Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2181: End the night

After hearing Duguxie's words in front of him, Fairy Baihua nodded silently.

"By the way, second brother, there is one more thing." Fairy Baihua said suddenly.

Duguxie asked, "What's the matter?"

"About Tian'er." A word came out of Fairy Baihua's mouth.

"Tianer?" Duguxie was not only taken aback after hearing this!

The fairy Baihua said, "Second brother, do you remember the address that Mary the vampire left us when she left before?"

Duguxie was taken aback: "Of course I remember!"

"Why are you asking this suddenly?"

Fairy Baihua said: "I want this address to be useful!"

Duguxie said: "Well, let me tell you, I remember that the address of the vampire girl named Mary at the time was the Nicholas Mountains, west of the area! There is a forest there named Twisted Forest, where There is also a temple in the forest, which is the same as the old castle, called the Temple of Forgotten. Listening to her, there is their nest."

After Duguxie finished speaking, Fairy Baihua said, "It seems that there is indeed a problem with the address."

When Duguxie heard Fairy Baihua say this, he was not only taken aback: "Address?"

"What's wrong with the address?"

But seeing the fairy Baihua said: "Second brother, it is true that I asked the waiter in this hotel just now. I asked them about the Nikolai Mountains and the twisted forest. I think Knowing that it’s not far from here? But the waiters told me that the Nicholas Mountains are deserted and no man’s land. Except for one after another extinct volcanoes, they almost never grow early, and they are inaccessible there. There is no forest at all, and there is no place to distort the forest."

After Baihua Fairy said so all of a sudden, that Duguxie suddenly became depressed.

"What? There is no place like Twisted Forest?" Du Guxie asked in shock.

Fairy Baihua nodded vigorously and said, "Yes! That's what the waiter told me anyway."

Duguxie dignified her brow and thought for a while: "Impossible, Miss Mary shouldn't deceive us!"

"Is it right, the waiter didn't know, so he was talking nonsense?" Du Guxie asked.

The fairy Baihua said: "Looking at his appearance, it shouldn't be like talking nonsense! When he talked, his expression was extremely positive. He also said that he was a tourist before, and he was most familiar with the sights of Italy. There is no place called Twisted Forest in La Mountain."

After the fairy Baihua said so, Du Guxie was suddenly depressed.

"Twisted Forest, there is no such place?"

"what happened?"

"Could it be that Miss Mary was deceiving them? How could it be possible? When Li Tian saved the Miss Mary, there is no reason why Miss Mary would deceive them?" Du Guxie thought suspiciously in her heart.

After Duguxie thought for a while, he suddenly asked the Baihua Fairy: "Does that waiter know the Forgotten Temple?"

But seeing Fairy Baihua said: "He said he hadn't even heard of this place."

"Damn it!"

"What about the Nicholas Mountains? Isn't there even the Nicholas Mountains?" Du Guxie asked again.

Fairy Baihua said this time: "This is there!"

"The Nicolas Mountains do exist, but in the westernmost part of Italy, it is a barren area, and few people live there!" Baihua Fairy said.

After listening to Fairy Baihua said this, Duguxie thought for a while and said, "Maybe the Twisted Forest is indeed in the Nicholas Mountains... It's just that the waiter doesn't know it!"

"Sanmei, don't forget, the place we are going, but the place where the vampire stays! Human beings don't know that place is normal." The Duguxie in front of him was very clever.

After hearing Duguxie's words, Fairy Baihua suddenly understood in her heart.

He smiled and said, "The second brother is right. The vampires are hidden very deeply. It is reasonable for humans to not know where they live. It seems that I have been thinking too much!"

Duguxie's bronzed face finally showed a slight smile.

"Don't worry, when the big brother comes, we will immediately set off to the Nicola Mountains to find Tian'er."

"En!" Fairy Baihua nodded in front of him.

After Fairy Baihua finished speaking, Duguxie slowly stood up from his seat, his deep eyes looked out of the blurred glass window, and the sky outside had begun to gradually dim.

"it's getting dark……"

A word came out of Duguxie's mouth, and the fairy Baihua sitting behind also slowly raised her beautiful eyes and looked at the dim sky outside the window. The night was indeed coming.


Night is coming!

The dim sky was instantly covered by dark clouds, and the huge black air in the western region transpired from the sky!

Such weird weather made Italian meteorologists exhausted their brain cells. No one knew what was going on in the western sky. The strange black clouds shrouded the west like demons!

Evil breeds in the darkness, and fear pervades the West.

The surrounding area of ​​the twisted forest in the Nyula Mountain Range is all occupied by evil, and there are countless members of the Black Vampire Clan hidden there.

When the afterglow of the sun fell on the horizon, darkness came, and the layers of dark clouds that filled the sky occupied the sky like demons.

Ow... a weird scream cut through the deadly twisted forest!

The originally silent twisted forest saw the ground cracking open one by one. From the hard black ground, black skeleton arms and ugly heads and bodies emerged.

They are members of the Heiyi clan! They are evil vampires.

With the advent of night, all the vampires of the Heiyi tribe that had burrowed beneath the ground appeared.

Animal hunger exuded in their eyes, and their scarlet eyes showed extremely cruel gazes. One by one, they raised the most vicious eyes and stared at the direction of the Forgotten Temple of the Toledo Family!

Ouch! Ouch!

A terrifying roar sounded from the mouths of these monsters!

They seem to remind the Justice League vampires of the Torrido family, and they seem to be demonstrating.

This night, after all, is a night of war!

Because in any case, the vampire army of the Heiyi tribe must conquer Na Torido!

If Torrido is breached, the Justice League army of the entire blood race will be completely destroyed.

This night, whether for the evil side or the right side, will be the night of the end.

Message to readers:

I just came back to Suzhou these few days. I wanted to update more and make up for the chapters that were owed before. After I came back, I have been cold and uncomfortable. I haven't recovered yet! So these few days can only barely 35 more! When the cold is over, start to make up for it! Also, Valentine's Day is coming soon, brothers all hurry to find a girl! Or spend time with your girlfriend, don't just read a book...it would be a shame to be a bachelor on Valentine's Day!

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