Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2027: Ghost Claw

When Baihua Fairy arrived at the door, but the corridor outside was empty, how could there be a figure?

Fairy Baihua frowned and looked around carefully... But what was puzzled was that the surging energy just disappeared inexplicably!

"How could it disappear so quickly? Did I feel wrong?" Fairy Baihua said in shock.

Before she could react, suddenly a ghastly strong wind slapped the glass windows here.

Fairy Baihua was taken aback at the moment, but he was behind him!

She hurriedly turned around and looked back... she was stunned at the moment, and saw a thin, dark figure holding a person in one hand, Duguxie and a ghost servant!

The top of his head is bald, and his whole body exudes a rotten weird aura. The whole person looks like a zombie with sallow skin, but because he is facing Baihua Fairy, Baihua Fairy can't see his true face clearly.

In this way, he picked up the Duguxie and the ghost servant with both hands, and suddenly his body jumped out to the window very quickly.

Take away Duguxie and ghost servants?

What the **** is this dark and skinny old man doing?

When Fairy Baihua took a look, he roared immediately: "Evil thief, let go of my second brother and fourth brother!"

Accompanied by Baihua Fairy's roar, her hands instantly used her trick, the goddess scattered flowers!

This move was the deadly and poisonous move Baihua Fairy used to break through the world. It was the most overbearing hidden weapon among the hidden weapons. It followed it out, but I saw that from her sleeves a fast and densely packed silver flew out. needle……

The silver needles were thin and dense, shooting like raindrops toward the back of the dark old man.

But seeing the weird old man with Duguxie in one hand and ghost servant in the other, he didn't even turn his head when he heard the hidden weapon behind him. He shook his body and suddenly a golden "卍" character burst into the air. Around his body.

Ding Ding Ding...

When the densely packed silver needles touched the golden "卍"-shaped qi burst out of the old man's back, all of them were blocked and fell down.

Then looking at the old man, the two ups and downs of his body suddenly flew out of the window in front of him.

Ran away?

He took Duguxie and the ghost servant and left like this.

Fairy Baihua saw that the weird old man had such terrifying skills. He was stunned and flew out to chase after him... But how could Fairy Baihua catch up?

I saw that the old black shadow man seemed to be not a human being, his body rose and fell two times, and instantly turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the entire North China field army!

It's too fast!

Fast is almost rare in the world... I am afraid that even the Cthulhu back then could not achieve such a terrifying and extremely terrifying speed.

Fairy Baihua stared blankly at the Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of her. She was robbed by the dark old man in front of her. She was speechless right now...

"Second brother, fourth brother..." Baihua Fairy screamed helplessly, and her entire body collapsed there instantly.

Duguxie and the ghost servant were taken away.

Who is the old man in the shadow who robbed them two? Fairy Baihua didn't know, she just hated, just angry.

On a barren uphill behind the North China Field Army Military District, there are tall trees, overgrown weeds, and thick trees.

And at this moment, I saw a black shadow that was so fast and swiftly shooting towards this side from the distant sky.

Then, quickly arrived in this deserted dense forest.

At the moment he fell down, he saw that he was not alone, but a person was sandwiched between each of his hands, and the two people were motionless, as if they were dead.

Look carefully, this dark shadow is just the old man.

And the two people between his hands were of course the Duguxie and the Ghost Servant.

Besides, after the weird old man brought Duguxie and the ghost servant to such a place, he suddenly sent his hands away, and the Duguxie and the ghost servant plopped and fell to the ground.

Then the black shadow old man slowly turned his body, revealing his face.

It was a skinless face, only a pair of extremely sharp Long Jiong eyes gleamed with exquisite light, his cheekbones were extraordinarily protruding, and his hands, like zombies, had black nails. , Pointed long and sharp, with thin hands like branches.

He is, Kui!

It is the supreme demon who has lived for hundreds of years, Kui.

It turns out that Kui brought this Duguxie and the ghost servant here... No wonder that Baihua Fairy’s trick "Tiannu Scattering Flowers" when it was used, had no effect on Kui, and it was still holding Kui with both hands. In the case of Duguxie and Ghost Servant.

Having said that, let's just talk about why Kui brought Duguxie and the ghost servant here?

I saw that Kui looked at the two people in front of him coldly after putting Duguxie and the ghost servant on the ground, and then said in that weird way: "These two little dolls are really troublesome..."

"Poisoned by that bad boy's puppet, now it seems that only the old man can save them." Kui sighed as he said.

"Forget it, since you are the relatives of the little baby named Li, I will save you."

Kui seemed to be talking to himself there, but it seemed to be talking to the air again.

"Hey, if it wasn't for the old man to succeed in my longevity, if it wasn't for the little baby named Li...I really don't want to mix up the mess in the world."

"Trouble, trouble, so troublesome..." Kui Zai said irritably.

But even though Kui said so, he was still ready to help the Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him.

The poison in both of them was the poison of the puppet that the master of the gate of **** put.

How should Kui save them at this moment?

I saw Kui slowly lifted their bodies up, and then let them both sit down...

Then Kui walked behind Du Guxie and the ghost servant, both hands suddenly became like dragon claws, floating above the heads of Duguxie and the ghost servant.

After his two claws hovered above the heads of the two of them, a weird force of suction suddenly burst from the palm of his hand...


It turns out that this Kui is using the kung fu nether claws of the supreme demon.

This Nether Yin Catch is an extremely domineering martial art in the Demon Sect. But the difference is that the magic-absorption Dafa is to absorb the internal power of other people's bodies, and this nether-yin grasping can be controlled.

At this moment, Kui used this ghostly Yin grasp to absorb the poison of the Duguxie and the puppet inside the ghost servant.

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