Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2219: Rush into the immortal mountains

Earl Roger and Li Tian hid in the valley.

This place cannot be exposed to the sun, so for Li Tian and Earl Roger, this is the best place to rest.

I saw all the family members lying in the dark cave.

But seeing Li Tian at that moment suddenly stood up from the cave, and then quickly walked towards Count Roger over there.

When Earl Roger saw Li Tian coming over, he not only sat up, but looked at Li Tian.

"What's wrong, Li, what's the matter?" Count Roger looked at Li Tian and asked.

But seeing Li Tian nodded silently, then sat down in front of Count Roger.

After Li Tian sat down, he raised his solemn eyes to look at Count Roger in front of him, and asked: "Earl Roger, there is something I want to ask."

Hearing Li Tian say this, then Earl Roger said, "Please speak."

But seeing Li Tian asked, "I want to ask, where are we going to escape? Is there a certain place in your heart?"

After Li Tian asked, Earl Roger suddenly hesitated, but saw him sigh deeply; "Actually, to be honest, I don't have a specific place to go now."

Li Tian had already guessed that Earl Roger would say this, so he came to ask the Earl Roger.

After all, there is no goal and blind escape is not the most fundamental way after all.

"Earl Roger, in this case, I am afraid it is wrong. The first thing we need to do now is to find a destination. Only in this way can we all have a goal."

After Li Tian finished speaking, Count Roger fell silent.

He thought about it for a long time, then suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Li Tiandao and said, "If we have to choose a goal, then we can only leave Italy...leave this country."

After listening to Li Tian, ​​he thought for a while and said, "This is also okay."

"As long as there is a goal."

Count Roger heard that Li Tian agreed with his suggestion, and then went on to say: "Well, then we will make arrangements like this, and tomorrow we will start walking towards the Italian border."

Li Tian nodded silently.

But seeing that Earl Roger's face suddenly became slightly ugly.

Li Tian observed carefully, and at the moment when he saw that Count Roger's face suddenly changed strangely, he not only frowned slightly, but looked at the Count Roger and asked, "What's wrong, Count Roger?"

After Li Tian asked in front of him, Earl Roger suddenly said, "I have forgotten an important thing."

Li Tian asked in doubt, "What's the matter?"

But seeing that Count Roger frowned deeply and said: "That's it, if we want to leave Italy, we must pass through a very dangerous place."

Then Li Tianyi heard Count Roger say so, not only asked in amazement: "A dangerous place?"


Count Roger thought for a while and said, "The Mountain of Immortality..."

When Earl Roger said the words "Immortal Mountain", Li Tian could feel the fear and fear in his words.

But seeing Li Tianzai frowned slightly and asked, "Immortal Mountain? Is this place terrifying?"

I saw that Count Roger nodded cautiously and said, "Yes."

"The Immortal Mountain is the ultimate place to pass through the Italian border, and if we want to leave Italy, we must pass the Immortal Mountain." Count Roger said.

Li Tian questioned: "What is so terrifying about the Immortal Mountain?"

Count Roger's eyes changed slightly, and then he replied: "The Immortal Mountain is home to a group of ancient stone giants. Those stone giants are extremely tall, like hills, invulnerable...cruel and violent."

When Li Tian heard this, he was depressed.

"Stone giants?" To be honest, Li Tian had never heard of so many alien creatures in this world. At this moment, he was shocked.

But seeing that Count Roger said there: "Yes."

"The most depressing thing is that the Golem tribe has been conquered by the leader of the Ganglo family, so the Golem tribe obeyed the dispatch of the Ganglo family." The Count Roger in front of him said the most worrying problem in his heart.

After hearing the words of Lord Roger in front of him, Li Tian finally understood.

"Earl Roger, do you mean that the stone giants of the Immortal Mountain will listen to the orders of the Gangelo family?"

But seeing Earl Roger nodded silently and said, "Yes."

"The stone giants of the Immortal Mountain are a very strange race. The members of that race only admire the strong. More than a thousand years ago, Gangaluo's army conquered the stone giants, so until now, that The stone giants all obeyed the orders of the Nagangro family."

"What I am most afraid of is that Gangaluo's army will notify the stone giants, and then stop us." Count Roger said the most worrying problem in his heart to the 15th and 10th.

Li Tian was not only depressed after Earl Roger had finished saying this.

Count Roger was really worried. If the Gangaluo family had already notified the stone giants of the Immortal Mountain, then it would be really troublesome. Once the cruel and cruel stone giants blocked Count Roger and them If you keep pace, then the subsequent Gangelo family members will soon catch up with them.

After the members of the Gangelo family caught up with Lord Roger and them, it was really bad.

But after seeing Li Tian thinking about it, he looked at the Count Roger and said, "Earl Roger, do we have another way to go? Can we bypass the immortal mountain without meeting those huge stone giants? ?"

After Li Tian asked, he saw that Count Roger shook his head depressedly and said, "No, there is no way."

"If you want to leave Italy, you can only pass through the Immortal Mountains."

After Earl Roger said so, Li Tian was depressed.

Count Roger also hesitated not knowing what to do.

Finally, after Li Tian thought about it, he said: "Since we have to walk, then we will go to the immortal mountain range."

After hearing Li Tian say this, Count Roger was suddenly taken aback and looked at Li Tian and said, "Well, then, what do you mean is that we are forcing the immortal mountain range?"

Li Tian nodded firmly there and said, "Yes."

"Now there is no way to go, I can only rush."

"Those stone giants are scary, aren't they? I'll have a good time, those stone people." Li Tian finally said.

After hearing Li Tian say this, Count Roger gave him a surprised look, but seeing that Li Tian's eyes were firm and unusual, it could be seen that this time Li Tian had really made a decision.

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