Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1949: She woke up

At this moment, Li Tianzhe solemnly frowned, nodded deeply and said, "It should be already dead."

"Miss Mary was hurt so badly by the silver, I think Carrel and Danny may not have escaped the corrosion of the silver powder..." Li Tiandao.

Listening to Li Tian's analysis, the brothers were silent.

"But, Brother Tian, ​​who the **** did they kill?" Xue Wuhen asked over there at the moment.

"Could it be the vampire of the Gangaro family?" Chen Qiaozhi suddenly guessed.

Li Tian thought for a while and said, "It should be!"

"But what puzzles me is how could the vampires of the Gangelo family use silver to deal with Miss Mary and the others? You know, the vampires of the Gangelo family are also very scared of silver..." Li Tian said My most important question came out.

Yes, vampires are afraid of silver, this is something that brothers all know!

If according to the current situation, it is said that Miss Mary was wounded with silver by the vampire of the Gangelo family, then there is no reason for the vampire of the Gangelo family not to fear silver? How can they use things that they are afraid of to deal with the same race as themselves? This unscientific.

The brothers were depressed when they heard Li Tian's analysis, because Li Tian was right.

Just when the brothers were struggling to understand, Li Tian suddenly looked at the dark night and spit out a few words from his mouth coldly.

"Unless there is a situation..." he said suddenly.

The brothers were taken aback and looked at Li Tiandao in surprise: "Brother Tian, ​​what's the situation?"

"Yes, little boss, what's the situation?" They were all there blinking their eyes and looking at Li Tian.

Just listen to Li Tiandao: "Unless Miss Mary is injured so severely, it should be human."

"What? Humans?" The brothers almost jumped up when they heard it.

"That's not right, Brother Tian, ​​who among human beings has the ability to hurt Miss Mary who had a vampire?" Xue Wuhen asked in disbelief.

My brothers are also very reasonable.

The strength of Miss Mary and other vampires, brothers have seen with their own eyes before, any human being wants to deal with Miss Mary who is a vampire is basically an unlikely thing.

"No! You are wrong!"

"Although Miss Mary and the others are vampires, they have terrifying speed, and ability to reflect, and immortality, but they also have weaknesses, for example; silver!"

"Vampires are most afraid of silver!"

"Under normal circumstances, very few humans can use silver to deal with Miss Mary and the others, but if they encounter real strong humans, then Miss Mary and the others will be more ill-fortuned..."

"For example: the previous demon dragon Yin, and the master of the gate of hell, a demon human of that level." Li Tian clenched his fist and said with blood red eyes in the dark. The two people he hated most The name taboo.

"Long Yin? Hell Gate Master?"

After Li Tian said the names of the two people he hated most, the brothers were shocked for a moment.

Because those two demon-level guys have not appeared for a long time.

Besides, isn't Long Yin already dead?

"Brother Tian... the devil surnamed Long... isn't it... isn't it in the explosives of the dead kiln mine last time, is it dead?" Xue Wuhen finally asked Li Tian cautiously in front of him.

Long Yin's name is like a curse. When the brothers heard his terrible name, they were not only afraid of three points!

Listening to Xue Wuhen's words, Li Tian suddenly laughed, but his smile seemed extremely helpless.

The brothers didn't understand why Li Tian laughed, and they all looked at him in surprise.

"Brother Tian, ​​why are you laughing?"

But listening to Li Tiandao: "The demon surnamed Long, as long as I can't see his body for a day, I will never feel at ease!"

"Only when his body is torn apart in front of me, maybe, I will believe that he is really dead, except for this situation, I will find him in my life and kill him!" Li Tian looked at the darkness. That said in a bitter voice.

At this moment, the brothers could hardly recognize the brother Tian before him!

They found that Li Tian's aura was full of endless hostility, becoming fierce and terrifying.

"Broken! The key of destiny must have disappeared." Li Tian suddenly shouted out of surprise.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's the matter?" The brothers looked at Li Tian in surprise and asked.

Li Tian did not answer directly, but clenched his fist tightly in the dark. After a long silence, he said, "The key of fate has been snatched away...it must have been taken by the Gangelo family. Snatch the terrible vampire away!"

Listening to Li Tian's weird words, the brothers didn't know how to ask.


Inside, I saw that Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shiqing had basically processed the silver powder residue on Miss Mary's shoulder.

But Miss Mary lay there like a dead person, motionless, without breathing or heartbeat, her whole body was as cold as a dead body.

The decay of her shoulders is still continuing...

Looking at the appearance of Miss Mary in front of her, the two beauties could only express a sigh.

Just when Ouyang Shiqing and Situ Ningbing were about to leave here with a basin full of dirty silver powder in their hands, a cold hand suddenly grabbed Situ Ningbing's wrist. .

Situ Ningbing reacted very quickly. When she was grasped by that cold finger like bone marrow, her left palm subconsciously lifted up, and then she slapped her back.

But just when her palm was about to strike, she saw a face, an extremely weak and pale face with open eyes.


It turned out that Miss Mary, the vampire, awoke!

"Ah, you, you, are you awake?" When Situ Ningbing saw that the vampire Miss Mary was holding her arm tightly, the raised palm was slightly lowered.

I saw that although Miss Mary was awake, her body was extremely weak.

The silver corrosion on her shoulders had begun to spread to the position of her chest, and soon the whole body would be completely rotted away.

I saw the painful Miss Mary the vampire. With her eyes wide open, one hand tremblingly grasped Situ Ningbing in front of her, and said with a weak voice in her mouth: "Look for... Li..."

"Find... Lee..."

After she uttered her weak words, Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shiqing understood in an instant that this vampire Miss Mary was looking for Li Tian.

As Miss Mary said so, Situ Ningbing said: "Okay, you are waiting here!"

"Li Tian, ​​Li Tian!"

Situ Ningbing who was talking hurriedly ran outside.

Li Tian, ​​who was standing outside, hurried over after hearing the voice of Situ Ningbing here, and then saw Ouyang Shiqing standing there with shock on her face.

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