Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2188: The Fury of the Torrido Family

The evil is attacking!

At present, not only the rear position of the Forgotten Temple has begun to suffer a huge attack, but even the two wings of the Forgotten Temple have suffered unprecedented attacks. It seems that this time, the terrifying Heiyi people are really ready to entrust the whole The Redo family has been devoured!

Count Roger is already like an ant on a hot pot, he doesn't know what to do at this moment!

At the moment, there are only so many members of the Torrido family. If two-winged knights are sent to support the important back mountain Katherine, then the two wings of the Forgotten Temple will definitely be breached, and Torrido will still be occupied by that time!

But if you don't send people to reinforce them, how can dozens of Torrido family knights resist hundreds of terrifying Black Lac invasions?

What should I do?

How to rescue Toledo now?

Crisis is permeating the entire Temple of Forgotten, and this time the Torrido family will face an unprecedented test.

Just when Count Roger was extremely worried, suddenly, from the hall of the Forgotten Temple, Archid, the Supreme Elder of the Torrido family, walked out with several guard knights.

Of course, Elder Alchid had already understood the current crisis situation of their family, and saw that Elder Alchid's expression was extremely ugly, and he walked quickly from the hall towards this side with extreme anxiety.

"The elder is here!"

"Elder Alchid is here."

Following the appearance of Elder Alchid, the surrounding Knights of the Torrido family suddenly screamed there.

When Lord Roger here saw Elder Archid walking out, he quickly walked over.

"Elder Alcid." Count Roger in front of him yelled after walking quickly to the elder.

But seeing that Elder Alchid came up, he asked anxiously, "How is the situation now?"

Earl Roger said with an extremely ugly face: "Report to the elders that the situation is critical now. The Forgotten Temple is being attacked by the Black Laps, and both the left and right sides have suffered huge attacks. Our family members have lost a lot. Many, if we continue in the same way, our temple might be..."

Following the words of Lord Roger in front of him, Elder Alchid said angrily: "Where are the other members of the family?"

"Report to the elder, all family members have now been dispatched!" Count Roger said.

When Elder Archid heard this, his heart suddenly became cold!

No members?

There are no extra members at all!

Is the Torrido family really going to perish in this war?

"Elder, what should I do?" The knights of the Torrido family under their hands looked at Elder Alcid in front of them with horrified faces, hoping that he could think of something.

Elder Alchid was silent, his eyes were scattered, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly, Archid yelled out: "The savior... Where is the savior? Where is the oriental Li? What about him?"

A loud roar came out of Elder Alcid's mouth.

After Elder Archid called out, Lord Roger and the knights of the Torrido family in front of him were taken aback, suddenly everyone thought of Li Tian the savior.

"Yes, what about the savior? Didn't the prophecy say that he can save our family?"

"Where is that guy?"

After Elder Alcid took the lead in asking, the knights of the Torrido family in front of them all couldn't help asking. They all want Li Tian's help now.

After they asked, Count Roger frowned and said, "I know he is there!"

"Where?" Elder Alchid asked immediately.

He just listened to Lord Roger in front of him and said, "That Lee is in the backyard of the Forgotten Temple."

"Go find him! Let him help our family!" Elder Alchid ordered suddenly.

Just after Elder Archid said so, Earl Roger suddenly shouted: "Elder..."

"What's the matter?" Elder Alchide was taken aback, looking at the ugly Count Roger.

Count Roger thought for a while and said with an ugly face: "That Li...may not help us!"

After hearing Earl Roger's words, Elder Alchid's eyes suddenly trembled violently, and he said angrily: "No matter how much, find him first! If he doesn't help our family, then he will die with us. Right."

With an order from Elder Alchid, the Knights of the Toledo Family in front of him rushed to find that Li Tian!

At this moment Li Tian is the only savior of the Torrido family!

Because only Li Tian can resist this dark invasion!

It was said that after several Torrido family knights quickly searched for Li Tian, ​​Elder Archid and Earl Roger were waiting here anxiously. They hope to see Li Tian as soon as possible!

But, will Li Tian help them?

After waiting for about ten minutes, there was a scream of exclamation from the place next to him.

"Elder, it's not good..."

As the voice came, I looked carefully, and it was the few Torrido family knights who had just gone looking for Li Tian! It's just that these knights didn't bring Li Tian over.

Elder Alchid and Earl Roger turned their heads violently. When they saw the Torrido family knights rushing back, they couldn't help being stunned.

"What's the matter? What about people? Where's the Easterner Lee?" Elder Alchid asked with a horrified roar.

As he asked, the few knights rushing over there replied with extremely ugly expressions: "Elder, it's not good, there is no savior Li in the backyard...he is gone!"


"Gone?" Hearing that the knight under his hand said so suddenly, Elder Archid and Earl Roger in front of them were stunned for an instant!

Gosh! How could this be?

"Why is he missing? Did he escape?" Elder Alcid yelled there.

After hearing the news of Li Tian's "escaping", the knights of the Torrido family around him suddenly yelled.

"Damn bastard!"

"The **** savior... is exactly a **** who is afraid of life and death!"

"Yeah, bastard, should have killed him long ago, burned his **** soul with flames."

The surrounding Torrido family knights couldn't bear the anger, and they all cursed at Li Tian there.

What about Elder Archid? At this moment, I also had endless hatred for Li Tian in my heart! He never expected that the final ending would become like this. At the most critical juncture, Li Tian actually left... escaped!

Despair permeated the entire Temple of Forgotten Temple, and the sound of killing around continued. The news of the death of the Knights of the Toledo family has been coming from the battlefield...

Is this time the blood of the Justice League really going to perish?

How did Li Tian really escape from Torre?

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