Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2028: Special cases

With the extremely overbearing breath of energy entering the heads of Duguxie and the ghost servant, I saw that the original corpse-like Duguxie and the ghost servant suddenly moved...

They actually moved. For more than two months, both of them looked like dead people. Unexpectedly, under the skill of Kui's Nether Yin grasping, less than half a cup of tea, their bodies began to move.

It's just that their bodies seemed to be convulsing violently, and they were constantly convulsing and shaking.

What about Kui?

It didn't care about Duguxie and the movement of the ghost servant's body, but the two hands were suspended above the heads of the two, and then they used the ghost claws to suck.

After nearly half an hour, suddenly I saw that Duguxie and the ghost servant's head suddenly drilled a weird worm like a mosquito silk!

But seeing that the worm was black, it was sucked out of their scalps in disgust.

At the moment when he saw the black worm coming out, Kui sneered: "It's you two little things..."

"Come out to the old man."

Suddenly with a cold drink from Kui, the two black worms were suddenly caught by Kui's Nether Yin and sucked into the palm of his hand. At the moment when they were sucked into the palm of his hand, Kui's hands suddenly burst into a cloud of air, with a bang. , Two tiny black worms were instantly shattered to death.

The so-called poison of the puppet is the black blood worm planted on the body of Duguxie and the ghost servant. This black blood worm is a weird creature in the Western Regions. It is artificially raised and is extremely vicious. After invading the brain, it will instantly It’s devouring people’s consciousness, and it will make the whole person stiff and numb... But the one that controls the black blood worm is a bell, a single bell from the Western Regions, once the bell is shaken, the black blood worm begins Wriggling in his mind, and then Duguxie and the ghost servant began to move around like a walking corpse...This is also the real reason why the previous Duguxie and the ghost servant can move.

However, after Kui helped the Duguxie and the ghost servant to catch and **** out the black blood worm with the ghostly Yin, but seeing that the Duguxie and the ghost servant did not immediately wake up, but the same as before.

It's just that the complexions of the two have obviously recovered a lot.

"Well, now the old man has saved your two little babies...There is no place worthy of me to come forward in the world..."

"Hey...I'll go to Tianshan to find him."

Kui who said a few words to himself, then didn't even look at the Duguxie in the dense forest and the ghost servant again...The body stretched, turned into a black shadow, and disappeared instantly. In the endless world.

This demon's supreme elder is doing things that are difficult for others to understand without a trace.

What is the real reason why he rescued the Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him?

Maybe it's because of Li Tian, ​​as he said!

After all, this Duguxie and the ghost servant have always followed Li Tian, ​​and their skills are considered to be of the highest level in the current arena... Now, the Cthulhu is back out of the arena... Although he has Tang Xiaolong and snow around him Wuhen and Chen Qiaozhi, but the strength of those three people is really too weak, and the opposite side of Hell Gate is different!

The master of the gate of **** is now cultivating the demon sect.

That is the Supreme Book of the Demon Dao that has been passed down for hundreds of years. As for whether the master of the gate of **** has been practiced, no one knows at present.

Now, no matter what, Na Kui had already rescued Duguxie and the ghost servant.

As for when the Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him will wake up? So far, I don’t know.

The two of them seemed to have been abandoned, being still in this wilderness...

The icy wind is blowing on this deserted place, ooh!


"Senior Cthulhu, he will be in the North China Field Army immediately."

On the wide highway, I saw two off-road SUVs flying fast there. In these two cars were Cthulhu and the coming back Tang Xiaolong and other brothers.

At this moment, I saw in the car, that Tang Xiaolong said to Cthulhu.

Hearing Tang Xiaolong's words, the evil **** raised his eyes slightly, then glanced at the military area stationed not far away, his thick eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he didn't speak...

Tang Xiaolong saw that Cthulhu didn't speak, and he couldn't help saying more.

The car sprinted fast, and finally they arrived.

The two off-road SUVs finally stopped at the east gate of the North China Field Army.

The east gate is heavily guarded, and all the soldiers are wearing camouflage uniforms, brave and brave, and they are holding black and bright fully automatic rifles.

After they arrived, the brothers opened the door and jumped out of the car one by one.

And only Cthulhu? After sitting in the car for a while, his eyes full of vicissitudes glanced at the North China Field Military Command.


It is completely different from the North China Field Military Region more than 20 years ago.

I think that when Cthulhu brought Mu Wanqiu to the North China Field Military Region, there was no such luxury here, but now? Everything has changed.

The infinite past sentimentality emerged in the heart of Cthulhu, and his heart twitched slightly, and then he slowly walked out of the car.

"Senior Cthulhu, this is the North China Field Army." Tang Xiaolong in front of him thought that Cthulhu didn't know where it was, and said there.

But Chen Qiaozhi gave him a stern look.

The Cthulhu didn't speak, but his eyes carefully watched everything in front of him.

After the brothers, Cthulhu, Situ Ningbing and other beauties all walked down, I saw Xue Wuhen walk quickly to the soldier in front of the east gate and smiled and said, "Comrade, hello... …Please open the door and let us in."

Xue Wuhen just exited, but the soldier at the door said directly, "Retreat!"

"There is an order from the upper peak. From now on, no one is allowed to get closer to the North China Field Army, otherwise, they will be engaged in military law."

Accompanied by the cold voice of the soldier, all the soldiers here raised their guns and pointed them at Xue Wuhen in front of him, with an extremely cold attitude.

Xue Wuhen was suddenly depressed.

Looking at the soldier in front of him, he said, "Hey...what's the matter with you?"

"I can tell you that we are friends of your brigade commander Wang Zhen... and we also know your commander-in-chief, Commander Mu..." Xue Wuhen explained there.

But seeing the soldiers here, he didn't even listen to Xue Wuhen's words in front of him.

With a click, the automatic rifle was loaded directly.

"I said to retreat... If I don't retreat, I will shoot." The soldier in front of him was absolutely not joking. His eyes were cold and full of murderous aura, and he said to Xue Wuhen in front of him.

Xue Wuhen was stunned when he saw that the soldier turned out to be true. He couldn't help taking two steps back. He was really afraid that the soldier in front of him would suddenly shoot...

Seeing that Xue Wuhen was depressed, she thought to herself, how can the soldiers of the North China Field Army be like crazy dogs? So fierce?

At this moment, Chen Qiaozhi saw something wrong here, and walked over quickly.

He glanced at Xue Wuhen, and then looked at again. The murderous soldier over there asked Xue Wuhen in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

I saw Xue Wuhen frowning there and said: "Who knows what happened to the soldiers of the North China Field Army today... one by one was as if they had eaten gunpowder... Tell him to let us in, not let us in, and also said to come back. If you do, shoot!"

When Chen Qiao heard this, he frowned.

"Is there such a thing? Wuhen, you tell them, do we know about their brigade commander and commander-in-chief?" Chen Qiaozhi.

Xue Wuhen said, "I told you... But these soldiers don't listen at all!"

When Chen Qiao heard this, he was slightly startled, and thought to himself: something is wrong, it is impossible for the North China Field Army to have such an unreasonable situation? Unless it is a special situation!

Could it be that what happened to the North China Field Army?

Chen Qiaozhi was very clever thinking there.

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