become a vampire after exchanging blood. Newborn blood. The first embrace often brings very strong feelings, mixed with emotions of fear and ecstasy, which will make the blood family unforgettable forever.

Once you become a member of the bloodline bloodline, you will get permanent immortality, but this immortal can only act at night.

Kinship is a creature different from humans, and its body tissues undergo complete changes.

The teeth of the blood family can be drawn at will, although most of the time they will be hidden to cover up their identity. When the blood clan **** blood, it will use its own methods to heal the wound to cover up the traces. The blood in the body flows in a diffuse manner. Because the capillaries are no longer full of blood, the blood of the blood group is particularly pale. Sometimes, I even shed tears when crying. The kin can use the blood in the body to heal themselves. When injured, the blood in the body will concentrate on the wound, and the wound will be purple-red, and it will be healed quickly.

The blood race does not need to eat, but needs to continuously draw blood. When the night falls, there will be a strong desire for blood. The intensity of this desire is even more uncomfortable than human hunger. The throat is painful like a tear, forcing one to have to **** human blood.

Generally speaking, this blood-sucking creature in ancient times has gradually evolved into a more terrifying creature, they are called: vampire!

There is no way to study the ancestors of vampires. The only record is the history in the ancient bible. Adam and Eve’s eldest son Cain Cain was cursed by God due to the crime of killing his brother and became an immortal forced to **** blood. Lilith, who had abandoned the Garden of Eden, met after Lilith was guided by Lilith and learned how to extract powerful power from the blood. The blood clan marked the day when the ancestor Cain was enlightened as the first year of Xueqi. Cain is the source of vampires, the starting point of this sinful bloodline.

After the creation of the vampire, driven by loneliness, Cain used the internal organs of animals and his own blood to create a second generation of vampires. The second generation is believed to have 5 people. Later, they pursued the descendants of Adam and Eve together, but they were regarded as monsters and were driven away by these "brothers". In grief and anger, the second generation of vampires began to try to establish a "dark Garden of Eden." They gave birth to 13 descendants of their own, the third most powerful of vampires. After God launched the Flood of Noah, the third generation of vampires who were survivors united to kill their parents. Among them, Enoch, Sheila Zillah, and Elad Irad were confirmed to be killed. The two underneath remain anonymous, and their whereabouts have been unknown. This story and the later prophecy about the doomsday after the betrayal of the third generation of vampires is a history of taboos within the vampire family, coupled with the extremely remote history, so there are very few descriptions of the second generation of vampires.

The descendants of the second generation of vampires, the most powerful generation of vampires, they claim to have the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with God, so they became the main leaders of the next generations of vampires and later called the third generation "blood lodging". The third generation established an independent family, which was later the "13-style family". Every third-generation vampire is the ancestor of this family! Due to historical origins, younger generations of vampires can only recognize the existence of their ancient ancestors in legends.

The thirteen blood lodgings fought bravely and slaughtered creatures in order to improve the strength of themselves and their family. They discovered that the blood of the kinship can make mortals live forever and make the kinship ascend to the holy, thus unveiling the prelude to the vampire's sinful bloodline. These thirteen blood lodgings finally turned against each other, fighting endlessly for years, and spreading their own blood. The blood family called this war a thousand-year holy war jehad. The victims of the war are mostly mortals. Although the flood caused by God did not take blood and fatal life, it caused severe damage and had to go to sleep. In order to continue the jihad, the thirteen blood lodgings each have a family of the fourth to sixth generations, and each clan inherits the characteristics of the creator, so they are different. Unexpectedly, the clans were obsessed with ease and allied with each other, leaving their ancestors behind.

The thirteen blood-stay qi from the serious wounds were unhealed, and the most powerful of them dropped the doomsday prophecy: "When I awaken, there will be no night in the world, the scorching sun will be high, mortals will be turned into steam, and blood will be turned into powder God will take back only a piece of scorched earth"

And this blood lodging that is still dormant is the founder of the Gangaro family!

Now that these ancient histories are once again sealed, the Gangaluo family really has descendants... Then what kind of human catastrophe will remain?

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