Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2182: Looking for Li Tian

The Torrido family is still guarding closely!

In addition to the fact that there are fewer knights guarding both sides of the Forgotten Temple, the location behind the Forgotten Temple is heavily guarded.

The black widow Katherine is in charge of the back mountain there.

It is also one of Torrido's important fortresses, so it must be guarded strictly.

After Li Tian's help, the Torrido family finally saw a glimmer of hope in despair, and now no one in the entire Torrido family said that Li Tian is a beast! Not to mention that he is an evil member, everyone thinks that Li Tian is their savior.

As long as Li Tian is there, the Torrido family will be able to hold on!

"Night is coming, presumably the evil members of the Heiyi tribe tonight must launch a larger-scale attack." Outside the Forgotten Temple, he saw Earl Roger looking at the twisted jungle with an ugly face and said.

The knights around said: "His Royal Highness, we are not afraid of them. We have a savior. We believe we can defeat evil."

"Yes, your Royal Highness, didn't Casso, the prophet of the Burren family, have already said it? That oriental man named Li will save us! He will lead us to defeat evil."

"Yes, yes!"


The surrounding Torrido family knights were also roaring there, and it could be seen that they now pin all their hopes on that Li Tian!

But, what about Lord Roger? Does he also pin his hopes on Li Tian? To be honest, he didn't think so!

After all, Li Tian only shot once yesterday. As for him, will he try to save him again? No one knows this!

Besides, even if Li Tian takes the shot, don’t forget. Now in the Twisted Forest, there are only the Black Lap clan and two Bren clan superpowers, and there are still unknown evils and the army of the Gangro clan ! As the most powerful Gangeuro family among the thirteen blood clan, no member has appeared yet. If the Gangeuro family's army arrives, will Li Tian be able to withstand it?

Listening to the knights in front of him say this, Count Roger gave a bitter smile!

He thought for a while and said: "No matter what, we will take strict precautions tonight!"

"Yes!" said the knights under their hands.

"You few led the troops to continue to guard the second line of defense. If there is a turmoil, immediately notify us!" Count Roger ordered the pair of knights under him.

After Count Roger gave the order, the knights nodded quickly, and then together led a team of men and horses to rush towards the twisted forest!

After they left, Earl Roger continued to turn his head and said to a knight beside him: "Hays!"

The man named Hayes, with blond hair and blue eyes with jewels, heard the scream of Lord Roger and immediately said, "The subordinate is here!"

"Has anything happened to the two wings of the Temple of Forgotten?" But see Earl Roger asked.

Na Hayes said: "Return to His Royal Highness, the two wings of our temple have not yet suffered any attacks."

"What about the rear? Has Katherine been attacked?" Count Roger asked again.

Na Hayes said: "Neither!"

After hearing Hayes's answer, Count Roger frowned depressed and said: "Why didn't the Hei Ya Clan attack? It's not right!"

After thinking about it, Lord Roger said: "Well, you go down, remember, notify the guards on the two wings, and Katherine in the rear. Although the evil vampires of the Blackvil have not attacked yet, they must There must be no slack! We must take strict precautions to prevent evil invasion."

As Lord Roger said so, Na Hayes said: "Yes!"

Then he quickly retreated and went to inform the guards on the two wings and Katherine in the back.

After Na Hayes left, Earl Roger felt a little calmer!

He raised his eyes and looked around, and suddenly thought of his daughter Mary. Since yesterday's evil Black Lac attack, Earl Roger has not seen Mary. Where did she go?

"Where is Mary?" Earl Roger not only thought about it with anxiety.

After thinking of his daughter, he quickly walked to one side, where there were a few guarding vampires standing there! So Count Roger asked.

"I ask you, did you see Mary?"

After Earl Roger asked this question, the two Torrido family vampires standing there were not only taken aback, and then quickly replied: "Return to the Earl, we did not see Miss Mary."

After hearing these two men say so, Count Roger's brows not only frowned deeply.

"Okay, I get it."

Then Earl Roger did not question the guard again, and walked towards the Forgotten Temple.

As I walked, I still thought to myself: Where will this girl go?

Just as Count Roger was thinking of his daughter in his heart, he suddenly saw two vampire knights rushing out of the Temple of Forgotten. The two vampire knights were excited, as if they were reporting something important.

"Earl Roger!"

Far away from Count Roger, I heard the two Torrido vampire knights shouting there.

After hearing their voices, Earl Roger not only turned his head slightly, saw the excited expressions of the two, and asked in confusion: "What's the matter? Did something happen?"

"Return to Lord Roger, we have found the savior! We have found the Easterner Li!" Only the two knight vampires said excitedly.

It turns out that Li Tian hasn’t shown up much since he helped the ice girl and the fire girl. No one knew where Li Tian went that night. For the Torrido family, the current Li Tian started their The rescue god, so they were eager to find Li Tian as soon as possible. No, the members of the Torrido family began to look for Li Tian’s traces in every corner of the Forgotten Temple. They finally found Li Tian. .

But he said that Earl Roger was not only excited when he heard that he found Li Tian, ​​he quickly asked, "Is that right? He is there?"

"It's in the ruins of the backyard of the Forgotten Temple." The two vampires said knightly.

Count Roger was depressed when he heard: "Why would he stay there?"

The two vampires of the Torrido family didn't know how to answer.

"Quickly, take me to see him." Just listen to Lord Roger.

As Lord Roger said so, the two vampire knights under his command quickly said, "Okay!"

So they saw Count Roger rushing to the back of the Forgotten Temple, looking for Li Tian.

Message to the reader:

Infused liquid all night! Dizzy! I can only write one chapter, sorry brothers.

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