Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1948: Li Tian's guess

"Oh my God... look... it's her... it's her...?" Xue Wuhen stared at her outside with an incredible pair of eyes wide open.

I saw outside the door, lying motionless with a cold body.

Taking a closer look at the delicate body, she had a head of blonde hair and fainted on the ground.

She was astonished as the vampire of the Torrido family: Miss Mary.

It's just that Miss Mary at this moment has completely fainted on the cold ground, her face is still as pale as before, her body is exceptionally cold, at the position of the left shoulder, but her skin seems to be burned. It seemed like a little crack, and the whole skin was completely damaged, lying there like a dead person.

"Miss Mary?"

"It turned out to be Miss Mary the vampire of the Torrido family!" Xue Wuhen finally called out at this moment.

Besides, after yelling out with him, Li Tian has already rushed over.

When he saw that Miss Mary was lying on the cold ground like this, his heart shook.

"How could this be?"

"Miss Mary?"

"Miss Mary...?"

Li Tian squatted down quickly, held Mary's cold skin with his hands and shouted.

The brothers were also completely astonished.

They don't know how this Miss Mary became like this? You must know that this Miss Mary was fine before an hour, and fortunately she left them in good faith, but after an hour, she became like a dead person...

Who hurt her?

What exactly happened?

All the doubts are now flooding into Li Tian's heart.

At this moment, Miss Mary is like a dead person, and the skin rot on her shoulders is still spreading continuously, spreading to her whole body. Obviously, this injury is her most deadly injury.

Li Tian glanced at the wound on her shoulder, and suddenly his eyes brightened.

"Silver! Silver nitrate!" An exclamation came out from Li Tian's mouth.

When Li Tian called out silver nitrate in amazement, the brothers were all shocked there!

Then one by one stared at Li Tian with wide-open eyes.

But seeing Li Tian stretched out a hand and slowly took out a small silver powder on the location of Miss Mary's wound. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed silver powder...

When they saw that Miss Mary was wounded like this by "Silver", they were all stunned!

Everyone knows that silver is a deadly item to deal with vampires. The reason why Miss Mary is seriously injured now is obviously caused by this "silver", but who would use silver to deal with Miss Mary in front of them? Where is the kind vampire?

Is it a vampire of the Gangelo family?

"Brother Tian, ​​what should I do now?" The brothers were all staring at Li Tiandao in front of him.

Li Tian frowned deeply, looking at the dark night, and said: "It seems that my guess is not bad. Tonight, something big is destined to happen."

"Qiaozhi, you go to the room to clean up. Let's carry Miss Mary in first, hoping to wake up Miss Mary as soon as possible... and then ask her what happened."

Following Li Tian's order to exit, Chen Qiaozhi nodded quickly, and ran into the house quickly and began to clean up the room.

At this time, the brothers and Li Tian slowly supported the fainted body of Miss Mary, and hurriedly supported the room.

The girls such as Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shiqing, who were jealous of Miss Mary at the beginning, have disappeared at this moment, because they don’t know what happened. How could this vampire foreign girl suffer miserably after an hour? Such a bad hand.

Besides, after Li Tian led the brothers to quickly help Miss Mary to the room, he ordered the brothers to find clean water, and then quickly cleaned Miss Mary's wound.

The silver powder in her body must be cleaned quickly...If it is not cleaned anymore, the silver powder will quickly corrode her entire body. At that time, although she has the immortal body of the blood race, she will probably be wiped out in ashes.

It was Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shiqing who cleaned Miss Mary's wound.

After all, the other party is a female.

I saw that when Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shiqing touched the cold body of Miss Mary, they couldn't help feeling cold.

"Oh my God, her body is so cold...like an ice cube." Ouyang Shiqing said in shock with her beautiful eyes wide open.

Situ Ningbing nodded in horror.

"Don't forget, she is a vampire... She is not a human!" Situ Ningbing said.

Ouyang Shi thought about it for a while, and could only nod silently, and then began to clean up the silver residue on Miss Mary's shoulder little by little.

But seeing that Miss Mary’s entire shoulders have completely rotted, her fair skin has now turned into a disgusting black. Fortunately, Ouyang Shiqing and Situ Ningbing, the two beauties, are both characters who have seen big winds and waves, if not. , For any girl, it is probably already scared to get down.

Inside, Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shiqing were cleaning the body wounds of the vampire Miss Mary, while outside were shocked brothers, and Li Tian, ​​who had always been ugly.

"What happened? An hour ago, that Miss Mary was fine? Why was she suddenly injured so badly?" Xue Wuhen, who was standing there, asked in surprise.

"I don't know, who knows what happened." Tang Xiaolong here also said suspiciously.

"By the way, doesn't Miss Mary have a silver-haired **** and a strong man? What about the two vampires?" Tang Xiaolong suddenly remembered that Carell and Danny were questioning.

The brothers shook their heads there, saying they didn't know.

Suddenly, Li Tian, ​​whose expression was extremely ugly, suddenly spoke up.

"From the current state of Miss Mary, I'm afraid that Carrell and Danny's two vampires are not lucky!"

Following Li Tian's cold voice, the brothers screamed out in shock.


"Brother Tian, ​​you mean that the two vampires named Carrell and Danny are dead? Are they killed?" Xue Wuhen couldn't believe it.

The brothers here also looked at Li Tian with unbelievable eyes.

You know, vampires have always been immortal in the impression of brothers, but I never imagined that at this moment Li Tian would actually say that vampires would die...

Is Li Tian's guess true?

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