Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2189: Moment of danger

The night is filling.

A terrifying evil enveloped the entire Torrido family. This sacred place for thousands of years was about to be captured.

The two wings of the Forgotten Temple are almost unstoppable. It is said that the dead Knights of the Torrido family have piled up into mountains!

At the back, Katherine, Mary, and the surviving Torrido family knights were still fighting desperately.

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder, I saw the corpses of Torrido knights lying down on the ground, dead!

The more than 50 Torrido family knights who had followed the black widow Katherine to hold on to the rear had already killed more than ten people at this moment, and all the others were brutally killed.

Now that Katherine is still slaughtering desperately! She swore to the death to guard the Forgotten Temple.

I saw her darts, every dart pierced the head of a **** and ugly Heiyi tribe vampire who leaped over, and then killed them alive.

However, there are too many vampire members of the Heiyi clan. Kill one, and the second one will continue to pounce, and it will continue to pounce!

In this case, even if Katherine possesses no matter how powerful it is, I'm afraid she can't resist it!

I saw that the current Black Widow Katherine has been surrounded by more than a dozen ugly and cruel Black Vampires!

They raised their bloodthirsty eyes, and yelled at the Black Widow Katherine, their hideous faces glared at her, and their fangs exuded a beastly roar...


More than a dozen terrifying Heiyi tribe vampires all rushed towards Kathena.

But fortunately, Katherine's body was flexible, and her swish body dodged to avoid the fatal blow in the past, and then both hands flew up, swishing and shooting 4 deadly darts, which penetrated 2 black darts. The heads of the vampires only heard two miserable screams, and then all the vampires of the Black Yap tribe died on the ground.

The rest of the Black Vampires didn't have the slightest fear at all, and they still attacked the black widow Kathena evilly.

Where is this place? Then Mary can't hold it!

After all, her strength was limited, and she was struggling to fight against a dozen vampires of the Heiyi tribe, and the sharp blade in her hand seemed to be unable to move!

As the two ugly vampires of the Heiyi tribe on the left rushed forward, Mary raised her right hand, and the sharp sword in her hand chopped off one of the vampires of the Heiyi tribe, but the other one "hissed" Mary's arm. It's bloody...

Mary screamed in pain, and she rolled on the spot. Regardless of the pain, she swung out the sharp sword in her hand again, snorted, and stabbed the damned Heiyi vampire to death with one sword!

The body of the Black Vampire fell on Mary's body. Mary kicked the body with a strong kick. She then jumped up, clutching her injured right arm, and began to fight and fight.

Mary's arms and thighs have been severely injured!

But she didn't care about her injury, because there was nothing more important than the safety of the family. Even if it was fate, she believed that Mary would sacrifice her life to protect Torrido.

What about the dozen or so Torrido knights remaining?

Dead and wounded, the remaining dozen knights are brave, but how can they resist the cruel vampires of the Heiyi tribe?

"Kill! Fight with these evil bastards!" A roar came from the mouth of a knight of the Torrido family with a broken arm.

He was determined to die, holding the steel spear in his hand, snorted, and pierced the head of a Heiye clan vampire with a sharp steel spear, and the skull of the pierced Heiye clan vampire member was pierced. , The body fell to the ground with a desperate thump! Then died!

But what about the brave Knight of the Torrido family?

After his steel spear stabbed out, it was also doomed to his death! Because all the other Heiyi clan vampires rushed towards him!

Then his body was torn apart by that terrifying member of the Heiyi clan, his head was torn off, and his body was torn to pieces... just like that, he was cruelly tortured to death!

The rest of the Toledo family knights saw the death of their companions so cruel, they could no longer bear the anger in their hearts!

"Asshole, fight with these evil bastards!"


Accompanied by the loud roaring sound, they made a sacrifice of destruction!

One by one, they held the steel spears in their hands, fighting fiercely with the numerous vampires of the Heiyi tribe...

Sacrifice and destruction are all over here!

They are fighting for honor, for the guard of the family.

Katherine also seemed to be unable to hold it back, her body was also seriously injured by the vampires of the Heiyi tribe. Although the darts in her hand were fierce, they could not survive the cruel and evil members of the Heiyi tribe.

And Mary? Not to mention.

Several times of danger, almost died...

"Can't keep it! We can't keep it." After Kathera used the last dart in her hand to pierce the head of a Heiyi tribe, she said desperately, looking at the corpses on the floor.

Mary over there raised the sword in her hand and was still fighting... Suddenly at this time, a terrifying Heiye tribe vampire suddenly attacked Mary from behind!

As for Mary, there is no time to take care of the back, because in front of her there are three horrible vampires from the Black Yam attacking her.

"Mary, be careful!"

At this moment, Kathena saw Mary's danger and couldn't help screaming!

Then Katherine wanted to come and help, but it was a pity that the two Black Vampires here suddenly rushed towards her. Katherna had no choice but to protect herself at this moment!

But what about Mary?

Seeing that the Black Vampire behind Mary suddenly rushed towards her, the icy skull claws deadly grabbed Mary’s head. If it really caught Mary’s head, I’m afraid Mary’s head would be instantly Crack and die!

Danger! The danger of death is overwhelming Mary in front of her.

She looked dying.

At this critical moment, an unparalleled energy suddenly surged from behind.

The speed of the terrifying energy is so fast and so cruel.

When the Black Vampire who grabbed Mary's head from the back was about to kill Mary, he suddenly felt something wrong in the back. When it noticed it, there was a puff, and its whole body was affected by the surging horror. The qi directly shattered the body alive!


All the blood clots sputtered from the shattered corpse of the Heiyi tribe vampire instantly splashed on Mary's body!

At this moment, Mary was taken aback and looked back!

A familiar figure flew towards her like a "god".

His whole body was shrouded in destruction and vigor, his pale face, handsome silhouette, and those eyes that ruined the world...

He came, no one thought that he would appear here, and at such a time.

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