Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2172: The Wrath of the Snake Girl

When Elder Alchide explained the "blood sacrifice" method in front of him, Li Tian suddenly trembled the muscles on his face, and his eyes became painful at that moment.

How clever Li Tian is, how can he not understand the meaning of the words that Elder Alchid said just now?

What he meant was nothing more than using the life of his loved ones in exchange for his own life! ! Replace the blood in your body with the blood of your dearest person!

After knowing the only way, Li Tian turned around silently with a look of grief... and then said nothing, he took the painful and precipitated steps, step by step towards the outside of the Forgotten Temple.

No one knew what he was thinking at the moment.


As Li Tian walked out of the Forgotten Temple in front of him with grief step by step, Elder Archid not only looked at Li Tian's back there and then sighed deeply.

Then I saw Elder Alchid slowly turning his face, and watching Kasso said to one side: "Cassuo, the fate of the entire Justice League blood family depends on him. I hope your prediction is wrong..."

After Elder Alchid uttered such a sentence, the blind man Caso gave a weird smile, and then sat there without any words.


The battle of Twisted Forest has attracted Li Tian's attention!

This battle also made his "Savior" even more resounding.

On the side of the Torrido family, every vampire knight worshipped him now. But, what about the evil vampires on the other side of the twisted forest?

Heiyi! An evil and ugly vampire race that has disappeared for nearly a hundred years. This time it has committed a large-scale crime, but it has not broken through the second line of defense of the Torrido family. This is a huge shame for the evil Black Lac race in the past. !

Now permeating the east of the twisted forest, black clouds are densely covered, and thousands of ugly creeping vampires of the Heiyi tribe are staying in the twisted forest!

They are waiting for the opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to be ready to swallow the Justice League completely.

Now, Antonio, Breath of Death, and the Serpent Girl to support!

This makes the terrifying and perverted Heiyi tribe even more powerful.

The breath of death has crushed the entire second line of defense in the twisted forest. Under his destruction and slaughter, all the knights of the Torrido family on that second line of defense have died silently... and the number of dead has reached As many as 50 people!

The rest is handed over to the terrifying snake girl, and now the vampires of the Heiyi tribe in the twisted forest to the east, as well as Antonio, are waiting for the victory of the snake girl! Once the big snake girl kills the fire girl, and the ice girl, then the Torrido family will fall into disintegration!

But they don't know that the big snake girl has been defeated!

Here in the evil Oriental Twisted Forest, every ugly vampire of the Heiyi tribe is lying on the ground, like beasts, carrying those scarlet eyes and staring to the west, waiting!

Suddenly the sound of a strong wind came from the place in front. The moment I heard the sound, I saw these hundreds of ugly vampires of the Heiyi tribe making weird calls!

They seem to realize something.

Among them, that is in the middle, the tallest leader of the Heiyi tribe, staring at the front with his horrifying and Shenren eyes open, and suddenly muttering in his mouth and saying in the language: "I'm back... she came back!"

After it uttered these words in the unintelligible Yap language, the Black Yap clan vampires nearby all yelled one by one.

Antonio Breath of Death, who was alone on the other side, also slowly raised his cold eyes at this moment, and then glanced at the place where there was movement in front of him.

Then, when their eyes were all turned towards the past, her figure finally appeared.

The big snake girl!

It's just that the look of the big snake girl who appeared was not as good as she imagined...but her face was pale and ugly, and her body was full of terrible hostility...Even when she was walking, she felt that her stride was a bit wrong.

After the appearance of the big snake girl, all the ugly vampires of the Heiyi tribe rushed up, and then surrounded the big snake girl.

Among them, the leader of the Blackyc tribe, the vampire, quickly crawled over, and asked in a completely incomprehensible Yap, "How is it? Did you solve the two abilities? Second line of defense Has it been destroyed?"

After the leader of the Heiyi clan asked, the big snake girl groaned in her mouth, and then walked over here without saying anything.

Her behavior made the members of the Heiyi tribe feel puzzled one by one!

No one knows what the **** this big snake girl is doing!

"What happened to her? Why didn't you answer our clan leader?"

"Yeah, why doesn't she say anything?" The vampires of the Heiyi tribe on one side began to communicate there in Yiyu! Obviously they all felt curious and puzzled about the behavior of the big snake girl at this moment.

I saw the tall leader of the Heiyi tribe, suddenly ran over quickly, reached the big snake girl's side, looked at the big snake girl with blood-red eyes and said, "Is there something wrong with you?"

The snake girl had no words, her hostility surged.

"Could it be that you haven't solved the two abilities of the Buren family?" The leader of the Black Lap family asked again.

After the leader of the Heiyi tribe suddenly asked this, the big snake girl suddenly roared from her mouth: "So what!"

"Damn Oriental, I will definitely make you regret it! Let you die under my hands." The big snake girl in front of her suddenly roared angrily.

Her voice was unpleasant and harsh, and it became even stranger in the ears of the members of the Heiyi tribe.

Damn Oriental?

Who is this big snake girl talking about?

Didn't she go to deal with the ice girl and the fire girl of the Buren family? Why is there an Oriental suddenly coming out of my mouth now? what's going on?

"Snake Girl, what are you talking about? Didn't you mean to deal with the Ice Girl and Fire Girl of the Buren Family yourself? Why are you talking about Orientals now?" the leader of the Heiyi clan asked angrily Tao.

I saw the big snake girl suddenly staring at the leader of the Heiyi tribe with her snakelike eyes: "What do you know?"

"Two junior supernatural powers, how can I take it in my eyes? If it wasn't for a **** Oriental who suddenly appeared halfway, the ice girl and the fire girl would have already died... !" The big snake girl angrily said.

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