Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1947: All disasters

After the thick yellow slime stuck to the front of the Cthulhu's clothes, the Cthulhu was shocked and his body retreated suddenly.

Looking down at his skirt, it was as if it had been splashed with sulfuric acid, but it quickly corroded his skirt! Terrible.

The Cthulhu looked at it, and when the face underneath changed in shock, he suddenly slashed his sword out with a sudden thunder, and with a hiss, the piece of clothing stained with the thick yellow liquid was instantly cut off by the Cthulhu.

Look carefully at the beheaded robe, it has been completely rotted by the thick yellow liquid at this moment.

After seeing this situation, Cthulhu was shocked in his heart: Fortunately, he discovered it early. If this thick yellow liquid sticks to his skin, would it be worth it?

The Cthulhu who thought this way in his heart not only frowned deeply, but stared at Long Yin in front of him.

But seeing that Long Yin smiled evilly in mid-air.

The ghost fire surrounding him has been more and more with the weird dance of his hands. Just now, it was just a ghost fire that made the evil **** a little busy. If all the ghost fire around him were shooting towards the evil god, what should be done? ?

Cthulhu's mind was constantly spinning there, trying to figure out a solution as soon as possible.

And there were more and more ghost fires around the enchanted Long Yin.

The hungry ghost in the ghost fire is also snarling fangs, as if to hungry and thirsty to eat the body of the evil **** in front of him.

"The hungry ghost is coming to the world, Cthulhu, I see how you escaped this disaster!" Long Yin roared in a husky voice and roared in the fishy wind.

Following his voice, the hungry ghosts all over his body with grinning teeth suddenly all shot towards the evil god.

One by one, ghost fires shot at the evil **** in front of them with incredible speed.

The Cthulhu looked a little embarrassed at this moment. The Dragon Sword in his hand can only urge the powerful energy in his body, and then use the sword energy to cut off the ghost fires that are attacking one by one. Hungry ghosts will sputter extremely horrible and corrosive thick yellow mucus in an instant. Once those things corrode on the evil god's skin, the evil **** has only a dead end.

Therefore, at this moment, the Heretic God can only rely on his own endless true energy and then urge the sword energy to smash the evil ghosts from a distance with the sword energy.

However, such continuous use of True Qi to urge Sword Qi is extremely depleting internal strength!

However, within a minute or two, large beads of sweat had been left on the bronze face of the evil god, and it was clear that the true energy in his body was being depleted.

"I want to see your invincible Cthulhu, how much inner strength you can consume today!" Long Yin haha ​​laughed wildly in the air.

The Cthulhu is extremely embarrassed at the moment, and at the same time the true energy is constantly beginning to leak out, such a consumption of true energy, when can this end?

Even if the Heretic God can win this battle with the world's invincible skill, but when the time comes, all his true qi will be exhausted, and the weak and quagmire will be dead by then?

What should I do?

What should Cthulhu do?

Amidst the fishy wind in the sky, I saw the beheaded Nether Hungry Ghost constantly screaming in the dark.

And Earl Spike stood there weird from beginning to end, with a grimly smile on his mouth, looking at the shocking battle before him.


The night was dark and darkness suddenly came to light.

In the endless dark night, I saw a fast and slender figure shooting at the speed of light towards the place where Li Tian and his brothers were staying.

In the dark, she could hear her breathless voice, her voice was so tired, so weak, as if her people would die soon.

However, she never stopped from beginning to end, because she had to see Li Tian.

However, Li Tian this evening was destined to be unable to be calm.

Since dinner, his heart has been beating violently.

He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know what happened in the darkness outside. The only thing he knew was that in today's night, something extremely bad was destined to happen.

"Xiaolong, what's the matter with Brother Tian? Why is his complexion so ugly?" In the room, I saw Xue Wuhen on the side of Tang Xiaolong who had low reputation.

Tang Xiaolong glanced at Xue Wuhen, motioned to Xue Wuhen to speak quietly, and then said slightly to Xue Wuhen, "I don't know either."

"After eating, the little boss has been like this. Just now I asked the sick man about the little boss. The little boss lost his temper inexplicably...We are all a little afraid of him now!" Tang Xiaolong whispered.

Listening to Tang Xiaolong's words in front of him, Xue Wuhen frowned deeply, and couldn't help the dark lining: "What happened to Brother Tian?"

Besides, what is Li Tian doing right now?

I saw him standing alone at the window with an ugly face.

Sitting here is Brigadier Wang Zhen, and brothers such as Chen Qiaozhi, while beautiful women such as Ouyang Shiqing and Situ Ningbing are sitting there.

Everyone looked at Li Tian weirdly at this moment, because no one knew what happened to Li Tian? Why is he so indifferent today and his face is so ugly?

But he said that Li Tian, ​​who had been standing by the window and looking at the endless darkness, suddenly muttered in his mouth.

"Something big... something big is about to happen."

Li Tian said silently in the dark like talking to himself.

He realized it, he did.

He has never been so flustered in his heart, but today, his heart has been beating non-stop, the beating heart seems to be popping out of his chest.

At the moment when Li Tiantian was in a state of confusion, suddenly there was a sound of something falling to the ground in the darkness outside.

The sound was so loud that all the brothers in the room could hear it clearly.

After hearing such a "plop" sound from outside, the brothers were all taken aback.

Xue Wuhen was the first to stand up from his seat and said, "What's wrong outside?"

Tang Xiaolong shook his head depressedly on one side, and stood up now.

Xue Wuhen said: "Go, go out and have a look."

With that said, but seeing him, he quickly ran towards the closed door. At this time, Tang Xiaolong, Chen Qiaozhi and the brigade commander Wang Zhen also quickly followed.

After Na Xue Wuhen quickly arrived at the door, he stretched out his hand to open the tightly closed door, and as soon as it opened, Xue Wuhen suddenly screamed.


Following Xue Wuhen's scream, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing in the room were all shocked.

"What's wrong? Wuhen?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

The brothers hurriedly walked over to take a look.

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