Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2173: Day comes

Listening to the big snake girl in front of her suddenly say this, the leader of the Heiyi tribe turned his mind and suddenly understood what the big snake girl was talking about!

"Do you mean that the Ice Girl and Fire Girl of the Buren Family were rescued? And they are still an Oriental?" Only the leader of the Black Clan asked.

The big snake girl snorted: "Yes!"

"It's that **** Oriental who disrupted all my plans!"

Just after the Serpent Girl finished saying this, Antonio, who had been standing aside with the breath of death, suddenly sneered at the corner of his mouth!

"Since there are people blocking the way, can't you still solve it?"

"Oriental? The Oriental in your mouth can't be dealt with by you, right?"

"You have been defeated?" Antonio's voice was harsh and sharp, and his words were as lifeless as his people.

Listening to what Antonio said, the snake girl's python body suddenly jumped from the ground and roared: "What...what nonsense?" Her fierce eyes were staring at Antonio.

But seeing the breath of death Antonio, he sneered: "What did I say, you know it better than me!"

"Hey, sometimes it's useless to be strong, only strength can tell!"

After Antonio ridiculed these words, the big snake girl was going crazy, her body was trembling violently because of excessive anger...The stench of the whole body wandered throughout the whole body as the hostility grew. In the air.

The second line of defense, after listening to what the big snake girl said, both the Heiyi tribe and Antonio knew that they still did not attack.

The members of the entire Heiyi clan became violent because of this, and they lay on the ground and roared! It seemed as if he was about to attack the second line of defense of the Torrido family.

"Tell me, who is that Oriental?" The leader of the Heiyi clan suddenly roared and asked.

The big snake girl said coldly: "What's the use of telling you...Do you think you can really defeat others?"


After the big snake girl said so, the leader of the black yak clan had all roared around the hundreds of black yak clan members, obviously they were extremely dissatisfied with what the big snake girl said just now!

At this moment, the Breath of Death Antonio spoke suddenly.

His body full of death aura slowly walked towards this side, when he walked over, the surrounding Heiyi tribe vampires unexpectedly asked to step back unconsciously! Obviously they are all afraid of the breath of death!

"Snake Girl, speak out? Now is not the time for you to be strong... Our goal now is to destroy the entire Torrido family... Don't ruin our overall plan for an unremarkable figure, you have to know, Once the plan is ruined, the members of the Gangaro family will not let us go."

After Antonio said this, the big snake girl groaned, but after all she did not say it.

Then Antonio glanced at the big snake girl in front of him and said: "I have already said what should be said. If you want to bear the consequences, then do what you want!"

After speaking, Antonio turned and left!

The moment Antonio had just turned around, the snake girl suddenly spoke.

"and many more……"

After she uttered these two words, Antonio, who had turned around, showed a strange smile on his mouth, then slowly turned around and looked at the big snake girl in front of him.

"Say..." Antonio said.

I saw the big snake girl with an embarrassed and ugly face saying: "He is an Oriental, with the obvious physical characteristics of an Oriental!"

"Oriental?" After the breath of death Antonio heard, he not only frowned slightly.

"Are you sure?" Antonio asked curiously.

The big snake girl said coldly: "Of course, even if he turns to ashes, I still remember him!"

"And he is definitely not a member of the Torrido family, nor is he a member of the Buren family... He is like a mystery, a **** guy who has never appeared in our blood family!" The snake girl continued.

After Big Snake said so, Antonio sneered, "Really?"

"You'll know when you see it in person at that time," the big snake girl said coldly.

The Breath of Death in front of Antonio said grimly: "Well, next time, just in case, I'll go personally!"

"Hey, a rat character who has never appeared before. I didn't expect that you can't even deal with the big snake girl..." Then Antonio suddenly sneered over there.

Hearing this in the ears of the big snake girl, it can be said to be extremely ear-piercing!

But the big snake girl had nothing to say, after all, she was indeed defeated!

I saw the members of the Heiyi tribe on one side, as well as the leader of the Heiyi tribe, yelled angrily when they heard that the second line of defense had not yet been captured.

There was a terrible clamor from the entire twisted forest to the east.

"Let's attack now...Tread Torrido and the entire Temple of Forgotten Temple!" The leader of the Black Lap clan roared to Antonio.

He was already impatient.

After the leader of the Heiyi clan finished saying this, he saw Antonio suddenly say: "Can't you see that the sky is about to dawn?"

As Antonio said so, the ugly vampires of the Heiyi tribe raised their heads one by one and looked at the gray sky!

It's already more than 4 o'clock in the morning!

God, it's really going to light up!

Only night is the world of vampires, but day is not!

So when the vampires of the Black Yap clan saw that the sky was about to dawn, all of them gave up their plans to attack the Toredo family!

"That's it for today!"

"Hopefully, the second night, we can spend it in the Temple of Forgotten..." Breath of Death Antonio said these words grimly, then his figure flashed, and the whole person instantly disappeared into the endless darkness.


The day is here!

When the afterglow of the sun slowly began to rise on the eastern horizon, it indicated that all the vampires would rest.

In the bright sky, there are no clouds in the sky, and no powerful vampire can act in the sun.

This is the human moment!

Eastern Italy, located in Catania, Italy!

Catania is an international hub center. It has a very prosperous port. It is located on the east coast of Sicily, at the southern foot of Mount Etna, on the Ionian Sea, and is the most prosperous city on the island. Agricultural product distribution center. Important seaport and railway hub. There are industries such as machinery, chemistry, food, ceramics, leather, daily chemical and sulfur smelting.

Anyway, in general, this is a bustling eastern city.

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