Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2220: Human moment

The sky finally dawned.

No matter how powerful a vampire is, it is impossible to act in broad daylight, even the elders of the Gangelo Family.

So all the dark blood races have begun to hide and rest. Some of them are hidden in immortal coffins, some are hidden in the deep forest, and some are hidden in underground graves...Anyway, as long as there is no sunlight. , The dark kinsmen can hide and avoid.

The moment the sun rises is a human moment.

Italy, Catania.

But I saw a group of people walking hurriedly.

If you look closely, the line has the skin of a typical Asian, with an Asian demeanor, walking towards the train station in Catania.

They are not others, it is the evil god, and Duguxie, the ghost servant them.

It turned out that the evil **** has survived from the sea. Not only did he survive, but he also saved the lives of the ghost servant and the stupid man. Then they paddled the deck and reached Catania. At the port, after landing, they found Duguxie and others

Now Cthulhu finally gathered with Du Guxie and the others.

All they have to do now is to find Li Tian.

I saw the evil **** walking in the front first, followed by Duguxie, and the ghost servant...

The last place is Tang Xiaolong, Chen Qiaozhi, Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying, Ouyang Shiqing and other beauties.

"Big Brother, this is Catania Railway Station." Seeing that Baihua Fairy blinked his beautiful eyes suddenly, he said while looking at the tall Catania Railway Station standing in front.

After hearing the words of Sanmei Baihua Fairy, the Cthulhu not only raised his eyes and glanced at it, then said slightly, "Yes, it's here."

"Let's go, let's go buy tickets." He said so, but when he saw Cthulhu, he led everyone towards the station.

The train station in Catania was extremely crowded, and there were fair-skinned foreigners everywhere, with high noses, and they were talking in unintelligible Italian, and then they were talking about it. No one knows, these foreigners What are you talking about.

When Cthulhu brought everyone to the ticket hall of the train station in Catania, there were not many people in the ticket hall.

At this moment, Ouyang Shiqing stood up and looked at the Cthulhu Dao and said: "Senior Cthulhu, let me buy a ticket... I know a little bit about the Italian language."

The Cthulhu and Duguxie both knew that Ouyang Shiqing was a talented woman, so they nodded silently.

"Buy a ticket for the Nicholas Mountains." Cthulhu said in front of Ouyang Shiqing who was telling him.

Ouyang Shi said slightly, "Okay."

As Ouyang Shiqing finished speaking, she quickly arrived at the ticket window and started lining up to buy tickets.

After a while, he was sent to Ouyang Shiqing.

But the ticket seller was a fat Italian woman. After seeing Ouyang Shiqing walking over, she asked in standard Italian language: "Hello, miss, may I ask, where are you?"

Ouyang Shiqing smiled and replied, "I bought a train ticket to the Nunula Mountain Range..."

When the obese woman who sold tickets heard Ouyang Shiqing's words, she frowned slightly and said, "Excuse me, miss, the train track in the Nunla Mountain Range has been suspended more than ten days ago."

As the conductor in front of her said so, Ouyang Shiqing was suddenly depressed.

"What? Stopped? What do you mean?" Ouyang Shi asked in surprise.

The conductor replied, "Maybe you don’t know. Recently, there have been many weird news in the Nicholas Mountains. I heard that most of the people there have been slaughtered by unknown species, and the villages have been destroyed. The government has not yet Check the situation...so our trains stopped all trains to the Nicolas Mountains ten days ago."

After the conductor in front of him said so, Ouyang Shiqing's pretty face suddenly hesitated.

But seeing her in the end, she still looked at the conductor and asked, "Is there no way to go to the Nicholas Mountains?"

The bloated conductor spread his hands and said, "At least I don't know."

Ouyang Shiqing felt depressed when she heard this.

At this moment, they could only walk towards the evil **** depressed.

When Cthulhu, Fairy Baihua and others saw that Ouyang Shiqing did not buy a ticket, but when they came over with an ugly face, they were all taken aback, looking at Ouyang Shiqing in surprise and asked, "Poetic Love , What's the matter? How can I buy a ticket?"

Ouyang Shiqing said depressed, "Hey, all the train tickets to the Nikolai Mountains have been suspended."

"What? Stop shipping?" Baihua Fairy screamed in surprise.

Duguxie coldly snorted and asked, "Why?"

Just listen to Ouyang Shiqing explain: "I heard the conductor tell me that she said that recently a series of strange massacres took place in the Nicolas Mountains, where not only people were brutally killed, but even the village was destroyed... …She said that it was weird, unidentified creatures that destroyed the village."

The Cthulhu in front of him, and Fairy Baihua, suddenly wondered.

"Unidentified creatures? Slaughter humans?" They all became depressed one by one.

Ouyang Shiqing nodded silently, and said, "Yes."

When Ouyang Shiqing said this, the Duguxie was immediately depressed, looking at the evil **** and asking: "Brother, what can we do? There is no train to the Nikolai Mountains right now, what should we do?"

The Cthulhu is also depressed. Here, they are not familiar with the place where they are born. They only know that Li Tian may be in the Nicholas Mountains. Now it’s okay. The train to the Nicholas Mountains has been suspended. ?

The evil **** thought for a while, and finally said, "Let's go to the bus station and take a look. I don't believe it. Isn't there a car in Catania to the Nicola Mountains!"

Under Cthulhu's decision, they rushed to the largest bus station in Catania.

But when they arrived at the bus station in Catania, the staff at the bus station also told them that they could not reach the Nicola Mountains.

They also said in the same way: All the cars leading to the Nicholas Mountains have been stopped.

At this moment, Cthulhu and Duguxie were completely depressed.

Nima, the train station stops sending trains and the bus station stops sending cars. What can I do?

Cthulhu, how do they get to the Nikolai Mountains?

I saw a group of people following the evil god, and everyone was walking forward depressed.

Suddenly, Duguxie cast a cold glance at the place behind him, and suddenly whispered to the Cthulhu Dao in his mouth: "Brother, there is a guy behind us all the way following us... Do you want me to catch him Live, ask?"

Hearing Duguxie's words, he looked back carefully, but there was indeed an Italian man with blond hair following them in the back place.

But what about Cthulhu? A faint smile appeared on his face and said, "I've noticed it a long time ago."

"Wait, after you get here, you catch him, I want to see, what exactly this **** wants to do with us."

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